forum Sad Boi Hours (a character chat, run by a character, for characters, who are bored)Open!
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Cici: yeah I… I must have forgotten… I’m really really sorry
Nori: it’s okay, bestie! It’s alright. Just don’t deck me. turns back to Auretta. So… what is going on in your situation??


Auretta: Just an evil organization wanting to be the most powerful in town…y’know, the usual. lightly traces a scar on her neck ….

Deleted user

Cici: still bewildered
Nori: geez Louise… no that’s not the usual. That’s not normal, hon
Cici: you sound like Drake
Nori: shut up

Deleted user

Tessa: I was your average homeless child until I was 10, and then my parents sold me to the government and were shot in front of me. I escaped with Serra when I was, like, 12.
Serra: And I was simply kidnapped for about a year, then managed to finally get free of that hellhole.

Deleted user

Tessa: Anyways, what I'm saying is this is pretty normal for people like us.
Serra: Nods

Deleted user

Serra: Traces her own scars You know, it honestly wasn't the worst thing. At least, compared to getting kidnapped, drugged and beaten literally an inch from death.
Tessa: Watches as they trace their scars I get it… but, my… boyfriend? Idk. Anyways, Adonis showed up at my doorstep a couple days ago. He looked like death.

Deleted user

Nori: I guess… yeah. I guess that’s normal for me too. I was experimented on and kept out of the public eye in fear of getting kidnapped by those people that experimented on me, and then they found me. They took me and my sister away from my parents, and held me in a laboratory. As far as I can tell, I think we’re being sold to terrorists. traces scar along arm. but I don’t really know. They beat me and swore to me they’d kill my sister if I ever spied on them again, nervous laughter

Deleted user

Tessa: Sighs, then uses a considerable ammount of energy locating Nori's sister, retrieving her safely, and destroying the labs using the shadows and darkness around the building Here's your sister… Faints
Serra: Catches Tessa You are an idiot, you know that?

Deleted user

Nori: catches Ari, and stares at Tessa, bewildered. what the hell!! What did you do??!! My friends were in there!!

Ari has joined the chat

Ari: N-Nori?? Where am I?? looks at Tessa and Sara. Did those pretty girls get me here?

Deleted user

Sky: Returns, notices Nori's sister Hmmm… a lot has happened in such a short time.

Deleted user

Tessa: Mutters Don't worry, all of your friends are safe elsewhere…
Serra: She effectively wiped that facility from the face of the earth.

Deleted user

Nori: close to tears, clutching his sister. Where are they??!!
Ari: Ani?? Nani ga okotte imasu ka?!??
Nori: it’s okay Imōto. They’re friends. It’s okay.

Deleted user

Nori: Well, if you say they're safe, then…
Ari: friends? You actually made friends?!! jumping around. Hi! Im Ariana! But you can just call me Ari! innocent child smile

Deleted user

Tessa: Unconscious again
Serra: Sighs, drags the unconscious form of her friend to the nearest bed

Deleted user

Ari: confused… I can wake her up! I’m good at that!
Nori: she is good at that
Cici: I can concur, yes.

Deleted user

Serra: Sighs Let her sleep. She's close to death as it is. She needs the sleep. That trick with destroying the facility really took her out.

Deleted user

Serra: Laughs Don't worry, we're all close to death, being literally the most infamous supervillains ever.

Deleted user

Ari: woahhh! Supervillains??! What can you do!! breaks from Nori’s grasp to admire Serra

Deleted user

Serra: Sighs I have the ability to conjure up illusions and spectres of whatever a person fears the most, or whatever brings them the most joy. I can use my words to charm people into doing whatever I want. It's more effective if it's something they want to do. That's all, really.