Home is Here (Basic Storyline and Plot)

Our protag is Isabella (She/Her), a 16 year old trans girl living in an abusive household with an acholic mother, verbal and psychological traumatizing father. She was an experiment for the SSCS (Safe & Sound Children for Society) to test children's mental and psychology limits in toxic environments to better train them into proper children. After finding her birth certificate with her real parents name and a file explaining the experiment, they attempted to kill her as SSCS protocol states that if the subject of anyone outside of the experiment knows about purpose of the experiment they must be executed. She runs from an abusive family and the SSCS and attempted to drowned herself in a near by lake, not know it was Lake Zona. Lake Zona is a body of water that acts as a worm fu

 She falls down an opened portal and passes out due to the lack of oxygen. MKN_49, or Maki (She/Her) is an android that took Isabella to Stardust Island manor. In the manor lives with Lux (Any), an elctroy, Baxtor (He/They), a librarian, and their 6 adopted children; Brooklyn(She/Her), Moxxie(All), Yumi(He/Him), Mukoro(He/Him), Tiara(She/They), and Isabella's best friend Rain (They/Xey/It). Isabella learns she is half Near and has the ability to hear people's inner thoughts and have halusnations of people's past.

 Brooklyn is a human self-made musician at age 25 and teaches the protagonist about relationships and sexual abuse. Moxxie is an ageless nightmary ringmaster and part-time clown in a circus. They aren't around Much around the story, but they do teach the protagonist about the joys of expressing themselves when they visit. Yumi is 19 years old siren and lives with his adopted parents, he teaches the protag about LGTBQ+ and discrimination towards minorities. Mukoro is a shape-shifter game developer and streamer, they teach the protagonist bout mental illnesses, autisum, and coping mechanisms. Tiara is a spider demon