forum You Walk Into A Forest
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Deleted user

(Yet another group rp.) Scene: And suddenly, things feel warped. Off. The further you go in, the stranger things get. You see thing, you hear things. And then you realize you can see faeries, and elves. Dwarves too. You have just accidentally stumbled into faerie land. A fae follows you, dressed in a daffodil skirt and grass wrapped around her chest and secured with a button in the back, with a pixie cut hair and big blue eyes, flitting here and there.

@saor_illust school

The little girl, looks behind her and her eyes widen. "Are you a… FAIRY?" she shouts. "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET A FAIRY!" she twirls around happily, her white dress flowing around her, and her black flower crown falls off her head. Giggling, she picks up the flower crown and places it back on her head. "I should probably go tell Mum, she'll want to know! Besides, she'll worry about me if I disappear for too long," and she turns to go back the way she came from.

Deleted user

The fairy went over and called over a few more, and they twirl around her, making her laugh. Sunlight sits on her shoulder. "Oh no! You can't go yet! You just got here. Come, play with us!" She laughs right in the little girls ear. "I am too a faerie sweet child, and you are in fairyland! You mother mustn't know, she'll say your full of nonsense while we think your full of fun!"

@saor_illust school

The child giggles again. "Play? I LOVE to play!" she opens her mouth wide when she says "love". "What games do you have?" then she puts a hand on her chin, as if she was thinking. "I want wings too!" she calls up to the faerie in front of her. "You can do magic right?" she questions, staring up at the faerie in front of her, her eyes unblinking.

Deleted user

"Well of course we can, but our magic isn't powerful enough to make you a faerie! And what would your mum say hm?" She twirled around as lights buzzed about and went back to their daily business. "Now then, what games would you like to play hm? OH!" And she does a spell, and suddenly your the size of a bug, as tiny as the faeries. "There! Now play will be so much easier!"

@saor_illust school

"You'll turn me back when we're done, right?" the girl giggles, then screams in terror when she sees a harmless ant scuttle by. "What is that?" and points to the ant. "Everything is so much bigger! It's so scary! Is your magic enough to bring Kousei in here? He's my adoptive brother, and always makes everything better," she explained.

Deleted user

"We love children, so of course! And I PROMISE to bring you back!" She makes the motion of crossing he heart. "Say, what's your name anyways?" She said as she walked beside the young child. "Oh. And that's an ant. Most of the creatures down here are harmless. Mostly."

Deleted user

"It's alright dear! I'm Sunshine! And you see, you have me here to protect ya!"

Deleted user

(TOTALLY! Be a fae or some other smol mythical creature! Check out the other rp as well) "Yes, but I have magic and you sweet summer child, don't. And there is more than one fae, and more than one mythical creature I am friends with who are more than willing to help and protect us along the way! And you'd have to bring your brother here to play as well! But that can come another day! For now, the Queen Of Magic is throwing a grand feast! " (So I know I am going to influence as much original faerie folk lore here. One dab of the special gel stuff over an eye so you can see half of fairyland, half of the real world. Don't eat faerie food. Stuff like that)

Deleted user

"Hmm…maybe." Is all Sunshine replies with, with a smile and a laugh as they walk past mushroom houses and grass huts, mining sheds and gardens of all sorts. Everyone was flying up to a big tree, where the faerie queen lived. "Now. How are we going to get you up there little one?" She looks around, tapping a finger on her chin. (Asks for name, never calls child by it's name)

Deleted user

She nodded, and noticed some leaves and grass. "Oh ho ho well then! I have a spell for this." She quickly ties the leaves to you and mutters a spell, and soon your floating, and she flies after you as you slowly go, tugging you this way and that to get you to the entrance.

@saor_illust school

"I'm not going to float forever, am I?" Kaori worries, making the mistake of looking down. "I-I'm really far up! I'm scared…" she cried out, unable to tear her eyes away from the ground.

Deleted user

"No of course not! If you say a spell backwards and upside down and it goes away, quick as a sink! Or is it a wink?"

Deleted user

You then floated past the glowing hole in the tree and she tugged you inside, and then did just that and you landed. She did another quick spell so the fake wings looked real. A simple illusion of course. There was music and dancing of all sorts, and a wide feast with all sorts of food, most being sugar based. Cinnamon roles and tea cakes, icecream and angel food cake as well. And ale in every cup, with of course root beer for the little kids.

@saor_illust school

Of course, being the little kid she was, Kaori didn't know any better and looked delighted at the amount of food. "You eat this everyday? Mum says I'll get a stomachache if I eat too much of this stuff… but is it all for me?" she asked, all but jumping for joy.

Deleted user

"No it's for everyone to enjoy. It's a feast! It's the Fae Queens Birthday and so there's all sorts of goodies are here!"