Incorrect Quotes: LDV Edition

Andromeda showing Jenna her latest celebrity crush: So, what do you think?

Jenna: I can only give you my subjective lesbian opinion.

Jenna: And my subjective lesbian opinion is that he's kinda cute. I guess.

Aren: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, Officer, no I did not punch that man.


Noor: You need to go to therapy.

Salem: Stop trusting everyone in my life? Try to control all my emotions?

Noor: No, you need to go to therapy.

Salem: Hide everything about myself to be mysterious!

Noor: Go. To. THERAPY.

Salem: Oh! Fall into a pit of paranoia!


Micah: Do you prefer women or men?
Noor: I’d prefer death

Salem: I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not here as a spy for a different cult.

Jenna: I got my license two years ago.
Jason: What? Why didn't you say anything?
Jenna: I like being chauffeured around. 
Jenna: It makes me feel important.

Andromeda: I like a guy that's environmentally aware.
Icarus, pointing at the sky: That's a cloud.

Andromeda: When Jenna sleeps, does she dream in Spanish or English?
Jason: Bold of you to assume that Jenna actually sleeps.

Jenna, taking Harper to the Underground: Are you nervous?
Harper: Very.
Jenna: Is this your first time?
Harper: No, I’ve been nervous before.

Icarus: When choosing an outfit, you should ask yourself, "Do I look like a character in an 80s movie, a fucking idiot, or gay?" and if you say no to all three, your outfit sucks.

Perseus: Are you absolutely positive that you didn't get me a box of bees again?
Icarus, standing a safe distance away: Percy, just open it.

Jenna: Hey everyone, here’s a pro tip: do not write an email to your boss while you’re seriously sick.
Jenna: Signed, a person who somehow came up with “dear hello, I am sick and not sure if I’ll be alive to come tomorrow and I’m sorry, best slutantions, Jenna”.
Andromeda: I mean, if someone wrote that to me, I’d probably believe they were sick.

Harper: Why do people think that humans are the peak of evolution?
Harper: Bears get to eat berries and salmon all the time and sleep for half the year.
Harper: How is that not so much more advanced than working every day until you die?

Jenna: I honestly think that "Thanks, I hate it" is one of the funniest phrases in the English language
Andromeda: One time I said "Merci, je le deteste" to my dad and he lost it, so it's not just English

Icarus: I have a lot of followers.
Andromeda: What app?
Icarus: App? I'm the leader of a cult.

Icarus: I want to change the world.
Perseus: For the better?
Perseus: Icarus?
Perseus: Answer me, Icarus.

Perseus, writing to Icarus: I hope this letter finds you before I do

Icarus: There's a fine line between genius and crazy.
Icarus: I like to use that line as a jump rope.

Icarus: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Jenna: I’m feeling a little judged again

Jason: It’s probably because I’m judging you

Seven: It’s probably because we’re all judging you

Seven: Guys, it's been three weeks since I've eaten a vegetable

Seven: Fun fact! The average person would walk past a murderer about 36 times in their life!
Jenna: How is this a fun fact?
Seven: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you

Andromeda: Do you think Icarus is a sadist?
Perseus: Yes.
Andromeda: Wow, there was no hesitation.

Andromeda: It's locked. You got a lock pick? 
Perseus: Yeah- 
Icarus: kicks in the door

9 am. Seven just got up 5 minutes ago and is laying face down on the floor. Jason has been up for 15 minutes and is eating a bow of cereal like a normal person. Jenna did not sleep last night.

Seven: Hey, do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Jason: You're a hazard to society.
Jenna: And a coward. Do 20.

Micah: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. 
Andromeda: I like you.

Salem: I need to dye my hair. 
Mazzy: … 
Salem: Or get another tattoo. 
Mazzy: … 
Salem: Or a new piercing. 
Mazzy: Why? 
Salem: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.

Icarus: I am literally evil incarnate. 
Icarus: I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil. 
Icarus: Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort.

Perseus: Where are we going?
Andromeda: My place. You can sleep on the couch.
Perseus: I am not sleeping on the couch!
Andromeda: Fine, you can sleep on the stove.

