forum Critique my character?
Started by @MojoRobo

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Hi! I'm bad at starting intros so I'm just going to head right on in.

  • First thing I'm seeing is that she's kinda overweight? I mean, there's no problem with that, I'm just noticing that you never said "Hey, she's a lil chub-chub, but it doesn't dim her fabulousness." You later wrote that her build is thin…. sooo….
  • So about the hair, this is more curiosity, but if you bleach dark hair quickly, it harms the hair, so did she slowly dye it over time? How's her hair situation
  • Maybe just a few more mannerisms
  • OH SO her hair can move? That's cool. It's like Marvel Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans. Gosh I love her.
    That's it! I am in love with that art! It's so incredible! I'm assuming it's yours, and keep up the gorgeous work. I would so totally read that story. Overall great job.


On the point about her being overweight, going off of BMI (Which I'm assuming is what you're using here) isn't the best way to judge how a person's physical appearance will be. I've known and seen people who, by BMI standards, would be considered obese, but they looked perfectly normal. It's mostly unreliable for getting a picture of how a person looks on the outside.

I probably should've included this, but the thing with her hair changing color is a weird side-effect of Kanji developing. People who go from human to futakuchi-onna have a chance of doing this in my world, it's just mostly based on genetics.

Other than that, thank you for your response. I really appreciate the praise about my art too. Thanks for taking the time to take a look at her.