forum Share your most devastating character backstory >:)
Started by @Angelfish-Eyes group

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@Angelfish-Eyes group

I'll put mine : Chrissy (short for Chrysanthemum and she existed before stranger things) has a gift that allows her to hide buildings. That's literally it, like the spells that keep hogwarts hidden. Anyway she was seven years old, daughter of a rich family, and playing in the yard in her playhouse when her parents tried to call her for dinner. She didn't realize her power had kicked in, and at the time thought her parents were joking and played along until they gave up.
Conveniently a gift in this universe is basically a draft for the queen's army (the danes) no matter what age you are, so once Chrissy figured out why her parents couldn't find her, she ran away and ended up living off of favors- she had a son when she was 17.

@Cadeverek group

Ok, I have Henka, aka my lovely little edgelord and William, my fucked up gentle giant ù_ú

Henka's born out of a pre-marital relationship and after his mom got pregnant, their parents got married. His dad has always been really violent and ever since he was born, his dad would belittle and yell at him. When his sister was born (2 years later), he was constantly put as a babysitter and was always blamed by whatever fuck-up his sister did, and had to answer/pay for the consequences of her mistakes, under the excuse that "you were supposed to be taking care of her! She doesn't know what she's doing, but YOU should have kept an eye on her!!". His father was very very violent and controlling towards him and his mother, it also didn't help that Henka was always a bit more feminine and very scrawny, meanwhile his sister is strong and "manly" so to speak, so his dad always lovebombed her and belittled him. He was drafted to the army and was ecstatic about it, since it was his ticket to moving out and finally living his life, the night before he moved out, his sister told him she had killed an official and would have to go with Henka, which made him sick with the rage of being a babysitter again while he thought he'd be set free. He takes her, abandons her in the way, flees to another army site/country, and being there, gets bullied and belittled for being so small and scrawny (but then he kills a dude to show who's boss and people stop bullying him lmao). Long story less long short, he starts smoking, drinking and doing all kinds of drugs to cope and ends up incredibly dependent/addicted. It's for an RPG so he dies either of suicide, overdose or asphyxia trying to kill some guy. Only positive thoughts on the channel!!!!! :DDDD

Will's story is longer but more repetitive so it'll be pretty short. His mom gets pregnant but her husband leaves her as soon as he finds out, and gets sent to jail after killing a dealer during a fight, then he's killed by that very dealer's gang as soon as he's set free. His mom goes all the pregnancy alone, and gives birth to William. In a few years, she notices something's wrong, Will is a lot bigger (as in taller) than all other kids his age, they start investigating and turns out he has gigantism (a condition that causes a person to overgrow). She keeps on raising him on her own all throughout his life, just to make it clear. Basically, Will meets a girl called Kim at around age 3, and growing up they were always really close, and his plot is basically that he gets bullied, like, A LOT, in every possible way, specially due to looking very different from other kids. It doesn't help that as he approaches adolescence, he's an emo kid (in the mid-2000s), androgynous/feminine looking, a lot taller than every single other kid, and just generally really shy (plus, he stutters so much sometimes it's legit impossible to understand), all the bullying made him develop a deep depression and social anxiety. Kim is pretty much the only person who stayed with him all throughout his life, and at some point he had a crush on her, which she started dating him but deep down she knew she didn't love him romantically, she just didn't want him to feel sad(der) and unloved so she lied for years. His physical condition only ever got worse and worse over time, he was really frail and thin and due to his height, he had to start using crutches to walk better, which made him very vulnerable to bullying and agression, well, even MORE vulnerable. His mom died in a car crash when he was 16 and his grandmother wanted to move to another city and put him up to adoption, which made him attempt suicide a few times, after all that he survived, dropped out of highschool in the last semester and ran away to another city, where he worked for 4 years as a security guard and essentially did nothing but fall into the deepest depths of depression (ironic ain't it), until his landlord forced him to finish highschool in order to remain employed, otherwise he'd be kicked out and fired. So yeah, he did, spent another semester in highschool, as always lots of bullying but he made more friends (and by more I mean like… 3) and got a boyfriend in that mean-time. He got a little better, met with Kim again in a park (she coincidentally moved to the same city 1 year ago) but due to his condition he went to the hospital due to heart failure, in the hospital he felt so miserable he pulled all of the Idk, life support paraphernalia and commited suicide through that. Died at age 23, roughly december 2020 (but I had written his backstory in 2017-8, so I didn't know about the pandemic, sorry :/)

Oh well, good luck to read all of my edgy 12 year old shit, these are the 2 saddest and edgiest backstories I've ever written and I'm aware of just how cartoonishingly edgy and borderline cringe they are! I like writing these character for that very reason, yeah, crige culture is dead baby!! Henka is pure, unfiltered, uncensored, unmatched teenage angst in catboy shape, while William is Doom&GloomTM from start to finish. I love them.

