forum Introducing Notebook Paper
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey all!

The other day I was thinking, "Man, is pretty great – but it'd be even better if I could just print it out and carry it around with me!" So, well, one thing led to another, and now here I am letting you know about a new version of called Notebook Paper.

Never again will you have to log onto a website that automatically gets updates and improves itself over time! Simply generate your Notebook Paper notebook, print out the PDF, and you're free to create worlds wherever you are!

Notebook Paper supports all of's free and Premium pages – for free. Just select the pages you want, print them out, and create new worlds!

You can access Notebook Paper by going to or

Happy worldbuilding! :)


Quick question - are we going to be able to customise the templates for Paper like we are able to on Notebook? Like, add specific categories and entries?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Quick question - are we going to be able to customise the templates for Paper like we are able to on Notebook? Like, add specific categories and entries?

Since there's no concept of "accounts" over there (you just pick the pages you want and print them out), you probably won't be able to customize them any time soon. However, it's an open-source project that anyone can contribute to, so this is 1) good feedback, and 2) definitely possible in the future. :)


Quick question - are we going to be able to customise the templates for Paper like we are able to on Notebook? Like, add specific categories and entries?

Since there's no concept of "accounts" over there (you just pick the pages you want and print them out), you probably won't be able to customize them any time soon. However, it's an open-source project that anyone can contribute to, so this is 1) good feedback, and 2) definitely possible in the future. :)

Aight, thanks!