forum Does anyone associate a certain look with a certain name?
Started by @garden0f3den group

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I have a few characters whose first and last name start with the same letter. Alliteration in names is a mood. To me, if their name is an example of alliteration, they're usually a strong but caring character. If a character introduces themselves with their middle name, either they're stuffy or badass, it depends on what the name is. Now, specific names usually give me certain vibes.

  • Magnus: I know a few Magnus characters and people named Magnus in real life, but there's one theme I associate it with: muscles and a hero type. Strong, only a few things can make this character soft or nervous. Has a beard or incredible sideburns.
  • Lucille: I associate the name Lucille with a small girl. She's probably blonde, wore pigtails for most of her life, likes candy. This is a misconception. Lucille is actually terrifyingly strong and scary. Don't mess with Little Lucille.
  • Rose: I know two Rose's (from Doctor Who and Steven Universe) and have a Rose of my own. Rose is a powerful force, not to be reckoned with. She's very smart, strong, and strikingly beautiful. Also has an ally that would do anything for her.
  • Charlie: happy dude. Usually soft and sweet, a cinnamon roll. But if you mess with his family, he will hunt you down. He's a family man. Has soft hair. Beautiful.

Last names also give me certain vibes.

  • Wickes: rich, but an asshole family. Has the same connotations as Malfoy from Harry Potter.
  • Brannigan: rich, but the good rich. Very popular, someone in the family is probably a legend. Think the last name Potter from Harry Potter.
  • Winchester: a dirty name that has a reputation for itself. Members of this family are usually strong and angry. Big family, lots of kids. Think Weasley from Harry Potter.