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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, yeah." Adrian nodded. His 'country' hadn't really been invaded– though it still felt like it had– nor was it an actual country. More like the district of a city. Still, the people living there didn't deserve what the Queen's Men had done to them. "Uh, anyway. What do you do for fun?" He winced, not satisfied with the question.

Deleted user

"Don't look so nervous, I don't bite," Ramona said. "I like to read, write poetry, ride my horse, and of course, see my friends. I often spar with Max and Damien. Oh, silly me, I'm saying their names as if you know them. Max is the local falconer, and Damien is a soldier."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"That's what everyone says," Adrian muttered, grinning at Ramona. "What kind of books?" He asked. It was interesting that she wrote poetry– he could never do that. "Oh, I see. That sounds fun." Adrian had never really gotten the luxury of sparring with people. It was usually a very real fight, where he could die if he lost.

Deleted user

"I like to read the classics of my culture," She explained. "Have you heard of Shakespeare? I love his plays about kings and rulers. My poetry isn't all that good yet, but I like to write anyway." She saw the look on his face. "It's fun because of who I'm sparring with, but it's practice too. We have to keep sharp these days."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I have not," Adrian answered, shaking his head slightly. He hardly had any time to read, and if he did, it was either on anatomy or demonology– things he could apply in his life. "I'm sure it's good. Better than anything I could write, anyway." He laughed softly, hands drifting up to check that his eyepatch was still in place. "Well, it's nice that you get to have fun with that. I wish I could do that, but every time I leave the house, I get unwanted practice."

Deleted user

(I'm gonna pause this for now because I have a lot on my plate but will pick up soon)