Truth or dare phobeion style

Shade rubs his hand together evilly as the group sits in a circle around the campfire. "Alright, whos ready for the fun team building exercise of Truth! Or! Daaare!?"  Isa chuckles at Shades dramatic performance. "Simmer it down a little bud, you're sounding like Shane." Shane replies to that jab, "And whats wrong with that!" "My ears..." Isa grumbles. "Fair!" Thyme asks, "So whats Truth or Dare? I don't think I've played before..." Flare snorts. "Probably because you were studying for college instead." "Thats fair." Thyme says good naturedly. Shade answers with a smirk. "An easy game! Each round, one person asks the target player 'Truth or Dare?' and they pick. If they choose truth, they must answer a question honestly, if they choose dare, they must complete a task of our choosing! A little embarassing, and all fun! Ready?" Isa sighs. "Sure.... lets do it I guess." "Exellent! You first then! Truth or Dare?" "hmm... Truth."