FM Ideas and Musings
by Aphyria

Same style of document as my SiO notes (TBD soon). Initial character ideas and musings from the google doc ported in below, after the main body, as an extra copy.

Anette - Could be demon and more or less straight ported from SHoS incarnation. Notably, mention by other characters that she and Dru have already gotten together; gotta query about that some more.

-If porting, also curious about the mention of no one knowing what Dru is underneath it all; apply to Anette too? Dru is her first friend, but it's not impossible that the facade is up between them still

-"Welcome to the reaper kid" man that song could fit her pretty well. Especially a more harsh version of her; could also work for a new charrie (might workshop it later)

Aoi - [Edit: 19/2/22] Given her impact on animals, she could have some interesting dynamics with shifters and weres (particular when she vocalises with humming or singing). 

-Could also have an interaction with Ragnarok :3 Since her affinity calms even hostile animals, she might be one of the only people besides Lady Thora whose presence could help calm Rocky

Chii - something could happen to the body, shortly after burial, or after Aoi left. Also parentage on the other side. Also potential further family, either for Chii (who thought was only child but could be one of multiple secret siblings) or Aoi (also thought only child; if the other parent is still around that's a whole thing for half-siblings). Let's have some fun!

-Aoi's other parent (on SiO) - we had a plan at some point, I'm almost certain. It might have been genuine miraculous conception (it was the original idea but was never set in stone)? But I know in DA I was referring to her as a half-celestial, so maybe we'd settled on a mysterious non-angel parent? I almost want to say there was a tie-in with another character, some secret revelation but gah, memory. Notably her parentage on FM is also a secret, meaning it's totally up for plots! 

Auro - Prize fight in the Iron Maiden, let's go. Also hiding in a BDSM establishment to avoid media just 'cause. Really vibing "Champion" by Neoni for Auro now. Plus it gives her a whole angle to getting more involved with the local supernatural culture.

-Publicist wanted? At least NPC. Poor person gonna have to deal with Auro's whims a lot. Probably on good terms though, and Auro is pretty generous with her money too, so she at least makes sure the publicist is well paid and looked after. Probably instant despair at the phrase "Sounds like a fun idea" etc. xD

Mei - what has she stolen? Who is she in exile from? How close were she and Camille, and how did that interact with Alena and Aera? With Cammy's other friends too. Presumably Mei was unrequited love (something that was always sort of up in the air on SiO lol) in both FM and SHoS, maybe just respectful distance? It'd definitely hurt a part of her (because I do like Mei having that sort of failing, that inability to fully let go), but she would be in part genuinely happy for Cammy. And then of course Cammy dying (and Cammy seemingly not even reaching out to her or anyone else, which would drive Mei crazy) and Mei being too late to do *anything* this time would break her - same way it would have on DSoJ if Cammy hadn't revived. 

-If what she stole is still some kind of reanimation object (which would 100% give sooooo many people reasons to hunt her, including the Bloodmares, Velika, Dru and countless others) and it *failed*, she'd be at a loss. If she didn't even get the chance to try (didn't get to Cammy's body before it was whisked away etc.) then it'd get interesting in that she'd struggle to let that go - including fighting with herself over exhuming her grave. If it's not a reanimation object, earlier question of *what* has she stolen, and how it might tie into the story. 

-If reanimation, people like Thora might even try to shelter Mei so she doesn't get found. Or do something stupid (hah, good luck) and bring more trouble down on them.

