forum Drawn to the Valley - Character Chat - Always Open
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

It’s almost like a signal, an invisible one, that pulls people into this valley. Canyon. Whatever you wanna call it. It’s big, rocky. Dry. And it has a few structures in it, all worn down and abandoned. No one else seems to be here…yet. Or maybe there is someone here already, waiting.
As the title says, this is always open, no template; describe your character in RP.

I only ask these few rules

  1. Blood and violence is fine, but don’t overdo it.
  2. I do allow cussing, but same as above.
  3. Do not powergame other people (by that, I mean, don’t force stuff on them, don’t control their characters, etc.)
  4. Be respectful, dislike the character, not the person!
  5. Please try to have good grammar, at least be understandable!
  6. Yeah no clue what else to put here but this list will change probably.

Feel free to jump right in.

@saor_illust school

Elara looked around frantically. Her blonde hair waving slightly in the wind, her blueish-grey eyes flickering with fear, confusion, and uncertainty all at once, she took a step towards the large natural landform. She didn't know why she was here. All she knew was that she had had an urge to go exploring, and drove her car, not really knowing where she was going, and then she'd ended up here. She didn't even have her phone with her… What is this? she asked herself. A canyon? No, too small… A valley? Too big for a valley… What was it then?

She let out a small squeal as her foot tripped over a rock, and she fell forward, and her head hung over the edge. Elara's eyes widened, terrified, and pulled herself back, stepping away from the edge. "I- what is this place? And- why am I here again?" she asked out loud, listening to her voice echo around the rocks.

Maybe I should go exploring, she wondered, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Elara quickly shook her head, answering the unspoken question. Exploring was out of the question, especially in her condition. According to the doctors, she still had at least a good year and a half left. But- she still didn't know how fast she was deteriorating. At her last checkup, they'd said that it was possible that she might have to go on IV feeding soon. She sighed, and looked up at the sky. At least it was pretty- that was something…

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

"What the hell?"

Conner rolled down the window of his sedan. The GPS on his phone had stopped, and it looked like the battery was dead. All he remembered was suddenly taking a right instead of a left, and now he was here…but where was here?

It looked–well, he wasn't sure how it looked. Somewhat like a canyon, somewhat like a valley. He twirled the side-braid of his short auburn hair in deep thought, the…in-between, hybrid wrongness of the landform making his mind spin.

He hesitantly exited the car and locked it, and walked slowly towards the edge of the rift. Conner narrowed his yellow-brown eyes to better see the interior in the glare of the setting sun. It looked like there were ruins in it, worn smooth by wind and sand, eerily akin to the bones of a giant animal, larger than any he'd seen. Now that he was closer, it was deeper than he first thought.

A sudden gust of wind blew a cloud of dust into Conner's face. He devolved into a coughing fit, quickly digging his inhaler out of his pocket and taking a breath from it. "Christ, it's almost like this place doesn't like me," he muttered to himself.

He was about to turn back and see if he could charge his phone in the car and contact his brother when he caught a glimpse of a woman on the other side. She looked lost too.

Conner cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hey!" he shouted, and started to cough again. After another breath from his inhaler, he continued, "Hey, are you okay over there?"

@saor_illust school

"Hm?" Elara turned around, startled. "Oh- yeah, I'm fine… I guess… just a little disappointed that I can't actually go explore this place…"

She sighed, but cracked a small, but bright smile. "Oh well, I'll just find something else to do later… for now, I think i rather like the look of the sky today- so I think I'll stay here awhile…"

Elara sat down, and laid her head against the concrete road which stopped suddenly at the edge of the canyon, and just watched the sun and the clouds in the sky. "What're you doing here…" she murmured, as an afterthought, but it was much quieter than the words she'd spoken previously.

@knightinadream group

Caesar liked to ride his violet colored bike around at night. He always loved looking up at the stars while laying on the ground. Usually he went up on his roof or to the park, but today, he felt like going out a bit further. Not really caring how far he rode, Caesar kept peddling while tucking back some strands of his dark black hair. He had a black backpack on him with the silver zippers making clink sounds as the wind came through. A small smile broke the bleakness in his face as he kept alongside the road.

Something about the place ahead seemed so alluring to him. It didn't provoke his mind at all till he realized he forgot where he was. Caesar held on his brakes then put his foot down as his eyes kept wandering around the area. What's this? A colossal valley perhaps? Taking out his phone, he tried to pull up the maps app, but it was being slow so he gave up.