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*ahem *

The Lost Chronicles is not a book that I have here on, but it has one of the saddest stories I've ever come up with. It's about this fox with wings named InvisibleMoon who fell in love with another fox called LeafSpark. One day to two were out on a "date" when they were attacked by rouge wolves. They both died. Here's a bonus entry from IvisibleMoon's perspective:

"I gazed up at the stars, feeling the wind tug at my ears and tail. The pains I felt before were now numb as the cool moonlight showered over me. I breathed evenly in the night air, puffs of smoke coming out of my nose at the end of my long snout. I didn’t feel warm or cold… I didn’t feel anything. My coat, which used to be bright and lively, the color of a silver fish splashing about in the water, was now cold and bleak, pale like the moon.
As I stared at the stars, I had the sudden urge to fly. But I couldn’t… I wasn’t even sure how I got up here. It’s all a confused whirl. One of the gashes in my hind leg twinged painfully but I didn’t even flinch. For none of the pain on the outside hurt worse than the broken piece I had on the inside. While some would say that the cuts on my chest and fore paw were the ones that needed attention as they oozed out blood and dripped on the cleft that I sat on. But if you knew my story, then you would know that the three cuts over my eye were the ones that flung me out of a world of fantasy and straight into reality… those tore my heart in two.
A didn’t even try to stop the tears that flowed from my eyes and down my neck. I slowly sucked in a huge breath, letting my lungs fill to their fullest extent, before blowing it out again. I never took my eyes away from the stars. It made me feel like I was flying again. I stretched the naked bone appendages on my back, making them scream in pain, before letting them fall to my sides again. I had wings once… Now all I have are Scars."

@Rabbi_Arsonist group

Milaka: I already have everything wrote down in her wiki I will probably never post-

Loved by family, at age 6 she escaped death at hands by an Reisu, running to a nearby forest. Later going back after being saved by a pack of foxes from the dangerous predators of the Forest. When arriving at her village, she saw a sight of blood on buildings and on the inside as well. After losing her location and no hope of finding her parents she retreated to the forest. With no hope of surviving, she sat near a river, later being taken in by grownups. Instead of getting a good family she was thrown into an encloser with the same pack of foxes from the forest.

She was used to determining what was to happen if humans needed to survive with animals, but soon being used to see could someone survive an infection. She was only a test subject. A serum soon ejected into her veins, just making her suffer more known as ‘Project #398’ After some time, there was a blackout known around the world as ‘Hirota’ (Hee-row-ta) shut off all electricity for hours. Hirota was created by a very well-known disease all around the world in the ‘Kìshado’ era.

This caused all cells in the lab to open, Milaka and her fox family ran. Lab employees quickly grabbed flashlights and ran out towards the escaped & captured animals. Quickly shooting down as many as they could, Milaka’s head was drumming, but anything to get away. The next morning, she snuck back, to check for others, only to see her poor adoptive mother, but only her hide remained after she was brutally shown a ‘lesson’ for trying to escape.

Knowing that it was over, Milaka grabbed the fox hide and ran miles and miles away only to come across 3 others, with similiter stories.


Queen Rhine:

As a child she was abused by her father but thought this was normal so she didn't think anything of it. After he died she ran away and met Eliza. Eliza was a few years older than her and also a runaway. From then on they were outcasts together and became witches. Eventually Rhine develops feelings for Eliza. So she writes her a letter and on the day she plans on giving her the letter Eliza introduces her to her new Boyfriend Carter. Not long after a heartbroken Rhine gets in a fight with Eliza and they part ways. Rhine continues to work on her magic making it stronger.

She then speaks infront of the whole kingdom and claims she can speak to the goddesses Azu and Diem (basically this worlds god and satan). She uses her magic to make people believe her and she tells everyone that magic is born of Diem (satan) and that it is to be feared. She also says that it is Azu's wish for the people to burn all those who use magic. The people then make Rhine queen. A year later most of the witches and magic users who weren't killed are hiding away.

Rhine receives a visit from Eliza and her husband Carter. Eliza scolds Rhine for lying to everyone and begs her to renounce what she said about magic users. Rhine declines and offers them to stay the night. Eliza and Carter agree and late at night after they are asleep Rhine breaks into their rooms and kills them both with her magic. She then finds that Eliza and Carter brought their infant child with them. Rhine takes the girl in and calls her Hailey. She raises Hailey as her own using the same abusive behavior as her father but claiming that this is what love is.

She doesn't let Hailey leave the castle saying it is far to dangerous. Then she finds out that Hailey has been talking to a theif and 2 children of the staff. The night they all try to escape Rhine shows up to fight them but they fight back having possess magic of their own. After a long and brutal battle she is killed by Hailey herself. In her last moments Rhine gives Hailey a vial of her memories explaining everything about her and her parents. Her last words were "I can finally see my dearest Eliza again," Even in the end she never stopped loving Eliza.

(This is long as fuck but worth it)

@Angelfish-Eyes group

( ok ok im gonna be geeky for a second but are there intentional allusions? i am picking up on rapunzel, obviously, but also a little bit of Jason and Medea– for real tho, well written and engaging backstory, good job )


(Yes I did base it on rapunzel a bit I also based it on philip and caleb from a show called The Owl House! I didn't realize but now that you mention it yea it is kinda like Jason and Medea [one of my fav greek myths btw] I am glad you like her backstory I spent ages working on it)

Mt. G router

Lily grew up in a small town with her parents and older brother. She was a bright and ambitious young woman who had a passion for art and a talent for painting. She had big dreams of attending a prestigious art school and making a name for herself in the art world.

However, tragedy struck when Lily was just 18 years old. Her parents and older brother were killed in a car accident, leaving her completely alone and devastated. She was forced to put her dreams on hold as she struggled to come to terms with her loss and figure out how to support herself.

Despite the challenges she faced, Lily was determined to make a better life for herself. She took on various odd jobs and saved up enough money to move to the city and attend art school. She worked hard and eventually landed a job as a graphic designer at a successful firm.

But just when it seemed like Lily was finally getting back on track, she was dealt another devastating blow. She was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, which left her with only a few months to live.

Lily was forced to confront her own mortality and come to terms with the fact that she would never be able to fulfill her dreams of being a famous artist. She spent her last days surrounded by what friends and family she had left after dedicating every free moment of her life to art, trying to find a semblance of peace and comfort in the fact that, unlike humans, art is forever.