-Oh god, imagine Mei broken under Velika's thumb. Like, makes a deal to try and bring Cammy back, and it could work, work with consequences, or outright fail, and she's made a devil's bargain... only the stone merges, like it did on DSoJ, meaning now Velika just keeps her as part of the bargain. Technically could work for anyone, just Velika jumped out at me because I was thinking about her the other day anyway lol. Could also just be Mei ends up being shuffled into Fale to disappear her, or having broken down and having nooooowhere else to go, ends up on the chopping block, Velika does the 'Mine' bit. XD

-I did sort of mention wanting to throw something into her path for close friend/possible romance (Velika that is), so I find it 100000% hilarious the mental depiction of Velika of all people being the one to build Mei back up from the mess of state she's in. Especially if she's gotten to a point where like, she has no hope of bringing Cammy back (or finding justice for her if she's on the 'sus as hell' mindset), Mei would be messed uuuuuup. Velika could potentially have total control over reshaping Mei however she sees fit, and if Mei is bonded to a powerful magical item, that could be an interesting thing to see. Of course, might not *really* work using Mei, since iirc, Velika is very much on the survival of the fittest mindset, so rebuilding Mei (even for her own use) might not jive. May just be better to do the whole, 'spots a resident and yoinks' theme. XD

-Trope inversion: what if something went wrong this time and the stone turned *Mei* into a fox shifter? ...oh god, what if she's a fox shifter who *can't shift to human again*? Oh man that would be actually fucking amazing, she'd be desperate to try and find ways to fix it, esp. if people start thinking she's died (which Mei would feel pretty hard about if it's affecting the same friends who are still probably grieving Cammy, and possibly Aera). Sorry, rando thought is rando but that's what this is for!

Chiharu - Strange butterfly dancer. Very skilled, very unusual perception of the world. Strong affinity with butterflies. Human, or maybe esper? Would be a wonderful dance partner and someone who happily listens.

Aeolion - And potentially others from wlop's work. Shifter/were who fights with metal plated talons/claws over the top of her actual ones. Maybe has a lot of rapid shift experience? Or just really in tune with the beast and all. Absolute Princess(TM) aside from the whole bloodthirsty fighter side; could be she wanders into Kiri or Snow Haven, looking for more about the supernat underground and where she can really fight all out, gets directed towards Iron Maiden or elsewhere [heard some mentions of the Pit]? Morals are undecided; could be a fighter for whoever is willing to take the chance on her. Oh, and she will need some way to keep warm given her clothing choices. XD

Edit: [17/2/22] Ooh, werebeast with rapid change, silver poisoning etc.? And warding against magic. Or shifter constantly exposed to werebeast cursing? Both messed up, both should lead to a lot of scars. Probably former if it's feasible.

Random Ideas

-Fucked up long-lived supernat who's motto is 'because I can' and/or 'for science!' esque shenanigans. Maybe messed up Dryad? Might even 'bump' into Lillian's manor because its hidden in the woods and near her sacred type of plant. Of course she's a fucked up monster with 0 moral boundaries really. Could be potential romantic angle for Lillian - if Kara isn't around? Is kara around? Best ask lol Nevermind! Kara does exist, just NPC. Figured was probably the case~ Still, could be a cool friend to have around and do scienceeeee with!

-Unicorn - the passive identification thing is cool, want to explore something with it. No idea what. Could be used for something like Chiharu (probably not) or another port. Just liking the idea about them being seen as the other's species and all

-Also like the idea of a bonded unicorn. To one of the bloodmares (especially the elder 3) would be amusing admittedly. But to someone a bit different could be cool, someone more neutral? Bonding to good people is always nice, but have explored that a few times, less so more neutral or outright evil charries. Particularly if bonded to an evil character in a non-slave way - something more equalised, perhaps more friendly. 

-Side note of the whole vampires and unicorn blood thing; maybe do the above with a vamp? ...heh, would suggest Luvia [imagine Sophia's reaction to Luvia having a 'side chick' lol] but prooooobably not a thing that'd happen outside of AU/Cabin i'd assume XD

-Ooh, what if it's a unicorn resident that Velika goes 'mine' on [yes i am fixated on this idea, sue me lol]? And eventually the unicorn reveals. No bonding process [since Phages don't have one iirc?] but still neat~ Velika thinks they're just a human, who goes on to eventually trust her and reveals. :3

-[Edit: 17/2/22] Realising now I've never really RP'd with Reinare o.o Always heard and read plenty of mentions thanks to Maluum stuffs, but since I missed actually RPing in Maluum (barring the end with Lily; still regret not getting in on that) I basically never interacted with her. And she strikes me as really interesting, not least of all being the High Priestess and all. No idea in what capacity I'd RP with her, but definitely keen to do something with her! Also, wondering what happened to Hazama.... hrrrrrrm...