Icarus: So I'm in trouble now because I am a "liability" and "reckless", and "Icarus."
Icarus: That's just my name but you should've heard Andy's tone.

Icarus: This sucks.
Perseus: Can you at least try and act civilized?
Icarus: I proclaim; "This doth stink."

Jenna: I hate when people ask me, "What did you do today?"
Jenna: Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five pm, okay? I don't KNOW!

Random Person: Do you have any children?
Andromeda: Biologically, legally, or emotionally?

Icarus: Love is a weakness, an evolutionary mistake.
Andromeda: You’re literally making valentine’s cards for everyone.
Icarus: [Pointing his hot glue gun threateningly] You’re on thin fucking ice.

Jenna: [singing to Harper] I can show you the world!
Seven: [passing by] You have 2 dollars and 3 cents.
Jenna: I can show you the sidewalk in front of my apartment!

Jason: That’s too much coffee for you!
Jenna: Coffee cures depression.
Jason: No it doesn’t. 
Jenna: More espresso less depresso.

Harper: You have no idea what I'm capable of!
Icarus: I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake.

Seven: Sprite is just spicy water. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Castor: I want a refund.

Noor: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Castor: Hey, Seven, how tall are you?

Seven, showing pictures of Noor and Castor: These friends are the ones I call up when I need a shoulder to cry on, or a tub of ice cream. Depends on my mood.
Seven, showing pictures of Salem and Icarus: These friends are the ones I call when I need a death to look like an accident.
Bartender: How did you get in here, you look like 12-

Castor: I am your worst nightmare.
Seven: My worst nightmare is Canadian geese, try again.

Icarus: Who doesn't want to be a cult leader? Who doesn't want blood sacrifices made in their name?

Noor: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Seven: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Salem: I got distracted about halfway through.
Castor: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.

Icarus: You were stabbed, do you remember anything?
Andromeda: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Perseus: That wasn’t an ambulance; I drove you.
Andromeda: But I heard the sirens.
Perseus: That was Jenna screaming.
Jenna: I will not apologize for caring.

Salem: Don’t worry, I’ve got a few knives up my sleeves. 
Kanan: I think you mean cards.
Noor: She did not. 
Salem, pulling knives from her sleeves: I did not.

Perseus: … bees?
Perseus: wait-
Icarus: [approaches as he aggressively shakes jar of bees]
Perseus: wAIT-

Random person invested in monsters: Hey, aren’t you Icarus? 
Icarus: You a cop? 
Random person invested in monsters: No. 
Icarus: Then yes, I am.

Icarus: Why are you on the floor?
Andromeda: I'm depressed.
Andromeda: Also, I was stabbed, can you get Percy please?

Noor: You’re ignoring all your problems.
Seven: Yeah, I know. 
Noor: You know that’s not a healthy coping mechanism, right?
Seven: Yeah, I’m kind of ignoring that, too.

Jenna: I hate it when parents are like "I know you better than yourself." Like, no you don't.

Jenna: Oh, you're the expert on the inner machinations of my psyche? Name three of my top ten existential dreads.

Mazzy: Pros of wearing black: Looks badass.

Mazzy: Cons of wearing black: Everyone can tell when I've eaten powdered donuts.

Seven: I'm a rubber chicken and the gods are nineteen-year-old diners throwing me off buildings and beating me with unusual objects to make me scream for the enjoyment of their followers.


Castor: What does this MEAN-

Andromeda: Why do I have to be the mom of the group?

Perseus: Because I'm baby and Icarus is a Scorpio.

Jason: Hey, Andy! What's my name saved as in your phone?

Andromeda: Bold of you to presume you were saved at all, Scam Likely.

POV: Seven asks Jenna and Jason for advice about school...

Jason: I know school is hard, but it's important! Trust me, everything will work out well. You should think about your future. You just need to hold on. I'm here for you!

Jenna: Drop out, do crime, be gay.

Seven: I just saw Noor cry for five minutes and then her phone alarm went off and she just? Stopped crying? And went right back to studying.

Noor, off in the distance: It's called time management.

Andromeda: Icarus, we need to talk about something important.

Icarus, standing on a chair: Those are some mighty brave words for someone standing in lava right now.

Andromeda, jumping on a desk: Oops, that was a close one.

