forum How do I give a believable motive?
Started by T. Grace

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T. Grace

I've been trying to give one of my characters a motive other than entertainment, but nothing I've come up with have been even slightly believable. (she decides to join a drug trade, by running the packages across the city)


Most of my characters' motives are protecting family and friends, and I feel that is the most common and believable. Of course, entertainment is believable if done right. You need to think about who your character is, and hopefully a motive should develop on its own. This was probably no help whatsoever, but it's what I do!


Well, there are different 'sections' of motivation. There are self fulfillment needs which are basically trying to achieve one's full potential. Then, there is Esteem needs which is a feeling of accomplishment. There is also belonging and love needs. It is a motivation because of friendships or relationships. Another motivation is safety needs. A motivation because she wants to feel safe or secure. Lastly, there is psychological needs; that is things like food, water, shelter, etc. They eventually break down into deeper things like curiosity, or fear, or guilt and things like those. Maybe you can use one of these and see which one fits your character most!

Hope I helped and good luck!