-[Edit: 17/2/22] Absolutely stupid/silly idea but every time I see the bits about BR and Coventry being erased, part of my head goes 'what if it's a big magical boom'? And what if it's like.... a person used as a weapon? Basically only ever allowed to use their magic for the express purpose of erasing a place etc. etc., otherwise kept on a super short leash. Or hell, maybe even a Phoenix, who incinerates themselves in the process, so they get tracked down by an SK (or multiple or however else they keep a 'leash'), and brought back under heel again for the next time they're needed. Basically the 'living weapon' trope I guess, always been curious about it, especially the ones where they develop wider emotional range (having started from a rather apathetic state, or reigniting old emotions that were suppressed out of 'training' by handlers and the like). 

-[Edit: 17/2/22] No connection to anything else, but if you know the character Io from Code Vein, she's a curious inspiration. Like the MC, she's got fragmented memories/amnesiac (memory/memory loss is a big theme for the not-Vampires in CV), but driven by the singular urge (at first) to help the MC. There's plenty of spoilers beyond that, but suffice to say, she's a really interesting supporting character whose characterisation makes me think it could be interesting to play something with the same themes (however that may be).

- [Edit: 17/2/22] Also I love Cruz from CV too, but I have no idea how that would work. XD Her context is uh... well, CV dependent, and her tropes are rather difficult to do as a charrie without being overbearing I think. Spoilers galore so I can't even explain her properly lol. Oh well.

Below is a copy of the extant google doc as mentioned. Some of this is already addressed, this is just for posterity's sake and easy referencing if needs be. Responses are in the plotting section of the discord. 

 Character Archive

A rundown of characters from other sites, for musings and possible porting


Din - Not sure I could get her to work elsewhere. Did have some fun times with her stuff with Seth though! Even if looking at my writing with her sometimes makes me cringe hard lol.

Kahari and Kyoshin - Crying. I re-read threads with them and just… yeah. Not gonna be ported but they’re definitely still around my headspace a lot.

Crystals - The trio thing going on with MU, nooooot sure it’d work elsewhere without way too much effort. Might be best left to good memories.

Ryuuki - Gemstone charrie, might be workable, not sure I have enough motivation to try though. Another one for the memories methinks.

Solus - Cheval’s adopted son and possibly more than that lol. Not gonna port but oh boy was that a rollercoaster back in the day.

Lady Mira - Y’know, wouldn’t half-mind playing some more. Still so glad I picked her up from Z lol. But she would tooootally need Lady Dira around again =3

Lilim - Maluum survivor, still remember some rather feels-heavy stuff with her (also RIP the scene with Kanna). Totally portable, didn’t do much with her post-Maluum as it was.

Takmarka - Me on a bleach kick and rolling around some random ideas with a friend. XD The general idea (old fire man) could be portable but no real heavy motivation behind.

Serenity - man, now this takes me back. Slice of life school style charrie. Absorbed in a bunch of other ooc issues (plus getting sorta plotblocked by someone disappearing on me xD). One of my earliest charries without a lot of development. Probs best to stay in the background I think.

Zelika - Waaaaant more with her, won’t lie. Everything I did with her was… amazingly fun. Also Xena and Lady Zema <3 But hard to make her work without that context, not in the same way, and not sure it’d be capable of living up to what was happening before [I went back and re-read every single post I made with her recently <<” You do noooot know how bad I want to continue with the old threads even though they’re suuuuper out of place now. Further Away still makes me feels so hard, especially whenever music that Zelika would make comes on.]

Shiroi - Oh man, so as much as my writing with her (first DSoJ charrie lol) makes me cringe, she was fun, JinJi was fun, and the blind oracle trope is just always good fun for me. Might be worth bringing her along for the ride sometime.