It did not manage to scare him yet, it just made him more curious. Caesar got back on his bike stuffing his phone in his jacket pocket before beginning to peddle again. His chin was held up to help look ahead in the darkness; the moonlight could only do so much. Squeezing the ebony rubber brakes, Caesar's eyes kept glancing around. The landscape around him, valley ahead, and odd structures kept his mind from the road ahead of him or the people and cars.

Jerking his head, the young male's eyes almost popped out of his head as his hands turned pale holding the brakes. "I yah!", he muttered under his breath, Caesar could feel himself being pulled forward as the bike stopped. His attention was glued to the two people in front of him for a second. Still, he couldn't see very well, but he wondered if they saw him. Not entirely sure what to do, he glided back hoping the two didn't notice anything. Were they also interested about the canyon?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"Where… am I?"

Akira finally regained her senses and found herself at the wheel of her old, beat-up van. She looked out the windshield, her dark brown eyes taking in her surroundings. How did I even get here? The last thing Akira remembered was walking out of her apartment and into her car. Then, nothing.

Opening the door, she gazed at the setting sun. Maybe the last time I ever see the sun, she thought. "No," she said aloud, shaking her head and watching her black and blue hair sway. "I'll be fine. I was a Girl Scout for a reason." Akira stepped out of her car, and almost promptly fell into the canyon.

She let out a shriek, her sneakers skidding on a rock. As her feet were almost over the edge of the rift, Akira reached for the door of her car… and just barely grabbed it. Steadying herself, Akira carefully walked along the edge to the other side of her car.

Akira noticed people a ways down the canyon from her, but her legs were still shaking too much for her to walk that far. She sat down against the side of her van, bringing her knees to her chest under her oversized violet hoodie.


Ava felt like going on her first ever vacation. Away from the city and the weird stares. One of her only friends she made after escaping her country offers to come but she new she needed to be alone. To think about the past year. She wasn’t sure why she got in the car she barely new how to drive and drove to the middle of nowhere. She parked near a canyon and walked down with nothing but her backpack. Her arm was bandaged tightly.

@saor_illust school

Elara jolted up to a sitting position at the sound of the shriek. Jumping to her feet, she looked around for the source of the noise, and her gaze landed on a girl who looked quite panicked. Walking quickly over to the girl, Elara gently put a hand on her arm. "Hey- you okay? Are you hurt?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice. If she couldn't cure herself, it would be easier to help others. Plus, it took her mind off of things.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Jordan had been on his daily jog down the side of a river when he stumbled over the untied laces of his shoes. After regaining his balance, he groaned a little bit, annoyed. He bent down to tie his shoe. Thankfully there was nobody around to see his mishap, but as he looked up at his surroundings, he noticed something was off. He knelt next to a large canyon, frowning. There were people here, but none of them noticed him at first. Did I really jog this far? he asked himself. Wait, where am I?

@Mojack group

Sitting upon a bus that had been sitting in the ground for far too long was none other than Dewey himself. Known under many names, still. But Dewey would always be his first name. Boots tapping against the metal of the old, dust covered bus, Dewey glanced up slightly, the stick of a popsicle still in his mouth. He lifted his hand, taking it out, with a barely audible ”oh” upon realizing it was all gone.

Spinning the stick in his fingers for a moment or two, Dewey pocketed the stick and lifted the lower half of his mask back up onto his face. There was a slight click as everything - well, clicked into place. He tapped at the two tubes connected to his mask that derived from where his mouth would be, wrapping around to the two oxygen canisters around his belt. Raising his hood, Dewey scratched at his elbow before looking down. Placing his hands on the roof of the bus he swung his legs and jumped from the bus, checking himself over, before a yell a little ways away from him gathered his attention.

People are here, Dewey noted, upon seeing some forms in the distance. And more would probably arrive it would seem. Whatever. Dewey wasn’t too bothered by it. He didn’t own this place, after all. Swinging his arms and giving them a stretch, Dewey looked back to where most of the people were - entering the place. Might as well hop on over and see what they were up to. Give them a welcome, maybe. Talk.

He proceeded on over.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

Conner turned from the edge. His gaze fell on someone- a new person- with a purple bike, who looked like they were staring at him, not unlike a deer in the headlights. Their sudden presence and the absence of the sun gave him a chill. Running his hands up and down his arms, causing his bracelets to jangle as he did so, he decided to slowly approach the person. Maybe they could help him, or he could help them.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Jordan slowly made his way to the scattered group of people. He had an eerie feeling, like he wasn't supposed to be here. He felt lost. But he wasn't shy, and he needed help. "Does anyone know what this place is?" He called out, to nobody in particular.

