forum Character design!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Mojack group

This is nice!

If I will, I have a few character concepts that I’m working on. One of them is right here; this is Jata.

It’s still in the early stages but Jata is a monster potion maker character of mine for one of my universes. I still have to decide what colours they’ll be and such, any markings, but this is one of the characters I’m designing right now! They’re very tall as well.

Deleted user

SO, do you guys benefit from doing character turnarounds?? or do you get more from drawing your character in different situations with their reactions?


Both are very beneficial, however, I personally think it's best to start with turnarounds since they allow you to practice drawing all sides of the design, then work on situations/expressions.

@Mojack group

I usually don’t do turnarounds, expressions I typically do more (and I need more practice on both.) anywho, here are four of my characters I’ve been making recently!

They’re all gods in my story. The top two are currently unnamed, while second to last is called Pulvere, and bottom is Coeli. I had the most trouble coming up with the design for the second one, the first one was fairly easy to do since they’re the opposite of the second. Same with the other two, Pulvere is the opposite of Coeli (though they look similar, Coeli wields swords instead of ranged weapons.)

@Katastrophic group

Turnarounds are very useful, but some of the best advice I've gotten (and will pass on) is that turnarounds are useless until you've drawn the character a dozen times. It kinda sounds counter-intuitive, but when you design an over complicated character you will end up kicking yourself for all the times you have to revise that turnaround or reference. Once you have the design down and you've drawn it a few times to be sure it's just right, then a turnaround, reference sheet, or expressions chart is very useful. Of course, this is mostly for if you do draw the character a lot, such as for a comic or game. If it's just to reference when writing then a basic reference sheet is much more practical.

Those creatures designs are super cool! They remind me of chimeras but more scifi