Chocola - Too much ooc feels. I don’t think I want to dig her up any more than I already have in re-reading stuff.

Seraphina - Vampy bounty hunter. Totally workable (and maaay have inspired account names lol), though her story would likely be way different to the original. Fun charrie base though.

Yoko - Never got to use her in the end. Was interesting to make her profile though! Not sure how well she’d fit elsewhere.

Shaibaki - Same as above, though admittedly always think I had a bit of a softer spot for her.

Shinkou - Hahahaha, she was nuts. Certifiably. And totally awesome. And loved her Maya-sis. Foxballs for life! I also have no idea if I should ever bring her elsewhere lol, she fit in perfectly with Sego and Maya’s chaos but not sure that’s a good story fit elsewhere.

Luxuria - Strangely, I did a lot of work with her early on but then not a lot later. Cult of Sinners charrie who got shown the ropes by LD and Lady Thora, easily portable, no solid ideas of what I’d do with her though.

Kemen/Kemena - Hehehe. I still remember all the work I did when first making his profile, plus the editing help I got…. And the Kemena twist was a fun option to throw a curveball at LD lol. Wouldn’t make any sense without her around, I think. Fun though and oh man, the first thread with him still makes me a little proud <<”

Aoi - Aaaaaah. AAAAH. My heart breaks every time honestly. She was probably my *most* developed charrie I think? And her mirror spawned a pretty heavily fleshed out second charrie so yeah. I always wanted to do way more with her post-war; I think she’s not gonna make sense without all of the context that made her, her. Seriously though, even the NPCs baked into her background made me nostalgic aaah. I love her to bits and I think threads (and even all the theoretical plots) with her (as much as they make me cry) will always be with me. Even stuff like the time spent with M3, and Zeboim~ She’ll always miss her Sale-chan though <3 And Xena ;=; And so many others aaaaah.

Yue - My water elemental who had some fun with the toymaker. Not a lot of fleshing out with her, easily portable as a base idea.

Kurai - Man she went through hell. But her interactions with Luva was baller hehehe. Still haven’t forgotten that Lillian turned her into a straight up flesh abomination in the end XD And it aaaaaall started because she was nice to Karayan lol. Workable, even just as an alt version, if Lillian or Luvia wanna have another unfortunate victim heh.

Carmine - I feel like I misplayed her a bit initially (though she was a lot of fun). The unknowingly not-human pact-maker, exile that got caught and made into a pet more or less (which was better than most slaves in Mrak lol). Could be interesting to try again with an archetype based around her.

Hineia - Never really got off the ground but baaaasically a young pyro/fire elemental who was way too impressionable (thank you Ariella lol) and probably a touch unstable. Her base idea was fun enough that I once made a D&D charrie around her so y’know, could totally take her for a spin again.

Aokiri - She’s still so pissed at me for never making her profile and not getting to do stuff with Tanith properly. XD Really quite/demure soul-devourer who waaaaas going to be a cute roommate with Tanith once-upon-a-time (I still remember her plushie lol!). Basic charrie could totally work, was always going to be a sort of slow-to-warm and quietly lethal charrie.

Imes - Never made proper sheets or anything for them, but that one setup I did with them and Mei was cool. Masked spies are tooootally easy to have show up in other settings too.

Mei - I wanna say maybe my second-most developed? Orrr… actually, probably tied third with a few. I maaaay have just gone back scouring through Twizted Realms and made myself cry too (I’ve done a lot of that recently <<”). Man, the levels within levels we had going on with TR (remember Shadow Dancer?! Layers within layers)… and Mei’s interactions on DSoJ stuff were great, even when she was being entrapped by Belladona lol. Her character, whilst fun, would be hard to replicate even half of the nostalgia and context again - but her basic archetype (exile with ‘stolen’ artifact that tries to be a normal person) works in most contexts I would think. Still, another one whose threads and even the TR as a whole (I… actually went back and read the entire shoutbox log lol) will likely be with me for a long time.

