
ADAPTABLEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Showing flexibility and versatility regardless of the situation


Moving from place to place frequently in childhood

Carrying little or no emotional baggage


Thinking quickly

Holding down more than one job

Being comfortable with responsibility

Not shying away from challenges

Being knowledgeable in many areas

Pursuing education or training to make oneself more prepared

Following orders efficiently

Being willing to improvise

Having strong multitasking skills

Recovering from disappointments or setbacks quickly

Taking advantage of opportunities


Curiosity, Confidence, Eagerness

CAUTIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Given to prudent forethought before acting


Witnessing loved ones who suffered calamities as a result of risky behavior

Living in a dangerous environment


Asking questions

Investigating and researching before making decisions

Avoiding risky situations or places

Entering relationships slowly

Going over the details

Being slow to trust

Having a closed body posture

Sharing one’s thoughts and opinions in a round-about way, rather than directly

Having a backup plan


Valuing privacy

Being pessimistic or, at best, cautiously optimistic

Wariness; being watchful for danger

Locking doors; not sleeping with windows open

Showing respect for boundaries and rules

Giving trust to those who earn it

Comparing different choices and scenarios

Hiding things from view to remove temptation (not leaving a tablet on the car seat, etc.)

Learning from the past and applying those lessons

Committing with reluctance

Double-checking everything

Not liking surprises

Difficulty letting others make the decisions

Speaking slowly; choosing one’s words with purpose

Offering to clarify something one has said to ensure understanding


Anxiety, Suspicion, Wariness, Worry

IMAGINATIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having an active imagination; forming clear mental images of things that have not been previously considered


Wanting to escape one’s current situation

Having a highly active mind

Being generally dissatisfied with the status quo; knowing that things can always be better



Being artistic

Solving problems creatively

Looking at what’s common or plain and seeing something special

Sketching, journaling, or making notes about one’s ideas

Having no shortage of ideas

Being creative

Being able to visualize something without props or plans

Being intrigued by fantasy or that which is not yet a reality (advances in science, etc.)

Enjoying mysteries and the unknown

Thinking about the What if?

Being driven to turn an idea into a reality

Staring off at nothing while thinking

Experiencing more epiphanies than most people

Having a strong awareness of the world and oneself; seeing what others miss

Rarely suffering from boredom


Curiosity, Amazement, Eagerness, Excitement

INDEPENDENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Thinking and acting for oneself; resisting influence



Being introverted

Having trust issues

Experiencing oppression in the past



Exhibiting inner emotional strength


Striving for what one wants; not settling

Having a strong work ethic

Being able to do things on one’s own

Enjoying solitude and being alone

Seeking out information and then making up one’s mind

Trusting one’s intuition

Not being affected by peer pressure

Cutting out negative influences (toxic friends, jobs that are draining, etc.)


Not getting upset easily

Choosing not to meddle in other people’s lives

Protecting one’s privacy and territory

Finding it difficult to ask for help

Being highly disciplined

Avoiding debt; being financially responsible

INTROVERTEDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Being inclined to explore one’s inner mental landscape more so than the outer world


Respecting people’s boundaries and privacy

Preferring to socialize one-on-one rather than in groups

Needing time alone to recharge after being around others

Only speaking when one has something important to say; avoiding small talk

Looking forward to being alone and having time to do nothing

Being a deep thinker

Speaking slowly and thoughtfully

Becoming more uncomfortable than is normal when one’s personal space is invaded

Hiding from people (not answering the phone or door, etc.)

Clock-watching to know when it’s finally okay to duck out of an event

Staying in one place at a party rather than working the room

Spending one’s lunch hour alone rather than joining co-workers

Becoming uncomfortable when one is singled out

Letting others make the first move rather than approaching them first

Being a good observer and listener (when the conversation is meaningful)


Choosing friends carefully

Being an avid reader

Choosing interests and sports that are solitary (hiking, knitting, bird-watching, etc.)

Being creative in some way

Becoming irritable when one is overstimulated

Choosing clothing that is uniform rather than unique or colorful

Listening to music at a low volume rather than a high volume

Thinking before reacting

Being non-competitive with others

Making excuses to not attend group events or large family gatherings

Avoiding dangerous or risky activities


Anxiety, Conflicted, Curiosity, Nostalgia, Peacefulness, Relief

SIMPLEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Not fancy; plain


Being able to take things at face value


Transparency in relationships

Being content with what one has

Being comfortable with silences in conversation

Being grounded in reality

Choosing comfort over style

Being strongly tied to one’s family and friends

Not caring about having the best or the newest things

Being adaptable; taking change as it comes

Being unafraid of hard work or doing one’s share

Avoiding the limelight

RESOURCEFULAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Capable of adapting to new situations by making do with what one has


Experiencing a shortness of resources in the past

Being impoverished; having no other choice but to figure out new ways of surviving

Independence; not wanting to rely on others


Keeping cool in the face of difficult circumstances

Being proactive

Being a good problem solver

Assessing a situation quickly and accurately

Having a basic understanding of how things work

Repurposing discarded objects into something new and useful


Thinking outside the box; ingenuity

Tinkering with things to better understand how they work

Hoarding tendencies

Holding onto items because they might one day come in handy

Making items instead of buying them (clothes, food products, home decor, etc.)

