forum Claimed Chat Group (Derlik Approved)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Painted-Iris group

(Kye: Dad you don't need to have the most souls, we don't even know what to do with them anymore)
(Derlik: But… I gotta be the very best 🥺 Like no one ever wasss~)

(Kye, : so does me telling you you're the best not count anymore…? 🥺🥺🥺)

@Painted-Iris group

(Kye is literally so bipolar at this point from child who gets all sad when not constantly cuddled and loved to mature adult in the body of a 12 year old lmaoooo)

(Kye: Ugh if you wanna visit we can, but I'm only going to say hi to Simon.)

@Painted-Iris group

(Kye, : so does me telling you you're the best not count anymore…? 🥺🥺🥺)

(Derlik quickly: No no!! It means the entire world to me!)

(Kye: Then you'll stop collecting so many souls? 🥺)