Aurora - Surprisingly less developed than I thought after a point, probably because major parts of her plots sorta got put on hold by proxy. Actually have run the beginnings of a casual alt version of her as a politician, so she definitely can work elsewhere (but her ties with Lady Thora would be neat to try and replicate again in some way <.< >.>). Also, remind me to tell you about the weird thing my brain does about the nickname ‘Auro’ lol.

Selune - Didn’t do much with the byakko, but she actually got my second wind back initially for SiO sooooooooooo. Also her FC is someone I adore haha. I think I can probably make her work again, even though she’ll never likely get to interact with the hot mess that was going to be her relationship (in any sense) with Sakkara etc. XD

Cae - So I actually did some stuff on site with her without ever making a profile, and she’s one that’s bugged and haunted me for a long time. Used her in one or two other contexts, but very casual 1-on-1 stuff. The crazy dimension-hopping fox fits in so easily in other places though, given I literally had her popping off to different dimensions and eating other versions of herself to ‘save’ them XD Also heeeeelp, she won’t leave me alone DX

Anette (heron) - Another charrie I actually took on and was interesting thanks to the existing plots. Unfortunately a bunch of stuff never fell into place (poor timing, mostly) so I didn’t get to actually flesh out some of the stuff with Allu. Still… wouldn’t be opposed to trying again with her, especially since taking her on in the first place was sort of… fulfilling, because of who I worked on her with.

Marthammor - My signless teacher! Creative writing haha. Baaaasically disappeared off the face of the planet once things sorta moved away from Kimona. Mind you I used her so much in the Teacher’s Lounge chats XD Basic idea, once again, easy to replicate.

Anastasia - I think I made all of oooooone post with her. She’s cool though, FC spawned by the pseudo-animation used for a music video I liked once upon a time. One of those stupidly ancient charries (eldest Death elemental and all that) that looked impossibly young/childlike. <<” But also totally didn’t appear ‘real’ either because she was a bit like a porcelain doll. I want to use her typecast more though (the unexpectedly lethal? I guess sort of charrie) so I might try to reinvent her?

Sylviana - Tainted Rose, for similar reasons to the gemstone charrie, not gonna try to do more here I think.

Lady Gin - Aforementioned mirror of Aoi. Her interactions during the mirror were good, and honestly only got better after. Plus she ended up with some ties to Lady Zema, Lady Mira, and Lady Thora, and then a whole host of uuuuh… well, let’s just go with fucked-up writing because I took her down some weird paths when she embraced being a demoness and a Knight lol. 100% would use her again if I can make the context work! Doubly so if she meets up with any of the people she knew in Alus.

Sylvia/Sylvea - another one without a profile (I think she was the last charrie I made up on DSoJ?). Also yes, another fox, I have a thing with foxes lol (I wooooonder where I might have gotten that from). Caretaker/guardian of a long-forgotten temple to an old faith, but spent a lot of time residing in her own pocket realm when she wasn’t guarding. Easily reworkable, though maaaybe somewhat different powers.


Nagisa - mostly mentioned out of posterity. xD Not sure she’s a good fit to go anywhere else.

Chikaru - unlike Nagisa, actually like the idea of pulling Chikaru out into other worlds. Probably to do with Sini at least a little bit hehe. But yeah, she’s cool, wouldn’t mind bringing her elsewhere

Phoebiana [technically DSoJ as well but nyeh she wasn't finished on either lol] - Rainbow phoenix who I barely used, she would be interesting to pull out again. She was still sorta being fleshed out anyways so totally could make her work somewhere else.


Anette (bitchy) - SO. MUCH. FUN. Would 100% be down to do more of her. I re-read all the stuff with her agaaaain, including the texts and her finally getting with Dru lol. Also all the plaaaans with seeing ghosties. 

Lestari - honestly was a bit tough playing her at first but I think I sorta settled into it. Not sure how well placed my headcanon of her personality will be and all (plus, I imagine she’s different on FM anyway!) but totally interested in poking around with her again. Also, ghoooooooooost plans that we never got to do lol.

