forum Character help!
Started by @Grace<3

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Hey guys :) I'm sorry I don't have a character sheet for her, but I need some advice on my character Madeline. When I started coming up with my story, I had like 4 main characters, but about a month ago I came up with a fifth: Madeline. The only thing is…I still don't really know what her purpose is??? I realized that I was just using her in a dreaded love triangle (which I scrapped) But now idk what to do with her. Thanks!


Could you make her into a secret antagonist maybe? If that idea's out then you could have her reveal a big secret that upsets the balance of the love triangle and then disappears. Remember getting rid of or changing the character completely is always an option.


@childoftheuniverse Ooooh i really like the secret antagonist idea!!! My story is lacking a proper antagonist, so I really think this might work!! Thank you!!


Ooh. That's hard. I've actually had this problem a LOT. My strategy is a little weird, but it's always worked for me.

So I use a few options…

  1. Make the character a villain!! Or, like, a supporting villain. An obstacle, so to speak.
  2. Put her in the gang! I made an extra character into my 4-main-characters story too and ended up keeping her as part of the group. It's harder to do 5, but if you like her…
  3. Scrap the character. Make her go away. Bye.
  4. Incorporate her into a backstory of one of the mains/villains, then give her a couple cameos down the line.

I hope you can find a place for her!! All characters deserve to shine :D


@CinnamonRoll Thank you! I think I'm going to try to go the antagonist route with her! I also like the fourth option you provided :) I'll try these, and if poor Madeline still isn't working with me, I'll either have to do some heavy redesigning or scrap her. Thanks again! :D