Legacy of The Supernatural


Tower of Lycaon


  Lightning cracked. Thunder boomed. All familiar sounds of the wind and storm spirits. The former god smiled to himself as he looked out the window of his office on the top floor. How could things go bad in this city? Everyone's happy. Especially my children...He chuckled at the thought of the werewolves. "It makes you wonder why a rebellion was formed against me." Lycaon looked up at the full moon, spreading the clouds apart, seemingly mesmerized. "The change is upon us." He walked to his desk and  pressed the button on the intercom. "B.Y.? Set the humans free into the woods if you please." B.Y. responded with a simple grunt. He looked back out the window, and whispered to himself. "Now, my children. Let us hunt." As the moon rose to it's highest, howls could be heard across the city.