Allimarina - I would like to do something with her (when I can stop, y’know, crying when I think about her too much), but depends on the FM context definitely. Was pretty psyched about the badass ghostie side of her too lol. Also haunting Madi and trying to get her to be happy was totally going to be a trainwreck looool

Rhea - She was a port from elsewhere to begin with so! Yeah, wanna do more with her~ She represents a lot of the frenetic, constantly-in-motion side of my brain lol. Plus it’s always nice having a reckless and curious charrie~

SPRP (Strawberry Panic!)

Most of them aren’t gonna be super worth transporting; their stories worked for an SP! Setting or were otherwise wrapped up as much as I can feasibly see, but most won’t be much different to just making new charries [Shizuka, Isuzu, Aoi Tsuriya and some of the others]

Yumiko - archer girl, semi-usual tragic childhood. Soft spot for her since her plots got jumped around a lot, and I spent a lot of my drawing phase trying to improve using her FC as a base

Chiharu - my butterfly dancer. Adore her. Miss her. Her FC was my desktop background for a long time. Easily portable and fun to chill RP as

The Teaching Sisters - could be fun to bring over. Dynasty Warriors FCs lol, each had some cool plots going on but site died and all. Their dynamic might be interesting to port. Also DW *staaare*

Katai - Ga-Rei: Zero FC swordswoman. A ball of fun til ooc drama killed her off. Might be fun to try another shot at her.

Chidori Tsukino - Now my most prominent character… ever. I have transposed her to almost a dozen sites I think? My silent artist <3 Uses a Rise/Risette FC from Persona 4, absolute horror episode in her childhood (it varies from site to site but the core is the same - she ends up forcibly rendered mute at a very young age with copious amounts of trauma). I connect with her in some ways for super personal reasons, but in general, I’ve just found her so easy to play across sites - people seem to take a liking to the very vulnerable characterisation ^^;; Easily able to bring her elsewhere~ Plus, it’s nice to have more paths/alts of her since I get to explore more angles and stories with her - though a looooot of the ones so far have been sorta sad barring the most recent.

Chocolate Roses (custom slice-of-life setting)

In some ways this one was super reminiscent of SP! Because predominantly female setting, involving an all-girls school on an island with its own mini-town. A lot of characters here had specific ties I won’t be able to create again (although I will forever cherish the amusement of the skype names for some of the group chats, like 5xsiscon) but some charries were ported to there in the first place, or have since gotten ported soooo.

Rhea - this is where she first came from! Mooostly the same still of charrie haha. Just thought I’d note down that, yeah, she was here first.

Solana - ported from an even older site, Super Sonico FC, absolutely oblivious tech wizard with some musical composition (digital) prowess. Usually a gamer too. Absolutely clueless about her uh…. Well, let’s just say, overdeveloped body. XD A very ‘innocent’ and easily corruptible character, who I’ve popped into a few places but sadly never got too in depth with (not for lack of interest XD Mostly just usual site death). Always worry about my portrayal a bit, since it’s veeeery tropey, but she has been a lot of fun when I have used her so.

Valeriya - my Tharja FC charrie. Usually amoral, entirely too seductive by half, and a polyglot! Normally a language teacher haha. One of my more mature characters that had some various plots over the three or four times I used her, including the mystery-seeker she ended up being on CR (before the mystery got vanished because site owner sort of disappeared DX). I like the idea of using her again though, if I can make her style fit of course.

Twilight Kaleidoscope

A Fate/Type moon RP. It’s technically public but… realistically it’s private, mostly just a small friend group, and going through another rough patch even with my best efforts @.@ Some great characters here but since a fair few are designed for the type-moon universe and aaaaaall of its bullshit they might not work elsewhere lol (y’know, the likes of Tiamat for instance, or my millennia old ‘human’ observer who’s been stuck in her duty to Gaia since the heyday of Babylon).

