forum A second Character Chat? Why the hell not!
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Deleted user

He gestured towards the shadow Fassor slipped into. "I'm not safe. And, if you want me to be honest…" he trailed off, hesitating telling her about the whole Tessie situation.

Deleted user

"The dragon girl, Tessie. She was very close with me. But now…she's found someone else in the various absences that I take. And now, I'd be surprised if she'd even come within a mile of me."

Deleted user

He threw his hands up, turning around and starting to walk away. "I took down a fucking demon camp to save her, and I get a kiss on the cheek from her and a fistbump from her fucking boyfriend. Now I have you laughing at me. Fuck off. Just fuck off."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She stopped him. "Sorry. Sorry. I have heard legend of the Huntress. If they true, then I doubt she has boyfriend. I also not think she not want to see you. Quite opposite, actually." Her eyes still gleamed, but she was no longer laughing. "Describe this 'boyfriend' of hers."

Deleted user

"He wears a shit load of jewlery all the time, nose piercings, long hair, and green eyes. Rhydar."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She shook her head. "Unlikely. Prince is an ass. Besides, she not good with relationships. Especially playboys. Has… history." She shook her head again. "She likely wishing to see you, but afraid of how you feel."

Deleted user

He shook his head back. "With all the shit I've said since then? I'm dead in her eyes. I'm surprised Cinthia herself hasn't came by to beat my ass."

Deleted user

"I essentially threatened her the first time the Vanguards came around and scared the hell out of some poor girl."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She scratched the shaven part of her head. "Yup. Done worse. You scared. Upset. Watched. World turning. Reasonable reactions. She likely worried. And think you hate her and Vanguard."

Deleted user

He chewed on the inside of his bottom lip for a moment, then called out, "Clove?"

Deleted user

"Thank you." He finally, finally looked like the 17 year old kid he really was. Completely cleared of the rage and anguish, cleared of his past and his father.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Her expression didn't change, but she was glad she could help at least one person overcome their demons. Perhaps she should take her own advice… "You're welcome." She tipped her head back and closed her eyes, listening to the whispering Runes far across the island. They were faint, but there. "I have job. Be here for some time. See you later, yes?" She didn't open her eyes.

Deleted user

"Yeah, for sure." He began to walk off, looking for a clear patch off grass. After a few moments, he found what he was looking for and laid down on his back, closing his eyes. He began searching everywhere in his reach, going from mind to mind before he got that metallic taste a Vanguard always gave him. Now, here comes the tricky part. He sent out a single, faint pulse of energy the way of the Vanguard, with a message saying "Find me." attached to it.