forum To death. (temporarily closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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(in school rn. can post in about an hour.will explain and get this going again.)

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(So. The Trials. Designed so that only the worthy can try for reincarnation or live an alternate "life" in the Unterworld. If you fail one, you Fade.)
(The first Trial. Takes place in Crimson's Sector, which is underneath most of Europe. What was Europe. Anyways, you walk into this big, Coliseum-style amphitheater and basically have to fight your worst fears. But it's a mental thing. Kind of. In your head, you're fighting against your worst fears, but any damage that happens to you actually happens. Does that make sense when I put it that way? Okay. Think virtual reality. You run into a tree in vr, there's good chance you ran into something in reality. This TRial is designed to let the brave/strong pass.)
(Second Trial. … Still fine-tuning the stuff and will go into more detail later)
(Third TRial. The dead person must make a difference in the real, Above living world to rpove they will be missed and Fading would cause ~chaos~ however temporary in many people's lives.)

(will post corrin's response in a sec)

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Gino: is alone now and is confused


Corrin: THAT WAS VERY VERY BAD. hands Nori and Addic each a pendant Put these on RIGHT NOW. NEVER TAKE THEM OFF.
Aethea: The only way for you to come back is by passing al three TRials! During which you might Fade! And then even if you passed, you'd get reincarnated so you might not even-
Aethea: to Nori Can I poke your wings?

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Nori: puts on the pendant, grinning. Cute. Whuh? Oh yeah sure. Go for it

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(thank you. it's been hovering in my mind for a year now.)

Aethea: pokes and pulls out a feather Did you feel that? dips it in skulldust and flicks feather How about that?

(device dying now goodbye-)

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(sorry thought i posted with the first thing explaining the Trials: Pendants.Basicallyw ork like ID to show that the wearer belongs/is allowed in the Unterworld. Nori and Addic have green for Dead. Corrin and Aeteha have yellow for Legacy, Daefeto has a purple one for Demon. If you're seen without one, you will be killed. And since they're already dead, they would FAde.)

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Corrin: No, first we have to figure out some things. Nori, can you hide your wings? Addic, can you empty any and all of your flasks? You don't need them anymore anyways…

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Corrin: You literally CANNOT DRINK OR EAT now. AND it's not Unterworld food, so it'll be even more suspicious.
Aethea: All in favour of me just dumping them out? raises hand

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Corrin: Can you, like, teleport them somewhere else or something?

(also Lynn* can Nori erespond pls?)

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Aethea: OKAY…. we can just shove them somewhere? And pretend they're not his?