forum Death has come for you... (A character chat for Death and some others. Join with whoever you want to, make sure they can handle it though!.)
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Deleted user

Wren: Merely reacts with the arcs when he touches them, his form flickering and shaking. He removes his hand soon Interesting how the arcs react to contact.

Deleted user

Wren: Laughs, makes a crown, puts it on Look, I'm shivering! He smiles broadly

Deleted user

Dūrus: Laughs at Wren's antics Okay, that's enough of that. Give Lucitius his arcs back.

Deleted user

(I'm going to join the chat, Balance! Cus why not! And Vē'Êtherñøth is here, as always. I'll throw in another person, who's more innocent than her by a long shot. Lily is like, 10 or sumthin. Idk.)

Vē'Êtherñøth: Hello, small child!
Lily: Shyly M-me? N-no thank you…

Deleted user

(That's fine! It's a character chat, you don't need to ask! Nobody does! I've removed that from ze rules already, so…)

@Pizzaz11 group

(I've been at school all day and I'm, so tired-) Squid: He's just been watching everyone else quietly, not wanting to move much anyways. The things the mask does to his body always makes everything hurt afterwards, so he'd rather not

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Lucitius: Watching the arcs thoughtfully, like a proud father watching his children play. They eventually retract and grow smaller, until they are barely more than hair-sized strands that crawl on his body.

On’nyosh: Electrical pets. That’s new.

Lucitius: Hums. Electricity has always treated me well.

On’nyosh: Shrugs, a bit lost.

Goldergon: Moves over to Dūrus, eyes flashing with eagerness. You need my assistance, Mentor?

Deleted user

Dūrus: Yes, Apprentice. I need you to find where exactly I sent Falbahaddon and Avectus. I need to make sure they aren't taking mine job over elsewhere. And stealing kills from you. Would you do this for me? And if they are causing trouble, kill them.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon: Grins. It shall be done, Mentor. Vanishes.

On’nyosh: That guy is an evil bastard.

Lucitius: A massive understatement. He is much worse than you can ever understand, jester. ‘Tis unsurprising that he serves Death, the individual, for he is obsessed with the concept of the ‘Art of Death’.

On’nyosh: So, basically a fucking mass murderer from hell.

Lucitius: Massive understatement.

Deleted user

Dūrus: Good, Apprentice… and now, for you, On'nyosh. As I understand it, recently you came into contact with Everi Nyxan, or Nyx. He… ah… nearly killed you. Vē'Êtherñøth here decided you were worth turning into a god. Now, I don't know if you know this, but you were meant to die. Vē'Êtherñøth literally altered Fate. Altered my will. Somehow, she is that powerful. This is supposed to serve as a warning. Do not abuse this power…

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

On’nyosh: Looks at Dūrus in shock. I’m… a god? Seriously? And… that’s fucked. That really is. Um… no promises on not abusing the, whatever the fuck, power I have. I’m spontaneous as fuck, but… I’ll try.

Lucitius: Groans. Looks at Dūrus. Tell me you lie, I beg you. To have this insufferable fool as a god would doom the multiverse.

On’nyosh: Well, fuck you too, Lizard Fuck.

Lucitius: Groans again.

Deleted user

Wren: Nope… I sense no lies from Death. He speaks only truth.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Lucitius: Groans a third time. And when the multiverse dies. Sighs.

On’nyosh: Still stunned. Well… cheer up, Lucitius. I’m simple, and I could care about politics. You can keep that shit. I’ll just lounge in a brothel until you destroy the multiverse.

Lucitius: Glares at On’nyosh.

Deleted user

Dūrus: I have no clue how the Changeling knew I was not lying. But they are right.

Deleted user

Lily: Absolutely terrified D-D-Death? Wh-what?
Vē'Êtherñøth: Well… hello, Death! It's been awhile.

Deleted user

Vē'Êtherñøth: Addic? I like him! Who are you again?
Lily: Looks at Maia U-um… wh-who are you?