forum Poetry
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm in love with an Aussie,
With daisies in their hair,

When they sing their songs,
I cannot help but stare.

When they're jealous, they squeak,
And my heart just wants to stop,

When they wear my things,
I wilt and I flop.

When they use their accent,
I tend to malfunction.

If you believe I'm in love,
You've got the right assumption.

Don't get me wrong, they can drive me nuts,
But I just love them all the same,

I want to spend my days with them,
I have no care for wealth or fame.

I would follow them anywhere,
I would kiss them to to death if I dare.

Because, I'm in love with an Aussie,
With daisies in their hair.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

They see the pride,
They see the Rainbows,
but what they don't see,
is all of us in the ghettos.

Daddy's girl was thrown out
'Cause he wanted to be mama's boy.

She was denounced because
a girlfriend brought her joy.

They were left on the streets
because they refused to conform.

He was shunned and shamed
'Cause he wanted to adorn.

You know, we call ourselves enlightened,
We call ourselves learned,

But how do we beat our own kind,
because their lives are not preferred?

Mommas abandon their babies,
because they're not what they dreamed.

Daddies turn their backs,
Because we're not worthy, they deemed.

But as much as we're hurt,
As much as we struggle,

Together we'll rise,
so, in groups, huddle

Because we have a secret,
We'll put an end to our oppression,

We are human too,
We have rights, yes just like you,

Is this surprising?
It's sad that it is.

But we'll survive and
Put an end to your shiz.

My brothers, my sisters,
My children, my friends,

We all deserve respect, and we'll
fight for it until our final ends.


I'm not much good but I was hoping for some feedback

Warning it's a little sad

Breaks me
But, I'm not dying
It's just a plea
For someone to see me
Before I am done
Letting tears drip
down my cheeks
like little trees
spreading their branches
as I cry myself to sleep
once more


I do! Thank you very much. I post some on my profile.Whisper, honestly tho honey, your poetry is beautiful. I was going through the discussion. Everyone is so talented!


Sure! You should post some more peotry in the chat. You are really good! I love reading your peotry!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Well…. I have a kind of morbid one I found from a about a year ago.

White bones stained with black blood,
Silver knife in hand.
Blond hair crusted with mud,
Blue eyes taking in his contraband.


Morbid is fine. It's poetry! Its about those weird feelings and those details that we usually ignore.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, heh heh. It's all not that great because I literally take 15-30 minutes on two to three poems and I don't really take my time. I just usually end up writing poems because a random phrase [that half the time doesn't make sense until you really think about it] pops in my head.


Hush little child,

The day has been long.

Night is now falling,

The wind sings a song.

It hails the heroes

And mourns the dead.

But heed me not, child

And rest your head.

Your weary eyes close

And softly you sigh.

Your innocent ears

Are deaf to my cry

You sleep to the sound

Of the death bell's toll

It mourns for the fallen

Every dead man's soul

So dream on now

Though the winds be wild

Oh alas, little lad

Poor fatherless child


Hush little child,

The day has been long.

Night is now falling,

The wind sings a song.

It hails the heroes

And mourns the dead.

But heed me not, child

And rest your head.

Your weary eyes close

And softly you sigh.

Your innocent ears

Are deaf to my cry

You sleep to the sound

Of the death bell's toll

It mourns for the fallen

Every dead man's soul

So dream on now

Though the winds be wild

Oh alas, little lad

Poor fatherless child



(happy 4th of July)


Searching for blood in a salty sea
Skeleton hands reach out towards me
I hear bloody waves shredding my face
I don't understand whoever called this grace
You leave me to choke on other people's blood
I'm not ready to hold my breath
I'm not prepared to ignore death
Here we go, but I'm too dirty!
Down, down, down, this can't be mercy
You leave me in the dark
Straining for something, some kind of sign
Stars are onyx, wet bones shine
All I can see are remains of people I never knew
Is this my life, is this what you want me to do?
You leave me isolated and too alone
Is it only in hell that there are vengeful ghosts?
Or in heaven are there suicides, like you the host?
I don't belong here, but neither did they
If they got to leave, why should I want to stay?
You leave me with mistakes


When we were young, we never thought we'd die
When you're a big girl, you say 'ouch', you don't cry
The teenagers are angry, the adults just yell
But the little kids, they haven't yet been through hell
We'd play with our dolls, we'd crown ourselves kings
While the big kids just played with their phones on the swings
Now we've forgotten how to breathe, how to laugh, how to play
Forgotten who it is that won't let us say what we want to say
As children, we didn't notice when someone else was upset
And we didn't feel guilt, because we didn't obsess about it
Now our innocence is gone, white crushed under the weight of black
So let's avoid the salty kids, because now there's no looking back


Blue was the color of summer skies
Blue is the sound of drowned men's cries
Blue is supposed to be calming but it's not to me
Blue seems too invincible, usually
Blue was what you thought of when someone said 'water'
Blue is the color of Lady Liberty, but she was copper
Blue is overwhelmingly full, like the ocean
Blue just reminds me why I won't be chosen
Blue was a sign of royalty, before
Blue became a sign of an internal war
Blue is nothing but apathy and sorrow
Blue is my reminder that we lost our tomorrow
Blue is in Easter and the 4th of July
Blue is the sound of the New World's lies
Blue is a cool color, not hot like red
But blue is more violent, because blue means cold and dead

Deleted user

Usually I’m
Not one to talk and
usually I
Don’t stutter like this and
usually I
Can say what I mean
And usually my
Thoughts work out right
Suddenly I’m
A bit of a mess and
suddenly I
Can’t disappear and
suddenly I’m
Not in a fantasy but
suddenly the
World feels the same.
Usually you’d
Never catch my eye and
Usually you’re
Not even in my mind
Usually you
Stay in your life and
Usually you
Stay out of mine but
suddenly you
Are all I can think of and
Suddenly you
Seem so much more real and
Suddenly you’re
A part of my life and
Suddenly you’re
The face in my dreams.
The world doesn’t
Make sense anymore
And I can’t hear
My thoughts
All I can hear is
A distant drum but
Wait, that’s my heartbeat.
What have you
Done to me?
I was fine
Without you but
Now nothing
Makes sense.
There’s no
Order or rhyme except
For the drumming of
My heart
And the struggling of
My lungs to
Make words come.
What have you done?