forum Help with making an interesting character?
Started by @Kawaii_pancake59

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So I'm trying to make a new character but I don't know what I want them to look or act like so they don't come across as super cliché. Does anyone have any ways to avoid this or could just give me some ideas about the character?

@Echellia group

Is there any sort of specific quality about them you know? Any song that could inspire something, or a poem? Are their eyes a certain colour, that makes them a specific creature, or do they have any markings? Maybe a tattoo? A scar? I know my latest story was inspired by something as simple as a song and a tattoo I found on Pinterest. Find the first thing, then let it all come to you.
With the cliche, there's not really much of a way to stop that, I'm sure my characters have some quality that someone out there is like "Oh that's so cliche!"
Everything is up to you to translate from your mind, type away my friend.
But here, you wanted a prompt so…
They have straight as a pin chocolate hair that ends just below their shoulder blades, and dazzling green eyes like a dragon's scales.

@Echellia group

@Echellia Xanthis thank you so much, you are a life saver! The prompt was amazing and the tips were brilliant!

Oh really! lol, I thought I was just being a passive aggressive dick, but I'm glad that I helped!