forum Destined for Despair (Closed)
Started by @Bunty group

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@Bunty group

Hello! I'm new to the site! I have done some roleplaying before, although I'm definitely rusty, so would someone want to roleplay a bit? I'd love it if you had a template/idea for the premise

@Bunty group

Mood. I am mostly used to roleplaying fantasy/romance, but I'm really down for anything if you have any preferences?

@Darkblossom group

Fantasy/romance sums up everything I love! Lemme think. Okay, random idea time!

Two travelers from another world (us) appear to secure the rulership of the young new queen and prevent all who would overthrow her and turn the kingdom away from its destined path. Little does the queen know the travelers are hiding the fact that she will go mad in her future and bring a reign of destruction on her beloved people. As they get to know the queen while fending off assassins and wading trough political intrigue, one or both of the travelers might feel remorse for securing such a terrible future, even though it is the destiny they were tasked with securing.

The travelers could know each other personally or just by reputation, and who knows what feelings might bud during the adventure, between them or the queen?

(For romance, I'm cool with gay or straight, but I'll probably be playing a female character)

@Bunty group

Ooo I love it! So these two otherworldly characters know the timeline for this world?

And do you have a template to use or do you prefer to go in blind?

@Darkblossom group

Yes, they know the full timeline. Here's a simple template, I'm going to make my character later today. The travelers are probably roughly humanoid, but feel free to add on anything special you would like.


@Bunty group

Awesome! Thank you!

Name: Sarsönil Eoiali (he tells most people to call him Sars for short)
Gender/sexuality: Male, Straight I think
Appearance: Bronze skin and copper hair. His hair is smooth and falls down to his waist, he usually keeps it tied up. Irises so dark brown they appear black unless under a bright ray of sun. Long limbs, longer fingers, and small waist, but still toned muscle particularly in his shoulders and abdomen. He's about 5'8" tall. He's got a red tattoo centered on his back of a sun (think like the same style as the sun in Tangled). His eyes are narrow and sharp, and his ears are slightly pointed, like an elven sort of look. He has many scars dotting his body, but most are faded and insignificant. He has three braided leather bracelets on his left ankle. He smells like coriander.
Personality: Sars can be very cat-like, slow and relaxed, easy to please at one point, then a bit feisty and impulsive the next. When he gets into the rhythm of combat he easily becomes merciless and seemingly inhuman.
Powers/abilities: He can mute the sounds he makes while moving/breathing (so he could sneak up on someone silently) and has an affinity for water- he can move it with his mind, summon it from deep within the ground, and make it float through the air.

(I can add more as needed/if you have any questions! Or if you have any recommendations/modifications/suggestions I am all ears!)

@Darkblossom group

He's so cool! I can already picture him!

YA, no explicit stuff/minimal swearing

Name: Sevenna Drestyl
Gender/sexuality: Female, bisexual
Appearance: At first glance, she looks like a noblewoman. Long layered dress, embroidered cape and hood, elbow-length gloves, plaster white skin, piercing eyes that seem to penetrate far too deep into your soul; an odd, elegant mask reminiscent of a plague doctor’s. The truth is, she’s a human-sized silver dragon in disguise. Makeup powdered over her scaled arms and around her eyes, gloves to hide her claws, a long dress hiding her legs and her tail looped up underneath herself, special cloak with pockets for her wings and a hood to hide her short horns, and the most difficult part to pass off, a mask to hide her long dragon snout.
Personality: Cunning, playful, confident. Feels it best to hide her true nature from the humans for now.
Powers/abilities: Can fly, although is out of practice. Has extremely powerful eyesight. Can charm weak-willed beings (humans for the most part) to be susceptible to her will. Her skin is cold to the touch, and when she is in distress the coldness of her skin becomes painful to anyone who touches her.

@Bunty group

Aww thank you! Sevenna looks quite cool too!

Shall we have it so they only know each other by reputation, and they're meeting each other for the first time now? Also, are they working for some otherworldly organization to ensure this world's destiny plays out, or are they just individuals working towards this? And what setting are they starting in, is the queen a princess in line for the throne but they have to murder a couple people ahead of her, is she just some peasant that they have to bring into the spotlight, is she already queen but people are seeking her harm?

@Darkblossom group

Working for an otherworldy organization, they know of each other by reputation but haven't worked together before, let's say the queen is a princess right now but the monarch before her has just died so she's getting coronated pretty soon, actually that could be the opening scene now that I think about it. She is young, probably 18-19, and a lot of other family members want to kill her and take her place. For technology, our characters can travel worlds so they have experienced modern tech that we have today, but the place where they are now is more Victorian era I think. We probably need to name the kingdom, any suggestions?

@Bunty group

Okay awesome! As for name suggestions, I have a couple ideas:
Varesia, Benyx, Trései, Opila, Qéo, Dolindi, Asteria, Yurul, Pilliax, Rentworth, Islilia, Svenna, Teliria, Hykno, Minna

And what should the name of the organization be? I also have a few ideas:
Teliel, Benyx, Thrès, Yirole, Fisi, Exel, Texi, Oxo, Oxop, Tropis, Dynast

(Or if you come up with any that you like, please share!)

