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forum advice on creating a meaningful character??
Started by @reid

people_alt 14 followers


i mean i make little ocs all of the time but none of them really…matter to me? like i made byrd (he's public) and i love him dearly and i feel a real connection to him as a character and w/e but whenever i try to make another character that i feel similarly about i come up blank.

when i made byrd i kind of combined the aesthetics of two things i was really into at the time (stranger things and mostly the rural aspect of interstellar) but whenever i try to do the same process for someone new i just…can't. is it because i need knew things to get into?? or that i cant find two or more aspects that compliment each other well enough to make a character?? idk i'm just feeling frustrated with it all :(


I think the biggest thing for me is giving them flaws. Not just "he's clumsy" or 'she's shy," but like actual flaws. Whenever you sit down and think about who your character truly is, your story starts to make a bit more sense, and so will the scenes surrounding them. If you're still not feeling connected to your oc's, try to think about what you love about other characters in books, tv, or whatever. Then you'll get a feel for what makes you feel good about those characters, which will reflect in your own characters. Hoped that helped a bit! ; )


I'd say make them relatable to you in some way. Maybe having the same struggles as you, some flaws that you have, same hair color, or even like your other one make them based off of something you like!