forum hey can you judge my character? thank you
Started by @sharkfinn_ey

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OKay, I LOVE HER ALREADY! She has a great personality, she seems really sweet and awesome.
And her aesthetic is everything, I love the pinterest board!

Besides giving her flaws, idiosyncrasies and such, you could add more depth to her character by giving an insight into her mind and soul. You could add her views of life, death, politics, religion, and such and why she thinks that. Even though she might not necessarily care for that type of stuff, I'm sure she still has an opinion on things.

Also, what's her breaking point? How will she react if someone pushes her too far? What will happen if she does get attached to someone? What if she does become a burden to someone?

Hope this helped! Disclaimer: I'm not a professional and sometimes I don't know what I'm talking about so if you have any questions, ask me! I want to help.


heyy, thanks for your reaction!
to answer your questions; when pushed too far she'll get so angry she'll start smashing/throwing things and maybe intentionally hurting someone on a later moment.
she'll get very anxious when she'll get attached and probably make that person the most important thing in her life. if she'll become a burden to someone, she'll most likely won't see them anymore, erasing them from her life to keep herself from bad memories and such.
i don't know about her breaking point yet, but i'll find out sooner or later. i'll add some more depth into her about politics and such, but don't know if such things are necassary since she's a side character…

anyway, thanks a lot for your advice and checking her and her pinterest board! it means a lot to me haha


I love her!! She seems like such an interesting person, and it seems like you've spent a good deal of time on her :D. You've really delved deep into her personality, and she seems almost fully developed! The only thing I'd say is to elaborate a bit more on her prejudices, why snakes? Also, could you explain a bit more on the whole "Angel set free by Keir" part? What role did she play as an angel? Finally, it says that she works at a bookstore near campus, but earlier you said that she has no education. You probably already know the answers to all these questions and just haven't put them on yet (I know I do that), I'm just asking.

Love her Pinterest board, very * aesthetic * (claps enthusiastically)! Over all, Eva seems like an amazing, realistic character who you must've had a lot of time making! :3


Thanks for your advice and compliments!
haha well i'll explain my kind of bare storyline a bit; Keir is Satan/lucifer, whatever you call him. Eva is from adam and eva (in english she might be called Eve? i don't know, in Dutch it's eva), after she died she became an angel. So ofcourse she didn't have any education like us, but over the centuries she became very wise.
She's always been fond on keir, and not on god. In my story god and satan are equal. both of them are as bad and as good as the other.
She hates snakes because it brought her the apple (forbidden fruit) and never really forgot about that.

Disclaimer; this is partly religous, but not ment at all to give a wrong image on christianity. it's more that i wanted to break the steriotypes and make satan a normal person, not the horned angry beast, and show that people change and grow

Deleted user

Could someone critique my newest Addition, Charlie Harbour? If you click on my name it should be in the characters section


That's awesome! Very unique, I've never seen anything like it! Would you consider publishhing a story about her?

haha thanks:) well she's a side character in the story i'm working on right now, but after that's all finished i'd love to publish it.


I'll go!

Alright, how long is her hair? You say it is wavy but not how long it is. Why does she hate people who likes snakes lol? I noticed that she kinda has two personalities, the rebel one and the cute-ish sweet one. Thats fine, some people are like that. But when does she act like a certain one? Because some people often act different around close friends and around people the don't know. No religion or politics? If she doesn't have a religion i'd just put Atheist, if she isn't sure just put Agnostic. And teenagers and young adults tend to have strong political opinions on almost everything. I doesn't have to be a huge opinion. Maybe she thinks a law is dumb or something. I think you should explain a little more on her background. Why did she set Keir free? Free from what exactly? Why was she at campus? Is she a student there? What kind of sadness has she seen over the years? Why exactly does she hold on to it?

Good luck! I really like your character! Hope I helped a bit :D