forum I'm bored so...Character Chat!
Started by @Anonymoose

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Anna rubbed the cat again. "Well, if there's a trial, we should be ready. Can you tell us what kind of trial?" She looked down at the cat.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Tess crossed her fingers. "Please be explosions, please be explosions, please be explosions. If they know me at all they'll do explosions. Which they should know me, considering how often I've been on the news."


"What about you guys? Any hidden talents, like a love of explosions? Maybe if whoever put us here knows what we're good at that will be part of the trail thing."

@Pickles group

Ignoring everyone else, Danny said, "Tess, you've been on the news?!" When they got out of here, he would definitely have to tell Alex about this.


All the trials have one thing in common, the only way to get out is solving the math riddle to find the path." the cat walked into an open hatch and disappeared. The hatch slammed shut.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Tess winced again at his shrill voice. It might not have intentionally been shrill, but it was to her sensitive ears. "Eh, yeah. Ever heard of the thief known as the Golden Huntress?" She frowned at the cat's departure.