forum Are the reasons behind my character's flaws believable? Character critique!
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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"Does not like dogs due to their lack of independent traits and often times emotional insensitivity" What kind of a sick human being is this?!

I'm totally kidding, ahem.

Okay REAL critique time. XD I had to look up the definition for neuroticism just to be sure that I was remembering this correctly, and Wikipedia has a pretty good summary of it here:

It looks like this could severely cripple a person, or at least cause them to be unlike your character in strength. But then again, the definition is highly debated upon:

"Neuroticism is a trait in many models within personality theory, but there is little agreement on its definition. Some define it as a tendency for quick arousal when stimulated and slow relaxation from arousal; others define it as emotional instability and negativity or maladjustment, in contrast to emotional stability and positivity, or good adjustment. Others yet define it as lack of self-control, poor ability to manage psychological stress, and a tendency to complain."

So how exactly would you say Daphne displays symptoms as a Neurotic?

Also about the body language thing, is all of her body language completely intentional?

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Okay so, I wouldn't use wikipedia for medical stuff, as most of it isn't written by medical professionals, especially when it comes to mental illness, and most of the info is outdated by a good few years. I personally have an anxiety disorder (GAD) which is why I wanted Daphne to - or at least hint to - have some form of abnormal anxiety.

Neuroticism is different as a personality trait than it is as an actual anxiety disorder (Much like when people say that they're "so ocd"). Medical neuroticism, is scientifically known as neurosis, which in hindsight I should've used in the first place, and from my experience generally manifests as a tendency to severely overthink things, and interpret small meaningless things as problems, as well as a tendency to obsess. In Daphne's case, it's the body language thing and her desire to work harder and to succeed above expectations. Neurosis also tends to occur with perfectionism and control freak behaviours.

So Daphne, with body language, assumes that it is common sense to interpret body language as a form of conveying information (ie. if you want someone to be quiet or go away, by changing your body language to convey this message, they should understand and follow suit) though often non-overthinkers don't pick up on the subconscious message, even though Daphne does. I have a friend who does this, all the time.

Also I can speak from experience on the dog thing. I have both a cat and a dog, and the dog just cannot pick up on emotions or understand when to leave some personal space, whereas my cat is basically furry person and completely gets it.
Hoped that clears things up.


Okay yeah you're right, Wikipedia isn't always the most accurate, especially for medical conditions like you said. At first I wasn't sure if your character had it as a personality trait or as a disorder, and the Wikipedia page seemed just as confused, so that's why I asked for clarification. :) Thanks for explaining all that to me, it was really informative.

I really like the body language and control freak details existing from that, it shows logic to your character. I haven't seen a character with that kind of reliance on body language before, it would definitely be interesting to read.

And I was kidding about the dog thing, I get what you mean. :P I agree that cats make more sense