forum Character chat because I don't wanna work
Started by @Painted-Iris group

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@Painted-Iris group

A concerned look crossed Hinata's face.
"I will, then." She leaned against another tree, sending her swords to her mind.

Malachi felt a bit better at the sight of no weapons. He had to be careful however. The girl seemed quite quick to anger.

@Painted-Iris group

Malachi stared wearily at the girl before him. She seemed to not be doing anything.
"You… aren't going to hurt me… are you?" the small boy asked, seeming to be brave enough to speak again.

@Painted-Iris group

Malachi twisted the hem of his shirt nervously. "I'm not normal a-and you scared me with that glowy thing and the sword you had… I thought…" the boy trailed off. He still didn't know what said object was.

@Painted-Iris group

(Hinata: Why can't I get a signal?!
Malachi: A signal for what? Your box?
Hinata: It's a phone. I need a signal for it to work.
Malachi: Phone…? What is that?
Hinata: …)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yas XD)
"Glowy thing..? Oh, you mean this?" Hinata pulled her phone out of her pocket.
"And I'm not normal either-" Hinata held out a wing, "-and I highly doubt my sword would ever think about hurting you." Hinata smiled.

@Painted-Iris group

Malachi nodded. "Yeah, that," he replied, voice a bit clearer. The half-dragon jumped from where he was only to have his wings support him as he carefully descended the short distance. "I've never seen anything like that…" the boy murmured as he tilted his head to examine it without actually touching it.

@Painted-Iris group

Malachi tentatively did as he was told before jerking his hand back. The surface felt smooth and somewhat cool. Watching, the interface of the strange object changed to reveal several small colorful squares and symbols overlaying a photo in the background. "Woah…" was the only thing to escape the child's mouth.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hinata smiled.
"It's called a phone. I use it to stay in touch husband when I'm away from home, and to play games." The background was Hinata standing close to a man with red hair, an eye patch, and fox ears. A fox tail was poking out from behind him.


Watching cautiously, the man relaxes when it is clear that no harm is intended towards the child. Not wishing to be found out, he steps forwards into the clearing, blue eyes bright and ears perked. Voice calm, and rather warm, he speaks softly. "Ah, hello there. I am Orion, it is good to meet you here. Normally people don't visit my neck of the woods."

@Painted-Iris group

The small boy was still a bit timid and simply gave a small nod. The cat-eared man seemed kind, but he wished to wait a bit longer to reveal his name. He didn't recognise this man.