Thought counts

Mel sighs. "Its the thought that counts." Kyle shrugs, making his shackles make noise. "I think it probably would've been better if I'd actually succeeded in this specific situation though." Mel smirks. "Yeah, in the case of a jail break, that would be better. But at least I'm not alone anymore, right?" Kyle rolls his eyes. "Mel, Mel. You're never alone. The voices of the dead will always haunt you." Mel stared at him. Kyle nervously says, "I was trying to be funny, but kinda went a wrong path down a hole." "It did. It did." Mel and Kyle quietly sit for a while, contemplating life. Mel had gotten imprisoned for a small mistake of a heist job. He and Kyle were professional heisters, but this time it did not go as well as they had hoped.