forum Character Creation Exercise
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 57 followers

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

NOTE 1: If any of the following are the names of an actual person or derogative it is 100% coincidental. Please use the corresponding name & # of the character(s) that you choose to create, and please use this to describe the skin (type, condition, and undertone {in that order}).

NOTE 2: The project that they are for is set in modern times.

  1. Peter Trainer
  2. Kevin “The Sage” Cromwell
  3. Selena “The Hook” Duval
  4. Kate “The Cat” Walker
  5. Guinevere Walker (No relation to Kate)
  6. Coco Garmen
  7. Darrek Soi
  8. Waine (No last name)
  9. Harmon Lyre
  10. Jasmine Piccalilli
  11. Leriac Escar
  12. Ethan “E.” Scar
  13. Aqena, Goddes of Fertility
  14. Ara, Goddess of Tricks
  15. Ovris, Goddess of Love
  16. Matthyus Ververda
  17. Eliza Ververda
  18. Alexandre Devereux
  19. Gerard Tremaux
  20. Julienne Leroux
  21. Julienne Vigouroux
  22. Walter Wolfram
  23. Annemarie Laufer
  24. Erik Gusztav
  25. Rezso Viktor
  26. Jakob Sarolta
  27. Julianna Sarolta
  28. Alexa Franciska
  29. Julianna Franciska
  30. Christian Rhodes
  31. Christian Argos
  32. Jefferson Nash
  33. Kelly Sarlo
  34. Jasper Hugh
  35. Mia Dhow
  36. Anita Zane
  37. Marc Baldwin
  38. Sgt. Ella Rivera
  39. Erik Vega
  40. Kurt Olan
  41. Quinn Efrem
  42. Owen Nyro
  43. Zane Moto
  44. Matt Zulu
  45. Trevor Paladin
  46. Lemslee Paladin
  47. Alto Hays
  48. Ursa Hilton
  49. Gil Curu
  50. Tara Kyle
  51. Albania Costner
  52. Anna Noir
  53. Kato Olea
  54. Ed Reune
  55. Eta Duval
  56. Nina Edo
  57. Eve Khan
  58. Diana Holm
  59. Maxi Ultra
  60. Alec Xero
  61. Leo Aqua
  62. Omani Palette
  63. Eve Cruz
  64. Nona Otaru
  65. Irma Kern
  66. Mia Kit
  67. Etta Foreman
  68. Raul Psalms
  69. Erma Pilaf
  70. Len Ner
  71. Sierra Raitt
  72. Cora Alda
  73. Myrna Hyde
  74. Yuri Marsh
  75. Ellen No
  76. Zeke Myrna
  77. Tracy Lyric
  78. Tracy Narrow
  79. Ella Iron
  80. Mimi Rapse
  81. Karo Gaye
  82. Chiwan Drew
  83. Scot Hessian
  84. Zero Iowa
  85. Leona LaFlora
  86. Ed D. Yeti
  87. Paul Luise
  88. Lin Seed
  89. Norbert Wellmen
  90. Carl Jones
  91. Rory Queen
  92. Oliver Allen
  93. Henry Jones
  94. Rebecca Dunn
  95. Wendy Clark
  96. Abigail Oswald
  97. Alice Spering
  98. Jessica Harris
  99. Lenore Melbroke
  100. Patrica Salt
  101. Rachel Cross

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I honestly haven't the foggiest idea what the names mean…. Lol (Nor do I care. cough cough)

Just pick whatever character name you feel drawn to, and go from there.

Deleted user

Might think about the others later, but Kevin “The Sage” Cromwell, Selena “The Hook” Duval and Kate “The Cat” Walke are a pirate trio (or a gang of thieves, whatever's more suitable), who got their nicknames off both their personalities and the crazy stuff they fought through. Kevin is kindly and gentleman like, quiet and most logical, heals others. Selena is the leader, who goes after fame more then anything else, and loves getting into big battles with big weapons. Kate likes money more, and is great at stealing others gold and jewelry. She's sly, quick-witted and loves to trick others. She'd rather trap people then fight them. Their team also consists of members 60 to 70, though not everyone in the gang has matching values.

Deleted user

Also, Kevin's a half-elf and Kate is a werewolf. Selena possesses a crazy level of strength, but prefers weapons to punching