forum Prejudices Characters Might Have?
Started by @amini

people_alt 64 followers


I'm trying to figure out prejudices for my characters but I can't seem to find any that would fit characters. If you have any common (or rare) prejudices, put them here!! If they're kinda complex, explain a little. It'll benefit me and others too! :)

@klueekillz group

Maybe some of them think that people with tattoos are bad or criminals, other can think that millionare people are bad or selfish. They can look at a tall black man and think: ¨Wow, he must play basketball like a god!¨. ¨Men that cry aren't manly enough, they look gay..¨ is a (sadly) common prejudices. People think that womans should be more sentitive and calm..

You can search on google and on books prejudices, or maybe, ask others how they feel about __.
I know Im late but I would like to help you and others!

@sortaslightlysentient group

ur characters should be human. sadly, humans can be racist, sexist, homo/transphobic, etc. people are prejudiced against profession, appearance, religion, literally everything.