@knightinadream group

Getting off the bike, Caesar stood up straight letting his hair falling in front of his eyes. He didn't bother to put the pedal down since he thought about possibly going father into the canyon. Or it could be the fact he felt unsure with what he sees around him. The idea to search the area felt like the best thing to do; especially being lost and not knowing anything that made all of this seem eerie. Whatever the situation may be, he couldn't figure out what it would turn out to be.

For a moment, his mind wandered off trying to make quick but decent solutions. Deciding to look around more, Caesar kicked down the pedal and dropped his backpack before walking around for a moment. He turned to look back at the road before him while standing in his previous spot. Nothing. Slipping his hands into his jean pockets, Caesar's lips parted slightly letting out a sigh.

Caesar stared back at the other young man he saw before. His eyes squinted trying to see the person better. Suddenly noticing how he was walking towards him, Caesar took a step back then another. Words didn't easily fall out of him, only his eyebrow made an arch while he turned his head to the left. "Can I help you?", he queried.


Ava walked down. she didn't realize that there were others around until she saw some people. She debated walking away and leaving them alone but she kind of wanted to know what this place was. She walked down to them. She heard Jordan's question and shook her head. "I kind of got lost," She said.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

Seeing that Caesar was backing up, Conner quickly stopped, putting his hands up. "Sorry, man," he laughed. "Just wondering if you knew where this is. Like, are you from around here or something? Cause, I was just heading to a friend's and somehow I ended up here. I have no idea where I am. Also, uh, do you think we should head down there? It seems like the other people have all gone in that direction. Maybe one of them'll help us." He smiled slightly, trying his best to express that he didn't mean any harm, and gestured to the group of people that could just barely be seen in the light of the moon.

@Mojack group

Dewey approached some of the people, catching the question of ’Does anyone know what this place is?’

As he walked up he called out his answer, although his voice came out slightly muffled from his mask - though it was understandable enough - “It’s many things, but going by now, it’s a just a shadow of its former self.”

@knightinadream group

First thing he thought of doing was shaking his head before taking a breath. Maybe being stiff and cautious wasn't the best thing for a first impression. Caesar's eyes trailed down to the ground below him. He wasn't sure if he felt more lost from curiosity or confusion at the moment. Biting the inside of his lip, he looked back at Conner with a confused expression before shrugging.

Taking his hand out of his pocket, he turned so he could see both Conner and the road. "I know as much as you do.", Caesar sighed while pointing down the road,"And if my memory serves me right, I live a five or so miles down there, but I got distracted." He took his phone out again to try to find a map again for a second then put it away.

He stared back at Conner reading his face; his eyes flickered for a moment noticing the slight smile. Then he glimpsed ahead at the others. Caesar nodded while picking up his backpack, it might serve any use to this situation, but he has no clue what else to do. "It seems like the most logical thing to do.", he agreed before beginning to walk.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Jordan pondered over the response he had gotten. He didn't know quite what Dewey meant, but it only intrigued him further. Jordan scratched the back of his neck.
"I don't…" he started to say, then switched his thought. "Do you… live here?"

@Mojack group

Dewey stopped walking and folded his arms. “No,” he admitted, glancing up at the bright sun. “But I’ve been here a lot of times in the past, and I still come here from time to time, as you can see.”


Clementine brushed the strand of hair in between her eyes behind her ear, unfortunately it fell back into place. Not like it mattered it never would stay behind. She thought about undoing her hair ties and letting her ginger hair free, she decided against it. Somehow in pigtails, it was neat. For a moment she tried to get rid of dirt off of her uniform, she then realized she could do nothing against it. Her green eyes darted around when she realized she was separated from the group. “The fuck,?” She said looking at a canyon that was in her view.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Akira walked to where she saw other people. "Anybody know what- what this place is?" She tilted her head to let her hair fall in front of one of her eyes and straightened her hoodie.

@saor_illust school

"I'm okay," Akira muttered. "Just a little shaken up." Akira got to her feet, dusting off the back of her hoodie. "Thanks, though."

"You sure?" Elara tilted her head slightly. "Hey- what's your name? If we're gonna be stuck here, at least let's be stuck here together-"