forum Hi....this isn’t a roleplay’s more of a question, because I’m an idiot.
Started by @Hawkeye

people_alt 4 followers

@Moxie group

It’s basically when someone notices people have stopped responding to the chat, or the chat has gotten buried by other chats, and doesn’t want it to get lost. Sometimes it’s kind of reminding people to respond. I love your username btw


Omg the stage play hands down. I saw it before I saw the original movie and I couldn’t stop pointing out all the differences. My dad nearly killed me.


Yes! I learned all of Jack’s part over the summer(or at least as best I could in my room:some creative liberties were taken). I watched it A LOT. It’s literally my favorite movie/musical/thing ever.


Omg my brother was at my throat. We share a room, and it was playing at all hours of the day. He was REALLY mad at me.


Honestly andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Keenan-Bolger is goals. Like… he’s honestly great. Also, I told my brother we were talking about this and he just flipped me off. He doesn’t like Newsies. And the sad thing is, he’d be great to play Jack.