Seven, on the phone: Hi

Noor: I'm busy, let's talk later.

Seven: Is drinking 16 cans of red bull to stay awake bad for my health?

Noor: I'm on my way.

Seven: What's your biggest fear?

Castor: Being alone and unloved forever.

Seven: Damn, that's deep.

Seven: Mine is the Kool-Aid man but I feel kinda stupid now.

Jason: Anyways, I've gotta go. My bros and I bought a new TV.

Andromeda: Oh, you guys are gonna set it up?

Jason: Nah, we're gonna beat the old one with a baseball bat.

Icarus: Let's play two truths and one lie.

Perseus: Okay, how does that go again?

Andromeda: You say two things that are true about yourself and one lie.

Jenna: I'll go first!

Jenna: One time I dyed my hair blue, I have green eyes, and one time I accidentally erased all of Seven's Spider-man 2 save files.

Harper: Your eyes are brown.


Seven: You fucking what.

Jenna: [staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand] And here you can see the endangered Seven in their natural habitat.

Andromeda, behind the camera: [zooms in on Seven]

Seven: [falls down the stairs, spilling their cereal everywhere]

Jenna: Natural selection is coming for this specimen.

Salem, loading a nerf gun with thumbtack bullets: It's nerf or nothing.

[Jason teaching Jenna how to drive]

Jenna: But what if I step on the accelerator and the brake of the car at the same time?

Seven: It takes a screenshot.


Jason: How did you get in here.

Jenna: I have good news and bad news.

Jason: ...What's the good news.

Jenna: The air bags on your car worked perfectly!


Jason: I'm going to feed you your own arm.

Icarus: Ugh, I can't believe I lost my sunglasses!

Seven, staring at Icarus' sunglasses on his head: I'll help you find them if you take me to the Underground.

Perseus: How petty can you get?

Andromeda: I once edited a Wikipedia page to win an argument against Jenna.

Andromeda, half asleep: How would you die in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Jenna, also half asleep: Bullet to the head.

Andromeda: By an Oompa Loopma or Willy?

Jenna: Charlie.

Seven: Why do my hands get cold but not the rest of me?

Noor: The body uses your hands as an export to regulate its temperature.

Salem: The ghosts holdin' ya hands.


Mazzy: How romantic.

Andromeda: I must attend to my evening affairs.

Perseus: You mean drinking Kool-Aid and eating gummy bears until you pass out in the bathtub?

Seven: Or rereading Little Women and crying in the shower because Beth didn't deserve it?

Jenna: Or running around reciting Greek mythology with no pants and Percy's tie wrapped around your head?

Andromeda: All three, in that order.

Icarus: "Back on my bullshit"? Ha! I never got off it!

Seven: [sitting in Castor's lap]

Castor: [playing with Seven's hair]

Kanan: When you guys said "Guys Night", this wasn't exactly what I was expecting.

Andromeda: What have I told you about comparing Icarus to the devil?

Jenna: ...that it's "offensive to the devil"?

Harper: Oh, tiddlywinks!

Andromeda: JUST SAY FUCK!

Icarus: What's up?

Andromeda: My stress levels.

Perseus: Well, Freud really didn't contribute to modern psychology.

Andromeda: I disagree. I think we know much of what we know now because he was such a dick that everyone wanted to prove him wrong.

Perseus: You know what? Fair enough.

Icarus, to Jenna: Do you know what they're saying?

Jenna: Vaguely.

Icarus: When I get stressed in life, I always remember the 69 lane highway in the Underground, which merges into 7, and not being there brings me some comfort and peace.

Andromeda: Does the Underground accept constructive criticism?

Perseus: Historically, no.

Micah: What do Andromeda, Perseus, and Icarus even have in common?

Harper: They're all funny, know a lot of strange facts, named after well-known myths-

Jenna: Depressed, feral, and ready to throw hands with the Gods.

Seven: Consider the following.

Seven: Seatbelts. Except they throw you out of your seat, and they're called "yeetbelts"

Castor: [whispering under his breath as he vigorously searches through his flashcards] What the fuck is a yeet.

Jenna: You sure do know a lot about the law.

