forum Help meh
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people_alt 42 followers

Deleted user

So randomly in government, I was all like “You know what? I want to draw a humanized notebook falcon punching Google+ because I don’t know, and I need designs for what a humanized notebook would be, any ideas?

Deleted user

Yeah it did! Maybe it’s like a open in the middle book, and the mark in the middle opens it?

Deleted user

I don’t know a gender, male or female? Maybe base it on andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) a bit?
I swear I just made a meme out of my ideas

Deleted user

Add glasses, make it a male, paint brush on one ear, pencil on other (since you know, writing and art things are on this site). Not muscular… think I got it.

Deleted user

Not yet, I forgot I lost my good drawing pencils and sketchbook and I want it to be special so ima gonna wait.

Deleted user

Of course! I’ll share it here and on Show Of Your Art so if you miss it here, go to that thread. I’ll say when I’m making it.

Deleted user

I got some pencils, and even though they aren’t great I don’t care, tonight I’m sketching!