forum New: Promo codes
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey guys!

I'm exploring new ways to get premium in the hands of more people. The latest update (out now) adds the ability to redeem "promo codes" from your account billing page (under "My account" in the sidebar).

These promo codes work by unlocking specific premium pages on your account for a certain time. You can only redeem a code once on your account, but multiple people can use the same code before it expires.

For example, the first 10 people to redeem the code PLEASE FEED ME will unlock the recently-released Food page on for 2 weeks. :)

During a promo, you'll be able to create that kind of page like you would if you were a Premium user. You can check what promos are active for your account on the billing page, as well as when they end. After they end, you'll still have access to all of your already-created pages, but you won't be able to create more without a premium account or another promo.

I'm testing the codes now and plan to have more codes out soon. You can follow the Indent Labs twitter or like on Facebook if you want to keep up to date on the latest codes. Assuming all goes well with this initial food code test, I'll be posting more codes to both soon!

P.S. Technically people with Premium accounts can redeem codes, but… since you already have everything unlocked it won't really do anything for you. Share the code with your friends instead! :)


I tested the promo code and it worked! Keep up with this awesome work, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer). You truly are amazing.

Deleted user

Hey so if you DON'T have Facebook or Twitter and can't have them cause personal reasons, what does one do?

Deleted user

Alright thank you! I haven't seen any on forums yet…