forum OG Battle Sun (Character Chat)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@ElderGod-kirky group

She returned his smile, turning her ears forward. "Yes. It does make things quite interesting." she tapped her lips thoughtfully. "Hmm. What sort of creatures or people do you interact with? Or do you only willingly interact with humans?"

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Coco glanced around and noticed a girl who was also human or a grounder whatever they were called.

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Coco, being the eager idiot she is and wanting to make friends, walked up to the girl, "Hello!"

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Coco followed, a smile on her face, "What's your name?"


"I'm Cilvia," she purred. She had never been this close to other creatures. She felt her ear twitch in exitement, so she was glad she decided to wear the hood.

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"Cool! I'm Coco." Coco replied, Did she just purr? She thought.

@Darkblossom group

Scrip looked back down at the arena, and then gasped in horror, along with almost everyone else in the stands. A cycle 0 Scorpon child began wailing pitifully. In the middle of the arena, a woman had just appeared. She had long black hair, and wore a long, fitted white shirt, with a black belt and cloak. White magic still swirled around her hands, and she grinned at the crowd. A tall Scorpon with a scar shaped like a star engraved on his chest jumped into the arena. It was the Scorpon leader, or Peacemaker.
“Lorrehlyl! What are you doing here among my kind?” He growled angrily, and Scorpio stood to back up the shorter Scorpon.

@Darkblossom group

“She came to Poison Woods once before. She killed almost half our race and set the forest on fire, almost single-handedly. She said she needed to ‘appease the demons’. The Peacemaker, Skiktol, made a deal with her so that she would never come back.” Scrip’s tail trembled in fear.


Cilvia shrunk in her seat, her ears drooped. This isn't going to be good, after hearing that I know I won't be able to hold my own against this one

@Darkblossom group

“You agreed never to come back here, Lorrehlyl. We had a deal sealed by the Divine Protector and the Scorpion Mother!” Lorrehlyl shook her head, still grinning.
“We made a deal that I would not kill a Scorpon again. But there seems to be some…others in the crowd.” She swept her piercing gaze over the non-Scorpons in the stands, as well as another on the other side that none of you had seen before.

@Darkblossom group

In a powerful burst of magic, Lorrehlyl shot out streamers of magic that grabbed the non-Scorpons, pulling them toward her. They gripped at them and choked them, just enough to be painful but not enough to kill. She erected a bubble of magic that surrounding the fighting area of the arena, pushing the Peacemaker and Scorpio away. The other non-Scorpon that none of you had seen was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes, who looked relatively strong. She wore an ash gray full body suit covered with a translucent orange cloak.