Educating oneself on areas where knowledge is lacking

Thinking ahead

Keeping inventory of the items at one’s disposal

Keeping an eye out for new opportunities

Looking for ways to cut costs or save money

Viewing a tight budget as a challenge

Becoming obsessive about saving money or resources


Curiosity, Desperation, Annoyance, Worry, Satisfaction, Eagerness

INSECUREAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Lacking confidence and surety




Keeping to oneself

Exhibiting nervous behaviors when interacting with others

Being overly critical of one’s body image

Feeling like one has no gifts, skills, or talents

Avoiding uncomfortable situations (refusing to swim to avoid wearing a bathing suit, etc.)

Overcompensating for insecurities by focusing on other areas

Comparing oneself to others and feeling inferior

Sticking close to the people one feels comfortable with

Blaming oneself when bad things happen

Having a low self-esteem

Desiring to fit in and be more confident

Negative self-talk

Choosing to be alone rather than feeling inadequate around others


Anxiety, Depressed, Doubt, Fear, Jealousy, Anguish

SCATTERBRAINEDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Exhibiting thoughts that are not logical or connected


Difficulty thinking more than one step ahead






Ineffective attempts at gathering one’s thoughts (grocery lists that are left at home, etc.)

Focusing so much on one area that others are neglected

Minimizing the importance of items that one has forgotten

Sending emails or texts that contain embarrassing typos

Trailing off in the middle of a sentence; forgetting where one was going

Forgetfulness that impacts other people (forgetting to pick someone up for work, etc.)

Being unable to follow what someone is saying


Anxiety, Conflicted, Frustration, Overwhelmed, Worry

UNCOMMUNICATIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Reluctant to impart information or share one’s feelings and thoughts


Fear (of rejection, making oneself vulnerable, consequences)

Being emotionally repressed

Low self-esteem; believing that one has nothing to offer


Keeping secrets

Desiring connection but not wanting to open up to others

Having an unemotional outward demeanor

Speaking in a quiet voice

Staying in the background

Diverting attention away from oneself

Giving one-word answers

Responding awkwardly (letting silences linger, walking away, etc.)

Avoiding people who press for information

Not making eye contact

Using a diary, YouTube channel, or an anonymous blog as an outlet for expression

Replying with nonverbal responses (nods, head shakes, shrugs, etc.)

Lackluster body movements

Pretending disinterest

Disengaging when someone probes for answers

Engaging in solitary activities (video games, reading, hiking alone, etc.)

Letting emotions build internally rather than expressing them

Listening in on conversations without engaging

Covertly observing others

Lying to avoid telling the truth

Agreeing or disagreeing but refusing to elaborate

Becoming self-sufficient to avoid having to rely on others

Avoiding social situations

Giving answers that don’t reveal anything


Agitation, Reluctance, Annoyance

WITHDRAWNAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Detached from others, having retreated inside oneself



Being a highly private person


Trust issues

A fear of being hurt or rejected by others


Avoiding people and social activities

Needing few friends; being highly independent

Living on the fringes (not joining clubs at school, not having people over for dinner, etc.)

Focusing on work or projects

Blending in; not calling attention to oneself

Taking solitary jobs that don’t require face-to-face interaction with others

Entering into new relationships with hesitancy and trepidation

Making decisions for oneself instead of seeking the advice of others


Not paying attention

Difficulty focusing on or participating in conversations

Preferring to be alone

Going for walks alone, reading, gaming, retreating online where one feels safe

Feeling misunderstood

Finding safety and comfort in routine

Making choices that support a solitary lifestyle (shopping online, having groceries delivered, etc.)

