forum Character Shitposting Chat
Started by @kiley_arrants Premium Supporter

people_alt 71 followers


Kiyo: I dislike labels because they signify attachment. The last person I was attached to was the psychopath that is currently hunting me down.

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Mia: Well you just called Saeyun angel so I'm not sure what you mean by 'no attachments' but whatever, thas' cool.

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Mia, still eating gummy bears: Alright. Is Sunshine a title too?


Saeyun: Yeah. Cuz he lights up my life.
Kiyo: I'll have you know that I can break a man's spine with my bare hands. I am not sunshine.
Saeyun: That's what you think.

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Mia: Calm down. No spine breaking. Couple banter's cute and all but, seriously. No. Spine. Breaking.


Kiyo: I don't like that method of murder anyway.
Saeyun: How about we talk about something pointless and silly for once, instead of always being serious?

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Mia: Yeah. I'm a normal person. (puts wasp spray back in satchel) So that means I am capable of doing normal things (pushes the inflatable chair behind her.) Like talking about pointless and silly things. (eats more gummy bears)

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Mia, shrugs: Sure. Um…. Do you guys like memes? I invest an unhealthy amount of my energy into memes.

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Mia: Its a picture with word on it. They're supposed to be funny but some people make boring memes. We shun the unfunny memers.

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Mia: Apparently nobody here does. You guys must think I'm obnoxious. All I do is talk. (eats gummy bear)