forum "Can Someone Talk To Me?" (OPEN TO ANY AND EVERYONE)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

She ignores the prodding by Rayla as she sighs over Kathy's unruly laughter, "Look, I can't trust you after saying your hobby is killing people. You can't blame me for that."

Deleted user

Phoenix frowns at Kathy casually roasting marshmallows and Rayla prodding Danica, heedless of any discomfort it might be causing the flaming girl. After a moment of which the antics didn't stop, he stood.
"Hey, did you guys think to ask before getting up in her personal space?" the young man said, taking a step forward as though to step between Danica and the other two.

Deleted user

Phoenix nods, his expression still firm, but not hostile. Absently, he brushes crimson bangs out of his eyes as he slowly sits back down next to Nikki.
"I'm not trying to pick a fight," he says, aiming the comment at Kathy, "I'm just saying; let's keep things civil."

Deleted user

Danica gives a grateful glance at Pheonix before her flames fizzle out. She checks herself to make sure she's no longer on fire before she claps her hands together.
"Right. So, anyone else have anything to share about themselves before I go get snacks? Since marshmallows were mentioned and summoned, I assume some of us are hungry."

Deleted user

At the mention of food, Phoenix's stomach growls. He grimaces; he didn't realize he hadn't eaten in a while.
"I like chicken," he commented tentatively.

Deleted user

(where did everyone else go lol there are like two characters who haven't talked in ages)

Deleted user

"Chicken…" Danica looks thoughtful, "I might have some dino nuggets in the freezer…."

Deleted user

Phoenix stared at Danica, nonplussed.
"What in Sheodor are dino nuggets?" he blurted out, "And what do they have anything to do with chicken?"

Deleted user

(I keep switching between past and present tense, HELP XD)

Deleted user

The red-haired boy furrows his brow, still frowning.
"Why would anyone cut chicken into funny shapes?" he asks, "Chicken is for eating."

Deleted user

Phoenix's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "You have siblings?"
He winces when he realizes how indelicate that sounds, but it's too late to take the comment back.

@andrew flash_on

Rayla thinks, then blinks. A plate of these fabled "dino nuggets" appears for Pheonix.

"Dino nuggets!" she says, delighted. "I've heard of these only in passing from demigods who ascended from the mortal realm."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Kathy smiles, nodding. “Its more of- chosen family. I was born an only child.” He chuckles, “I found my brother out in the woods alone. So I took him in. Well- he followed me home-“ he smiles brightly, a fond look in his eye.

Deleted user

(I went back and read about character descriptions and unless I'm wrong…………… HOLY COW KATHY HAS A ROSE FOR AN EYE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!)