Andromeda: I do a lot of borderline illegal shit.

Andromeda: Hey Icarus, what do you want to drink?

Icarus: I only drink the blood of my enemies.


Icarus: And the occasional strawberry milkshake.

Andromeda: Listen, I have about eight contacts in my phone and if you say that again I'll have seven.

Seven: Gender is a game and I have the cheat codes.

Andromeda, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti caramel macchiato with, uh... seven espresso shots.

Jenna, behind her: Jesus fucking Christ, Andy, just do cocaine.

Jenna, on the phone with Harper: Is it okay if I bring my weird roommate?

Andromeda: Would you please stop calling me that.

Icarus: I wrote you a song!

Andromeda: Really?

Icarus: Yup! And I'll give you a clue, it's named after a constellation!

Andromeda: So... Andromeda?

Icarus: No... That would've been better-

Jenna: There's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Flores way.

Seven: Isn't that just the wrong way?

Jenna: Yeah, but it's a bit faster and it usually involves imminent danger.

Noor: And what do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?

Castor, deadpan: Hoes mad.

Noor: Oh my god. What has Seven been teaching you?

Seven: This gives me good PTSD.

Noor: ...You mean nostalgia?

Perseus: Your existence is confusing.

Icarus: How so?

Perseus: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

Andromeda, hearing thumping: What are you doing?

Seven: Helping Jenna find her ice cream I ate two hours ago.

Jason: Sit up straight.

Seven: I'll sit as gay as I want.

Jenna: Slay queen, you tell him.

Seven: Okay, U-Haul lesbian.

Jenna: WHAT DID I DO???

Seven: Listen, I need you to calm down, take deep breaths-

Castor, banging his fists on the table: But how can it be birthday cake flavored if a birthday cake can be any flavor?

Jason: I got grounded for a whole week once just because I came home ten minutes late.

Jenna: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hope sup and then showing up again.

Noor: I think you're still suffering from the effects of last night's party.

Seven: But I only drank redbull!

Noor: How many?

Seven: ...Eighteen.

Castor, about Seven and Noor: These people are my friends!

Castor: I've known them for about twelve hours!

Jenna: And once again Andy and Jenna save the day!

Perseus: You didn't do anything... It was all Andromeda.

Jenna: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.

[Harper brings Micah to the Underground for the first time]

Micah: This is so cool! When can I meet the rest of your friends?

Harper: Uh.. Heads up, the rest of my friends are...

Harper: I'm trying to find the right words to prepare you and all I can come up with is "dumpster fire".

Jenna: Andy, are you dating Percy and Icarus?

Andromeda, laying with her head in Perseus' lap and her legs in Icarus': What gives you that impression?

Perseus: You're a wanted man, Icarus.

Icarus: That's impossible. I wasn't even a wanted child-

Icarus: I'm what the Victorians would call a "vile, ill-tempered and thoroughly wretched creature."

Seven: I've noticed we've started to slowly phase the "b" out of our bromance.

Castor, on one knee with a ring pop: I mean, yeah, I guess.

Jason: Why is Andromeda walking around with a textbook balanced on her head?

Andromeda: Because fuck you.

Jason: No pain, no gain!

Andromeda: But I'm in constant pain and I've lost everything.

Jason: Okay guys, please refrain from curing around Seven. I think by swearing, you're setting a bad example for them which is why-

Seven, walking into the room with Noor following them: Here comes the bad bitch club!

Jason: [trips and falls on his face]

Andromeda, choking on her drink: Jason!

Jason: What?

Andromeda: Don't do that while I'm drinking!

Seven: I do not think, therefore I do not am.

Andromeda: If you found out that you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?

Jason: Say goodbye and mend my relationships.

Icarus: Something illegal.

Jenna: Accept my fate.

Seven: I would message ten people saying that if they don't forward the message to ten other people, I would die tomorrow.

Jason: What?

Icarus: That's fucking awesome. Can I change my answer?

Andromeda: I decided to kill off a few characters in the book I'm writing.

Andromeda: I think it'll definitely spice up my autobiography a little.

Seven: My fellow yees and haws I have gathered you all here today because-

Noor: Please just explain the plan.

