forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 196 followers

@Starfast group

Decided to try something a little different than what I normally do. The reference for this actually came from a random location from Google Streetview (this is in Belgium in a town called Libremont-Chevigny). It took me like a whole month, but I'm really happy with how it turned out :D

@AloofFloof group

It's the first day of Easter break, so after a rough final week of term crammed with tests, I broke into the break by drawing all the main characters of my main project uwu

@ClownB*tch eco

@Starfast I particularly like the stone house with the blue roof, but the detail overall is amazing
@AloofFloof That is really cool, your characters look interesting too. By any chance do you have their pages public? I would love to learn who they are

@Pickles group

Dump time! (Sort of)
Some stuff from approximately a year ago

Vs now consistent style? who's she?

Some ✨ lesbians✨ that I did for inktober (the prompt was dizzy and I'm actually pretty proud of the line art I did) and then tried to render without a reference. I don't really like it, but

More lesbians


i tried to do digital painting???
idk but i only used a layer for the face
also this is xiangling from genshin