forum This is a character chat for the gays. Get on over here!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 68 followers

Deleted user

Basic rules:
Be nice.
Swearing is fine.
No heavy gore should be described here, if you really must just censor it and add a trigger warning so ppl don't have to look.
No straight up NSFW but dirty jokes are fine as long as you don't overdo it and stop when someone asks you to.
If a discussion is triggering anyone, causing discourse, or if anyone's causing drama and being nasty, the discussion is over and we move to another topic! It can be an obscure trigger or not even that big of drama, if someone's feeling uncomfortable they can send in a 🔥 flame emoji, or just say we're gonna torch the subject/that the subject is torched, and WE MOVE ON. If people continue to push it they get a strike.
And that reminds me! Three strikes and you're out. Break the rules three times and I'll kick you. One rule, one strike. If you are polite and apologize I'll likely let you rejoin but DON'T BE NASTY OR YOU'RE OUT PERMANENTLY OKAY BUDDY? We're on the same page then? Good. And even if you didn't break any rule listed here if you're making ppl uncomfy, I'll give you a strike. Don't test me.
Characters of all moralities are welcome but pointlessly edgy characters are sooo annoying. That's not the same as a villain, heroes can be pointlessly edgy too. Just…. if your character is sounding like Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way or whatever her name was then you need to rethink how you're writing your character. Same goes for Mary Sues in general.
Don't hog the chat, let other people contribute and have fun.
You can if you want to but I'd request you'd not have more than five characters, it's hard to keep track of. Like, you can have more than five but it's just. A bit hectic no offense.
Don't be a bigoted piece of shit.
Have fun!

Just do a brief description of your character and then chat away!

This will function like a groupchat. Like….

Character A has joined the chat!

A: hi

Character B & C have joined the chat!

A: Hey dude! Nice to meet you!
B: T-Poses to assert dominance
C: Bro.

Character C has left the chat

Just something like that. Idk.

Deleted user

(As long as you yourself are one of the gays I have no complaints. Anarchy, boiiis.

Deleted user

(The atmosphere will have an energy of shitposting, if this goes right. It's literally just our OCs being dumb outside of canon because they need a break ya know?)

Deleted user

(you can use more than one just don't turn it into an army lmao.)


(i mean i figured lmao– i think i'm gonna end up using my boy ivan because he's a pretentious twat and i love him)

Deleted user

(Ah then you will love my character Lanyon, he is also a pretentious twat but with yearning.)

Deleted user

Also!! Announcement that I forgot to add to the description but is here now! This will function like a groupchat. This is a groupchat. Like Discord or something idk. Anyways it's a group chat. Because I'm dumb and I thought it would be funny.

Deleted user

(hi~~ is it cool if I occasionally pop by even though I'm not…gay? possibly bi-curious?idk)

Deleted user

…. I'm watching u (kidding-) but yes allies/questioning and/or curious are fine you don't like actually have to be LGBT just don't be a dick.

What you must have, however, is a terrible sense of humor. Like. Shitpost humor (this is a joke mostly it's just the vibe im goin for here idk.)

Deleted user

Allies are good and I'm encouraged by them existing.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(My bi ass is soooooo gonna join in on this! I even have, like, the perfect character for this! Here's William, and the story he's from. I think you'll get a better feel for his personality from the story itself than you will from his profile.)

Deleted user

(I've been kind of stalking this thread and it looks like it could be fun. Mind if I join in?)

Hi yes cool

Deleted user

Also we can all start chatting whenever its cool.