Seven: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgement and criticism, so I obviously couldn't go to Jenna or Jason.

Andromeda: So you came to me?

Castor: Crushes are the worst.

Seven: Yeah. Whenever I'm around someone I have a crush on, I just act stupid.

Castor: But you're always acting stupid.

Seven: Maybe don't think too hard about that.

Seven: Hey guys! Guess what I got?

Andromeda: A boyfriend?

Jason: A real job?

Jenna: A friend your age?

Seven: What? No, I got a werewolf!

Florian: I've finally found you above ground. Let's see who's really better, square up.

Perseus, pulling out his phone: Oh fuck you, hold on let me ask.

Perseus: Andromeda said no sorry.

Florian: I'm going to kill you.

Perseus: Hey, Andy, this guy says he wants to kill me.

Andromeda: We have a dinner reservation tomorrow.

Perseus: Sorry man, try again in two to three business days.

Enforcer: You're under arrest for-

Icarus: Andromeda says if I miss our dinner reservation she'll break my fingers so I can never use a knife again, can I get a rain check?

Icarus, about to beat the shit out of someone above ground: Alright fucker-

Perseus, grabbing his shirt: Dude. Andromeda said no more street brawls.

Icarus: ...Damnit.

Seven: How is same-sex marriage viewed where you're from?

Castor: Underground, we just call it marriage, and since it's not Skeetball, nobody really cares which team you're playing for.

Andromeda: An ancient Greek walks into his tailor's shop with a pair of torn pants. "Euripides?" says the tailor. "Yeah, Eumenides?" replies the man.

Perseus: This is so awful. It must go on to infect others.

Andromeda: I'm having salad for dinner.

Andromeda: Well, fruit salad.

Andromeda: Actually, it's mostly grapes.

Andromeda: Okay, it's all grapes.

Andromeda: Fermented grapes.


Andromeda: It's wine.

Andromeda: I'm having wine for dinner.

[Andromeda, texting the Flores siblings' group chat from Jenna's phone to let her brothers know they're still alive in the Underground]

Andromeda: Jenna now has an axe.

Jason: This is ominous.

Seven: This is great!

Salem: It's so hot out.

Mazzy: Well, maybe you shouldn't have worn all black.

Salem: This is a summer shade of black.

Kanan: Seven, are you a boy or a girl?

Seven: I'm a Clairvoyant.

Kanan: Yes, but what's between your legs?

Seven: On a good day, Castor.

Kanan, face beat red: nEVERMIND.

Harper, stroking Micah's hair: You're so tiny and adorable.

Micah: I could kill you in your sleep.

Harper, with love in her eyes: I know, but you wouldn't!

Micah: [defeated grumbling]

Noor: You're insane!

Seven: Thank goodness for that, because if I wasn't, this would probably never work.

Icarus: If the Moon is made of cheese and Saturn is six, how many pancakes could you eat on Mars?

Salem: Yellow?

Perseus: The correct answer is packing peanuts.

Salem: Oh, I see, because you carry the two and-

Andromeda, who is not a bizarre inhuman monster: What the hell is wrong with you guys.

Andromeda: What are you doing?

Seven, sitting on the floor in the kitchen: Jason sent me out here to think about what I've done.

Andromeda: And what did you do?

Seven: Cooked eggs on the stove without a frying pan.

Perseus: I wanna do some bad things to you.

Icarus: Oh really? Like what?

Perseus: Break your neck.

Jenna: If I make a mistake in English, please don't correct me. I have no respect for this language.

Perseus: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.

Icarus: I do know that.

Icarus: That's why I carry two knives.

Noor: Adding "lmao" doesn't hide your pain.

Seven: Yes it does lmao.

Andromeda: You missed dinner, where were you?

Icarus: In a holding cell. Sorry, Andy.

Perseus: Do you ever feel like you're being watched?

Icarus: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

Jenna: How bad of a person are you?

Icarus: I take really hot showers to practice burning in hell.

Icarus: I'm going to hell, y'all want anything?

Harper: Siblings are supposed to be a shield against life's cruel adversities!

Jenna: Siblings ARE life's cruel adversity!

Andromeda: I'd die for you.

