forum Key Hacks!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

These are all the key hacks I know. If you know any more, tell us!
(Only you have to use these withoout the spaces.
** bold **
*italics *
` Different Font `
@ Username
< Invisible Text (don't know why) >

< spoiler> Spoiler </ spoiler>

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

< invisible text > is caused by treating invisible text as an HTML tag.

Likewise, there's alternatively (without spaces):

< b>bold</ b>

< i>italics< /i>

< s>strikethrough</ s>

< hr/> for a horizontal rule

wrapping text with backticks (`) makes it monospaced

I'll see if I can find a guide somewhere and post it: it's a mix of markdown and sanitized HTML that's supported :)