forum Who knows art??? i need tips please
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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

i do traditional art (or try to)
i mostly sketch

Aye, unfortunately, I'm a sculptor, so I don't think ill be much help-
All I can really say is use references. I also watch a lot of youtube videos, for tips and stuff.
Disappointingly the most important thing is practice, you just gotta keep cracking away at it. The human brain is amazing, it'll learn, you just gotta be patient.

Deleted user

i do traditional art (or try to)
i mostly sketch

Aye, unfortunately, I'm a sculptor, so I don't think ill be much help-
All I can really say is use references. I also watch a lot of youtube videos, for tips and stuff.
Disappointingly the most important thing is practice, you just gotta keep cracking away at it. The human brain is amazing, it'll learn, you just gotta be patient.


Deleted user

i do sketches and traditional and stuff!

okay ive got a few tips-

  • At least when starting your drawing, keep your grip loose and don't press down on the paper too hard. During your rough sketch, it's fine to make mistakes, just pretend the mistake isn't there and draw over it, then erase.

  • Erase thoroughly. By far one of the most annoying things about traditional art, but always make sure you have erasers, whether it's on a pencil or one of those fancy ones.

  • Most people will tell you to think in shapes- do not only do this, but remember that you're drawing something in a 3D space. Think of it less like a picture and more like a set for a play, or something like that. That isn't to say you shouldn't use shapes, just don't think entirely in shapes.

  • If you're artblocked, do not use your sketchbook. You are probably going to waste a ton of pages with stuff you don't like. I usually take a ton of lined notebook paper and sketch and play around so I don't feel like it has to be perfect or I have to put the page to its best use.

  • Use references, as Seeba said!! They are not cheating, they really do help.

  • Not everything has to be a polished piece

  • Take pictures of your progress. On the same topic, make sure your drawing isn't off balance by taking a photo (make sure your camera is directly above the subject) and flip the photo in the photo editor. It makes such a huge difference.

  • Look around you when you aren't drawing! I've found it helpful to mess around and look at my own hands when I'm bored, look at others' hands, faces, noses, arms, (I mostly draw people if you couldn't tell- just look at whatever applies to you) and it might give you a better idea of how things look in real life.

  • Forgot where this quote is from, but "consume when you can't create"- if you have an artist you admire,look at their work. Play or listen to music. Watch TV. Daydream. Read books. Look at others' creative works until you feel inspired to be creative again- however, if this feeling just isn't coming, you might just have to take a break and then get back to it; eventually you'll find inspiration.

  • Scroll around on Pinterest if you have it and make an art inspiration/art tutorial board to look at. Also, watch other people in the process (in real life or a video) of making art.

I think that's all for now, but I hope this helps!