forum Hey, could you guys help with building my characters ?
Started by Maureen Wesseling

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Maureen Wesseling

Hey! I’m going to write a story about 12 children who are all linked with the zodiac signs, I have one character “ Aquarius” that I based of myself but I need help with building more information

Maureen Wesseling

I dont know witch character i can match with a personality, because the zodiacs are something that everybody can relate to and i dont want to offence somebody so i need to even it out and i dont how to do that


Hmm…I'm not really understanding what you mean here…are you saying you wanna match up the zodiacs using their stereotypes without…stereotyping people so they don't get offended?
I'm sorry, I'm really confused :|

Maureen Wesseling

yeah, im trying to do that but i mean that the they have good parts that even out the bad parts of the personality. Sorry for bad English BTW im not from england or 'merica