forum Draw a character of the person above you
Started by @Starfast group

people_alt 60 followers


(Lagoon I'd love to draw one of your characters if you have one you'd like to send me or just describe! Edit: Jeez my art has changed a lot since I drew the other ones on here)


Any of them are fine, Jarrett is the most recent character I made and the ones in the game universe are probably the characters I'm most attached to even though they were made a really long time ago

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hey @SupernaturalSyGuyEdt! I’ve finished drawing Lux! I had to improvise with the armour, so I hope it’s to your liking!

I love him! 😍 Thank you! (I could've shared his Pinterest board with you had I known you were going to draw him. Unless you wanna draw him again?)


@4lagoon4 Here he is! I kept it pretty simple but I hope you like it I had a lot of fun drawing him, it said he does animated story times in his file so I decided to add one of those digital art glove thingies haha

Just to keep things less confusing pretty sure it's @JuniperDreams turn to have a character drawn