@Darkblossom group

These are all great names, I might actually save them for if I need name ideas in the future. I think Opila sounds the most like a country, so let's go with that. As for the organization, I was thinking that their boss who gave them the mission is named Fisi, and the organization itself I'm not sure how to name cause I'm not really sure how to define it. I don't think we need to, at the moment; we can come up with something later if needed, since I don't think they'll be discussing the organization with the humans. With that, I think we're ready to role-play!

@Bunty group

Okay awesome. My thought process wad that if they ever think about the organization/discuss it with each other, it could be addressed by its name.
Also lmk if/when you would like use the names cause I use them for my own universes, so you don't use a name that I'm already using/intending to use :)
Would you like me to start or do you have a start in mind?

@Darkblossom group

I can start!

Sevenna sat patiently in her carriage just outside the palace entrance. Somewhere inside Princess Violet was preparing for her coronation; according to Fisi's briefing, the coronation began in two hours. Her partner, this Eoiali person, would arrive any moment now. And then, they would find a way to speak with the queen. Sevenna adjusted her mask. Wearing it for the foreseeable future was going to be very annoying. She flicked open her fan, scanning outside the carriage once again.

@Bunty group

Sarsönil Eoiali was so very far from his home in the Pilliaxn deserts as he rode upon a dusty brown steed to the palace grounds of Opila. How long ago were the days when he ran along the hot red dunes to watch the oxen and when he sparred with his brother around the embers of the prior night's fire? The prescence of the three leather anklets on his leg seemed even more pronounced as he hooked and unhooked his boot in the stirrup.

Sars shook his head at himself as his horse slowed to a trot, then a walk. He always found himself turning nostalgic before the start of a job. He needed to get out of the habit. There was no use in swimming in memories that are long gone.

Sporting a simple black pants and a deep blue tunic adorned with three glimmering pins -imitating badges of victory in war- Sars scanned the area. His dark eyes danced over the grand entryway and landed on a carriage that rested nearby. He moved his lips into an easy smile as he steered his horse to come up beside the vehicle. Sars gave a light knock of his fingers against the side of the carriage, his voice smooth like milk as he said, "Hello there. Might you know a Miss Drestyl?"

@Darkblossom group

Sevenna alerted to the sound of hoofbeats, and was not surprised to see the strange man who entered into view beside her carriage. The coachman, a mute, said nothing, but hopped down to help Sevenna out. She stiffly bowed into a curtsy, her fan snapping closed.

"I am Miss Drestyl. Mister Eoiali, I presume. I trust your journey was pleasant as can be expected." She peered into his bronze face, narrowing her green eyes to study him; but she could read nothing clear in his expression. Her constricted wings and the awkward loop of her tail were too distracting at the moment, so she simply turned towards the palace, offering her elbow for him to take.

@Bunty group

"You can call me Sars. I trust your journey was absent of trouble as well? The countryside is quite lovely here," Sars dismounted his horse with ease before taking the woman's elbow with one arm and his horse's reigns in the other. He would have to hand the steed off to a stable boy at some point.

"Might I ask if you have any lovely information other than what was described in Fisi's message?" Sarsönil asked, his mind on the mission, but his eyes explored the palace's entryway. It was bursting with color and elegance. Flowers of many varieties decorated the exterior, well groomed by some servant no doubt, and the architecture seemed to be out of a dream or memory. At least Sars would enjoy his stay here in this foreign world.

@Darkblossom group

(Love the new name of the rp btw)

"I am afraid I have heard nothing else from Fisi. I arrived not long ago, and have not had time to gather information; I will admit I have seen little of the countryside." Sevenna watched Sars' eyes dart around, taking in the architecture. She had little interest in it. She had seen enough palaces in her days, and after a few disastrous experiences they had lost their charm. She only hoped this assignment went better.

They walked through the grand hall towards where they knew the princess would be. Sevenna looked straight into the eyes of whoever attempted to stop the pair, and they quietly halted, turning away as if enchanted. Soon enough, they had reached the princess's chambers, and Sevenna paused, reaching a gloved hand to her wig and adjusting it. Taking a heavy breath through the mask, she looked at Sars to see if he had anything to say before they introduced themselves to the princess.

@Bunty group

((Yay I'm glad you like it! I figured it needed a better fitting name for the story haha))

Sars handed off his horse as they passed a stable boy at the entrance and walked with Sevenna without words. He caught how the palace guards and servants moved, and then turned unnaturally without a moment of hesitation after a glance from Sevenna. Sars had never met someone who could influence people's thoughts and actions through internal means. The mind was such a delicate thing, the thought of it being tampered with felt both criminal and… enticing. He wanted to ask about it, but at a later date in a more private setting. For now, Sars focused on the moments ahead of them as they approached the princess' chambers.

"I suppose it's time to get this whole thing started," Sars put on that easy smile before lifting his hand a giving a light knock with the back of his hand. This princess, destined for madness… Sars knew he would have to tread lightly around the woman. When people went mad, there wasn't any reasoning with them. He wasn't going to let this mission get caught up in a mess just because this woman would lose all logic in her head one day.