who allowed this homosexuality in front of abel's cereal?

It's a perfect morning.

Abel had woke up before the alarm with a leftover thrill of a heart-racing dream in their chest, a smile stretched on his face. It's just before eight am. Paisley's without a doubt training in the gym, Shea's probably still sleeping. Rhyda and Grace are most likely down in the dining hall, loading their plates before the rest of The Six arrive for breakfast. Abel has no idea where Felix could be, and frankly, Abel couldn't care less.

Slipping on their signature sky blue-green high tops and throwing on their jacket, Abel secures a few knives in their belt and leaves the comforting humidity of their room for the hallway.

As expected, Grace and Rhyda are sitting in their usual seats on the end. The dining table is way too big for only the six of them. They all usually end up sitting near each other on the left end. Paisley takes her seat two away from Felix, who sits next to Abel. Shea sits on the end of the table with Rhyda and Grace across from Felix and Abel.

The conjoined kitchen that's always stocked with food smells like heaven. Abel hums, alerting Rhyda and Grace of his presence. The girls wave half-heartedly. Rhyda looks dead inside, a large cup of black and espresso-laced coffee sitting below her nose. Her hazy green eyes stare blankly at the equally blank wall across from her, heavy bags underneath them. She must've gotten back from her mission late.

Grace, like always, looks exactly the same. Slightly slumped posture, eyes cast to the floor, a vaguely worried expression plastered on her tar-scarred face. She's scrolling on her phone in her lap, a fairly untouched portion of waffles and hash browns on the table in front of her. Abel's not surprised. Grace had always complained about the lack of seasoning on the food there.

Not in the mood for a hot breakfast, Abel chooses a simple bowl of cereal filled with vanilla and cinnamon flavored pieces. The milk, freezing cold, goes on last because Abel may be a serial killer but he's not an animal.

And then Abel takes their place at the table across from Rhyda, an empty seat to his left for Felix and to his right for Shea. 

Abel's only one heaping spoonful into their cereal when Felix comes waltzing into the dining hall. There's that signature smirk on his face, one that reveals a fact Abel would very much not like to know. 

"You're disgusting," Abel snarls, shoving another spoonful of cereal into their mouth.

"Don't hate me because I'm happy, doll!" Felix responds, voice way too enthusiastic for eight in the morning.

Rhyda groans, her head smacking against the table and rattling Grace's utensils. Grace barely looks up from her phone as she takes a sip of her water.

Abel is considering flinging some cereal at Felix, but that would lead to Felix rearranging the walls with his illusions again and Abel isn't in the mood to run face first into a door. Rhyda snorts. Either she found something amusing about their exchange or she fell asleep and started snoring. Knowing Rhyda, it's probably the latter.

Felix stands from his chair with an unnecessary flourish and twirl of his long trench coat. Abel gets the overwhelming urge to kick the back of his knees.

Before they can act on the whim, Felix has moved out of kick-range and swept into the kitchen. Abel's lip curls in disgust. Of course, Felix is always so happy and breezy after a one-night-stand and a murder. At least Abel gets over the rush semi-quickly... Ish... Not really. Well, at least Abel doesn't go around parading their love bites on their neck and that- ugh-

Abel cringes just thinking about what Felix had been doing the night before.

Gross, ew, gross, nope, ew, disgusting, bluegh.

He can't be the only one bothered by Felix's morning-after euphoria.

Abel's mismatched eyes dart to where Rhyda's sound asleep and Grace is too busy entranced with whatever video on her phone. Normally Abel would turn to Shea or even Paisley to help combat Felix's repulsing habits, but alas, Abel's allies are nowhere to be seen.

Felix, with that damned smile still on his stupid face, returns to the dining hall and takes his customary seat right next to Abel. Abel considers kicking his chair over. 

In Felix's hands is a heaping plate full of assorted foods that Abel hadn't even acknowledged when they were in the kitchen. There's waffles and bacon and sausage and fruit-

Abel glares down at their cereal. Then at Felix's lumberjack breakfast with a narrowed glare.

"Hon, if you're jealous of my breakfast the kitchen is right there-" Felix points at the wide open door with his fork, a sausage impaled on the prongs. Abel's nose scrunches at their brother. Felix's golden eyes glint, knowing exactly what he's doing to Abel. Provoking people had always been a strong suit of Felix's.

Abel exhales sharply through their nose and whips back to their bowl, rectangular sea-green earrings swinging around his head with the movement.

Felix shrugs and goes back to his breakfast. Grace snorts at something she finds on her phone. Rhyda lets out another loud snore.

Another few spoonfuls of cereal are shovelled into Abel's mouth as he thinks about the day. Donovan hasn't sent them out on a mission in a while, and frankly, Abel's craving for blood is beginning to get to them. Perhaps- Abel spares a quick glance to his left - perhaps, he could take it out sometime during training.

Before Abel can dwell too much on their assassination plans for Number Six, the door to the dining hall slides open again. Abel slightly perks up, hoping for Shea or Paisley to help them smack the shit out of Felix, but instead, it's the Boss's Son. Drew.

Abel's nose scrunches as he watches Drew run his fingers through messy black hair and hustle towards the kitchen. He's wearing a turtle neck and a jacket on top of that, odd considering the fairly warm temperature of the Compound. Really, the fact that Drew's there at all is odd. It's not often Drew comes this deep into the Compound, in fact, the last time Abel had seen Drew there was- Felix whistles.

Drew goes bright red and disappears fully into the kitchen.

All the dots connect.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Abel shouts, standing up and sending their chair flying. "Felix!?"

Rhyda jolts and looks up, dark red hair stuck to her face with drool and her already hazy eyes completely unfocused. Grace glances up from her phone, her dripping black eyes moving from Abel to Felix to the kitchen.

Felix only laughs.

"The Boss's Son!?" Abel says again, their usually even voice pitched high in hysterics. "What the hell?" 

"Jesus Christ, Abel, don't have an aneurism," Felix laughs, taking another bite of his waffle coated in sticky syrup. "It was just a little fun."

"Donovan's gonna kill you!"

"Not if he doesn't know," Felix replies, the suave tone in his voice unwavering. Drew emerges from the kitchen, this time with a paper bag no doubt full of food. His stone gray eyes flick over to Felix just as he's exiting through the main doors. Felix winks and licks the remaining syrup from his bottom lip.

"Right in front of my cereal!?" Abel cries, already reaching for the knife hidden between their belt and their jacket.

Felix shrugs, the malicious glint in his eyes setting every one of Abel's nerves on fire. "I am going to kill you!" Abel shouts, already lunging for Felix's throat with their knife pulled.

Unfortunately, Abel just ends up falling through Felix. A fucking illusion!? Abel screams internally. Before he can hit the floor, Abel evaporates and reforms on their feet, just barely catching the tail of Felix's trench coat slipping through the main doors.

Abel snarls, already sprinting after their brother.