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Deleted user

(Whoops, I thought I put his name up. His name is Vladimir Amsden.)

@Dinosore19 group

(That is such a Chad name holy heck that's the name of the final boss of an rpg or a vampire. Anyway, want me to start up the rp or do you guys have an idea for an introduction?)

Deleted user

(Aww, thanks! I have no idea how to start it so go right ahead.)

@Dinosore19 group

A green field beneath a deep dark sky is illuminated by the generous glow of a full moon. The grass shines brilliantly with freckled drops of dew as the lights twinkle atop the blades carelessly, unaware of the complete amount of shenanigans that will occur on this midnight field. Among the knolls and shrubbery lies a single pale mound of… something. It looks like one big lump of snow, an anomalous discovery in the middle of Spring, but closer inspection reveals that it's two giant creatures sleeping soundly, peacefully curled into one another. They twitch and shift silently as they revel in their little dreams. They're silver fur reflects the moon brilliantly as they continue to innocently slumber with no indication that they would wake anytime soon. (Unless something were to, y'know, happen.)

Deleted user

Allison kicked them, as she walked on by.
"Fucking dumbasses…" She scowled, black hair shining in the golden sunlight.

Deleted user

The man swung gracefully from the saddle and landed silently upon the wet forest floor, the grass beneath his feet swelled and swayed toward the horizon like a green sea. The small brook he had been following, flowed down the long gentle slopes until it would eventually come to the wide mouth entrance of the ocean far away. He glanced at the moon hidden behind thick boughs and rustling leaves and allowed a thin smile to spread across his face. The night was perfect for a little hunt. Clutching his bow tighter he fitted an arrow to the string in one smooth motion, his mouth watering at the thought of the delicious young buck he was about to shoot. Striding out from the protection of the forest he raised his bow to shoot the…woman?

Deleted user

She was ready for the man's arrow.
"Do it…" She said, expecting it.

@Dinosore19 group

(So… it's morning??? I could rewrite the scene)) The one with the blue braid starts up with a snort as they feel a sudden jab to their side. They scramble themselves up and see a small… thing walking by. Their mouth hangs open as their eyes go small at the sight of it. They slap their sleeping twin with urgency.
"Roly! Roly!! ROLY!!!" The one with the yellow braid scrambles up startled and bewildered, half sleeping face covered in grass and dirt.
"What! What!! WHAT!!!" The blue braided one points to the thing that kicked them and whispers urgently.
"Lookie! It's a freaky one! Aint got fur or manners." They snicker silently to their twin. The yellow braided one, Roly, looks at the "thing" and their eyes widen.
"OH!! HI!!! WHAT ARE YOU!?" They leap up from where they were sleeping and land next to the "thing" with excited and wild eyes. The blue braided one starts laughing with glee at their silly twin.

Deleted user

"What are ya laughing at, you bastards?" Ahe was in a very pissed off mood.

Deleted user

The moon’s reflection seemed to bleach the color from his eyes making them seem almost white.
They roamed the woman before him, glancing over her graceful form and taking in her ready stance. He stayed poised for a moment longer, then slowly, he loosened the string and lowered the bow. That was, until the mound beside the woman revealed itself as two giants with unruly hair, and dirty grass smeared faces. He bent his bow pointing the arrow right at the yellow bearded giant. “What is this?” He growled, angry for being caught unawares, “some form of witchery?”

Deleted user

Allison was beside the man now.
"Watch where you're pointing it, you absolute chucklefuck."

@Dinosore19 group

Roly laughs in her face as they roll in the grass. The grass is flattened mercilessly by their size and weight. They call to their twin. "Alm! What are we laughing at?" The one called Alm bounces to her other side and peers closely at her. Their large blue eye quakes with excitement as it takes her in.
"I think we're laughing at this little weird thing! It smells like nothing I've ever smelled before! I think my nose is shriveling up!" Alm giggles incessantly while Roly keeps rolling. While killing the grass beneath their weight, they spot a person pointing an arrow at them. Roly gasps long and dramatic. Their inhale is a long strained sound as their eyes are pinned on the figure with massive interest. "ALM!! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!"
Alm makes one powerful leap in the air and lands next to the person while the earth shakes miserably. They put their head down and look at the person intently. "And who are you!? Are you with the sourpuss? What's that? Can I touch it?" They lift up their huge hand and try to poke at the bow the person is carrying.