Perseus: Not to be ungrateful, but yesterday you said you'd die for a single potato chip, so I honestly don't feel that special.

Andromeda: I'd... live for you...?

Castor: I am, as the kids say, awake.

Noor: Do you mean woke?

Castor: Yes, but that is grammatically incorrect.

Icarus: Here's a fun idea- we hang a mistletoe, but instead of kissing the person underneath, we have to fight them.

Perseus: We are not doing that.

Andromeda, nodding: Mistlefoe.

Perseus: Don't encourage him.

Andromeda: I've only slept nine hours over the past four days, so I'm right on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Andromeda: [bites her dagger]

Andromeda: This isn't a kebab.

Seven: HI!

Castor: Why are you shouting at me?


Andromeda: I have an idea.

Jenna: A good one?

Andromeda: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Andromeda: Why would you give a sword to a child?

Icarus: Seven felt unsafe.

Andromeda: Well now I feel unsafe.

Icarus: I'm sorry.


Icarus: Would you like a sword?


[two minutes later]

Seven: I lost the sword.

Icarus: So, let's talk romance now. Are there any men in the picture?

Jenna: Tell me every aspect of my personality that made you assume I was straight so that I can change it immediately.

Noor: What's Seven doing?

Castor: They've been staring at a snail for the past twenty minutes and every so often they just say "we slidin"

Noor, visibly confused: But why?

Castor, choking on tears: I don't know.

Icarus: Do you prefer women or men?

Noor: I prefer death.

Harper: Plants really be like 'I do not vibe with this dirt' and die.

Jenna: Understandable.

Icarus: I'm going to hell, y'all want anything?

Icarus: The year is 9. Some motherfucker be touching cow tits, and oh boy, he's about to invent cereal


Perseus: I beg your pardon?

Icarus: Beg

Jason: You know that can kill you right?

Jenna, downing six espresso shots in one go: Uh, yeah.

Andromeda, smoking a cigarette: That's the point.

Icarus, drinking bourbon straight from the bottle: We're trying to speed this up.

Seven, eating raw cookie dough: [nodding]


Jenna: So…. are you seeing someone?

Icarus: No, why?

Jenna: I don't know, I just think a therapist or something could really help, y'know?

Jason: Seven, wake up!

Seven: I'm not sleeping, I'm dead. Leave flowers and get out.

Micah, to Harper: Remember, the path to inner peace begins with four simple words.

Micah: Now repeat after me.

Micah: "Not my fucking problem."

Harper: Did you mean "try and fix everyone else's problems"?

Castor: Seven, are you ok? You look anxious

Seven: Yeah, it’s the anxiety.

Icarus: They call me coffee ‘cause I grind so fine.

Perseus: Oh my god.

Jason: They call me coffee because I keep you up past 2 am.

Perseus: Ew stop.

Andromeda: They call me coffee because I’m really bitter and people don’t like me without changing some aspect of who I am.

Perseus: …Oh.

Icarus: Ma~aan blowjobs are a mouthful!

Andromeda: That pun was hard to swallow, huh?

Perseus: penis

Andromeda: Thank you for your contribution.

Salem: Okay, so when someone says something cool, just say lit.

Castor: Got it.


Seven: Hey, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time… I think I'm in love with you.

Castor, panicking: Lit

Castor: You are supposed to bang your fist against mine.

Perseus: Why?

Castor: I'm told it is a widely accepted gesture of mutual success.

Andromeda: It's fun when you two try to impersonate normal people.

Noor: Eryx, did you know that "thot" means "thoughtful person"?

Castor: Really? I did not know this modern slang.


Castor: Thank you for helping me with the tents, Seven. You're such a thot.

Seven, wheezing: I'm a WHAT?

Andromeda: Have you ever read something so explicit that you felt like you need to go to a temple and stay there for a year?

Icarus: Show it to me.

Seven: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down. 

*after the Squad has been separated for a few years* 

Jenna: So what have you been up to recently? 

Perseus: Leading a revolution with Andromeda. 

Jenna: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob. 

Perseus: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome! 

Jenna: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Castor? 

Perseus: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Salem? 

Jenna: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Icarus? 

Perseus: Cult leader. 

Jenna: Yeah, that sounds about right.