That being said, y’know, I managed to port Chidori here (one of her few happy instances! Albeit with so much drama/tragedy/pain thrown in still because I’m mean lol) some of the charries might make it to other contexts okay. Currently though… probably just Amaterasu.

Amaterasu - named after, not actually the Amaterasu in T-M (who I may be tinkering with <.< >.>), uses Taiho from AL as a FC (so uh, usually her outfits are NSFW because AL lol). A fashion model who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, a really hard-to-faze sort of charrie who rolls with the punches pretty well, even though she’s super out of her league on the whole power side of things. Another ‘chill’ sort of character I can port potentially.

Shackled Paradise & Persona Trapped

A set of Persona RPs (not related, but some concurrent members). Suffice to say… second one died off due to some of the usual reasons, and I left the first due to massive drama that left me in a really bad place mentally for awhile. Ironically, for that reason, one of the characters I had there might genuinely be a nice idea to try and rework. There’s also a second one but… well, it was very much a weird one (awakened/highly intelligent animal, akin to the Fox in P4 or the dog in P3) that I never actually *made* so xD There’s also maybe one from the second site.

Seraphina - same name as the DSoJ one, entirely unrelated! She was actually a Shadow, although one of the unusual type that the board had (closer to Shadow personalities of people, someone who’d succumbed more or less). In a way she became similar to Sakkara - her DID worsened when she became a Shadow, and since embracing being a Shadow is all about the emotional/mental expressions becoming more real, she actually transformed when her identity shifted. She was originally set up to be a growing nemesis basically, because her changing Personae made her entirely different when it came to movesets, resistances etc., along with the actual change in who she was. I worked super hard on her >w< And then it got thrown to the wayside because of BS that happened with admins (including someone who I’d been pretty close friends with). 

Bleh! So anyway, she could definitely use some love, even if it’s nowhere near the same sort of mechanical charrie - even just using some of the base elements again might be nice. I dunno, I’ll have to see if it can fit (I’d be hesitant for likely the same reasons Z was for Sakkara).

Yukiko - Another dance charrie, this time an instructor with her own studio. Modeled off a FGO FC (Anastasia), she was one of the characters I had who really transformed her outward identity depending on company around her (personality mask, I guess is the best way to put it). Someone who felt really strongly about some principles like promises, hard work, and distribution of wealth to a degree (basically hating wealth hoarding lol). I think I got like 1 thread going with her before things went kaput. So she’s moooostly a blank slate I might try again with.

Sakura Mankai

Was a custom setting with a small friend group. It did die (even though the friend group still does some RP stuff elsewhere) but there was unfortunately a not-small amount of drama x.x I may pull up some charries from here as ideas in the future but it’s too much extra baggage right now for me to delve into. 

I will note that some of the characters were made for specific plots/purposes that were basically fantasy/wish fulfillment for some people so uh… yeah, they’ll probably not ever appear elsewhere lol. Did spawn a funny group name that became a discord server name later though, though it’s a NSFW joke <<”


Only mentioning this one because it was a case of a character being made, getting like, 2 posts in, and then my partner dropping the site ;-; So it left my charrie in a bit of a lurch and I never did get around to reworking her… so maybe on FM? XD

Minako - a Sakuya Izayoi FC of all things, who was a bodyguard to a politician’s daughter. Also a maid because, well, it *is* Sakuya haha. She was also a cooking specialist, since they were being foistered off to a school that deals primarily in arts scholarships/specialisation, including stuff like cooking/crafting. So yeah… a very quiet character with that sort of… lurking wit and sassiness that only comes out once she’s around people she knows (since strangers make her have to be more bodyguard-like and all XD). Elsewise a very, very serious and sliiiightly amoral character.


Thazzit for now. Feel free to make notations or comments (preferably in an obviously different colour or font or something if embedded directly)! Or poke on discord or whatever lol. Here for people to read, reminisce if they want, poke fun, or otherwise prompt talk about old charries I’ve brought up <<” [2/2/2022]