Deleted user

Vladimir lunged away from the monstrous creature, arms shooting out as he tried to regain his balance, the very earth groaned and trembled beneath their massive bulk. He turned to the one address as Alm, eyes glinting in anger and disbelief. Drawing himself up to his full height he took a step toward Alm, “I have never seen this woman prior to tonight, and as for my introduction you sir, are addressing Vladimir II King of Thirignam.” He glanced from Alm to Roly, “and what exactly are you?”

Deleted user

"Vladimir, King of Assfuck, more like." She said, being disrespectful.
"I'm a half-angel, but I've been corrupted. My name is Allison."

@Dinosore19 group

Alm and Roly put their hands to their mouth and gasp softly. They stare at Allison with complete horror at first. They regard her with eyes filled with shock and terror at her words. Then, slowly and simultaneously, the twins giggle crassly to themselves as they squint mischievously at her. Alm speaks first.
"Oooooooooo. You said a baaaaad woooord."
Roly pipes up. "If we knew who you're mom was we'd tell on you!"
"And you'd get in a lot of trouble!"
Roly sticks out their tongue childishly while Alm looks at Vladimir and snickers at him.
"King! That's funny! You're funny! I'm Alm! That's Roly! And weeee're…"
Alm stands up to their full 10 feet and hops back to Roly, who scrambles to stand up as well. They clap their hands together while silver fire dances whimsically around their bodies. The fire reaches up to the sky and flashes impressively, like silent fireworks, as the Twins strike a synchronized pose and…
Both Twins remain quiet.
"I forgot."
"Me too."
They awkwardly hold their position as they look around sheepishly. They let go of their hands and sit on the ground together. Alm sighs dejectedly.
"Hecking darn. We messed up again."

Deleted user

Alm and Roly put their hands to their mouth and gasp softly. They stare at Allison with complete horror at first. They regard her with eyes filled with shock and terror at her words. Then, slowly and simultaneously, the twins giggle crassly to themselves as they squint mischievously at her. Alm speaks first.
"Oooooooooo. You said a baaaaad woooord."
Roly pipes up. "If we knew who you're mom was we'd tell on you!"
"And you'd get in a lot of trouble!"

"So? I'm not a fucking child, ya motherfucking bastard fuckos." She said, with a slight Irish accent

Deleted user

Vladimir didn’t’ take his gaze from Alm or Roly his eyes constantly running over their forms, watching for any sudden movements. He positioned himself in front of the woman hoping to get a clear shot if these creatures turned offensive and less friendly. “Half-angel?” he whispered, his voice returning to its cool self as the overall shock of what had just transpired slowly faded to the back of his mind. “Yes, that seems to fit, for if you were a full-angel that mouth of yours would be a little sweeter and less foul, they,” he waved his hand gently toward the ALm and Roly, "have a point, Lady Allison."

Deleted user

She simply punched the shit out of Vladimir.
"You fucking sexist pig." She said.
"And my mouth can be a lot sweeter, but it'll cost ya."
(Btw, did I mention that corrupt Allison is a prostitute?)

@Dinosore19 group

Alm and Roly stare at Allison trying to hold in their laughter. Alm chokes out words between giggles.
"What a rude mouth! It's like you aint gotta momma!"
Roly interjects. "Or a poppa!"
"At least we have an Auntie and Uncle! You're just a big ole sou-"
They both stop laughing when Allison punches Vlad in the face. They remain quiet for a second before looking at each other, then back at Vlad and Allison.

Deleted user

"My parents are dead, dipshits." She scowled, angry. She was always angry, it seemed.

Deleted user

He stumbled to one side as a clenched fist collided with his jaw, he felt a drop of blood trickling down his chin. He brought a hand to his face moving his jaw back and forth. He stood a step back from the woman, his hands trembling as he tried to control his anger, the grass around his feet shuddered and slowly turned brown, the moons once beautiful pale glow seemed to dim and turn cold. He took a deep breath and letting it out slowly. I am letting that little move slide, if you were a man I would have your head.” He moved the folds of his cloak to expose the hilt of a sword.

Deleted user

"Even more sexism? You don't wanna kill me because I'm a woman? How misogynistic can you get?" Allison said, pissed off

@Dinosore19 group

Alm's eyes widen and they speak matter-of-factly.
"Wow. That is sexist. Work on that, Mr. King."
Roly turns to Allison and nods in understanding at her words.
"Ooooh, So that's why you're a sour, bitter, spicy, nasty, foul, moldy, smelly piece of bread. No parents, no manners. Gotcha." They have their yellow eye fall on Vlad. "Also, yeah. True equality means you beat the snot, blood, and bone outta whoever hurts you. So go at her, Kingman!"