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Deleted user

"Za Warudo!" Time stopped and so did everyone and everything else. He took Peppermint off of his couch and onto the ground. he resumed time and everything else.


Nyx sat back on the chaise longue and sipped her tea, observing everything calmly. The small bouncing girl was now on the floor, she noticed.

Deleted user

"Yare Yare Daze…" He sighed, picking her up and putting her down on the ground

Deleted user

"Yare Yare…" He said, waiting for Peppermint to disobey him or something. He thought Sceptor was cute.

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"Who wants to watch tv?" He asked, not sure if any of them know what tv is.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Peppermint waited until Vozrael left the room, then the girl climbed back onto the couch and continued bouncing. She was Charlotte Peppermint, after all. Nothing could stop her from having a fun time.