Feeling alone, even with others


Avoiding personal questions

Tuning out the outside world

Difficulty maintaining eye contact

Thinking too much

Avoiding one’s neighbors or living somewhere where one has none

Sad Girl

PARANOIDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Inclined to excessive worrying and irrational suspicion POSSIBLE CAUSES Stressful life events or past traumas (surviving a kidnapping, abuse, etc.) Growing up in a situation where one was constantly criticized or ridiculed Insomnia Intense feelings of inferiority Extreme trust issues BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Becoming socially isolated Making accusations Obsessive behaviors (cleaning one’s guns, looking through the front door’s peephole, etc.) Living a life that is overly safeguarded and secure Adhering to certain routines for safety (eating the same carefully prepared food day after day) Tics and other nervous actions Reacting defensively Jumping to conclusions Changing routines in an effort to avoid detection (leaving the house at odd times, etc.) Poor hygiene Muttering and mumbling Believing that one has been singled out or targeted in some way Pessimism and negativity Believing in conspiracy theories Refusing to forgive real or imagined insults or wrongs Being suspicious of those offering kindness or friendship Arming oneself for protection Refusing to join group activities or events Assuming that everyone has a hidden agenda Being sensitive to change Feeling watched or spied on Believing nothing is mere coincidence ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Paranoia, Suspicion, Anger, Frustration OVERSENSITIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Overly perceptive to emotion; easily hurt by external influences POSSIBLE CAUSES Low self-confidence and self-esteem Fears and phobias Poor body image; believing oneself to be outside the norm (overweight, underweight, etc.) A trauma in one’s childhood (being bullied or suffering other abuse) Growing up or living in an unsafe environment Paranoia A real or perceived lack of control BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Crying or other emotional displays Shutting down and becoming unresponsive Leaving in haste and without reason Growing silent during banter or conversation Reading into what another said or did in a way that was not intended Seeing criticism where there is none Paranoia Moodiness, depression Obsessing about a past situation where one’s feelings were hurt Being pulled in by another’s emotion Holding grudges Being deeply loyal to those who’ve proven themselves trustworthy Deep empathy Displays of kindness and compassion Avoiding critical or opinionated people Worrying about disappointing others Isolation Insecurity Disliking and avoiding social events Feeling euphoria when receiving a compliment or positive reinforcement Frequent apologizing Misreading body language or expressions and making assumptions based on what one sees Difficulty understanding or expressing sarcasm Difficulty opening up to or trusting others ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Anxiety, Depressed, Fear, Overwhelmed, Sadness NEEDYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Emotionally fragile; requiring constant attention and support POSSIBLE CAUSES Insufficient nurturing or neglect during childhood Low self-worth; a need for constant reassurance A traumatizing past event Loneliness Deep insecurity BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Sharing worries and fears with others in an effort to lessen the burden Over-sharing one’s personal history, especially any traumatic events Seeking frequent reassurance Asking for advice and opinions before making decisions Frequent phoning and texting Feeling overwhelmed if the subject of one’s clinginess isn’t around Working to insert oneself into the personal lives of others Hinting for invites to events and social gatherings Exhibiting unhealthy levels of trust for one’s loved ones and friends Perfectionist tendencies; needing everything to be just so in order to avoid anxiety Feeling abandoned when others aren’t around Smothering others; draining their energy with one’s neediness Engaging in comforting routines (going to ball games together, establishing a movie night) Wanting to be taken care of and loved Wanting to spend every minute with the person who makes one feel complete Exhibiting anger or frustration when a friend is with others or not available Fishing for compliments Talking often about one’s own problems and circumstances Not respecting the boundaries and privacy of others Sharing one’s secrets, hopes, and desires MORBIDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Having a bleak or gruesome outlook or an unhealthy interest in death POSSIBLE CAUSES Depression Curiosity about the afterlife Having experienced more than one’s share of death and loss BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Having few friendships Isolation Asking questions or making death-related observations that cause others discomfort A lack of fear regarding death Closely examining a person or animal in a stage of illness, pain, or death A negative or bleak outlook Collecting items that symbolize death in some way (books on illnesses, pinned insects, etc.) Difficulty relating to other people Discussing death or pain in a matter-of-fact way Staring into the eyes of something dying or dead Expressing interest in the afterlife and/or reincarnation Researching death and different cultural beliefs surrounding it Questioning people who are close to death Imagining and fantasizing about different types of death (drowning, burning, poisoning, etc.) Depression Feeling that there is no point to life Desiring death Thoughts of suicide Creating a suicide plan or attempting it to see if one could actually go through with it ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Curiosity, Depressed, Somberness INSECUREAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Lacking confidence and surety POSSIBLE CAUSES Being surrounded by people who excel in areas where one is lacking Believing that one is not accepted or liked by others Abuse, neglect, or abandonment Failure A fear of rejection Having a dysfunctional relationship with one or both parents BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Exhibiting nervous behaviors when interacting with others Keeping to oneself Having a low self-esteem Choosing to be alone rather than feeling inadequate around others Negative self-talk Worrying about what other people think Blaming oneself when bad things happen Obsessing over one’s negatives and ignoring the positives Driving others away through neediness and clinginess Seeking acceptance through unhealthy measures Self-destructive behaviors (drug use, promiscuous sex, developing an eating disorder, etc.) Befriending anyone who offers attention ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Anguish, Anxiety, Depressed, Doubt, Fear, Jealousy, Loneliness, Shame WHINYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Disagreeable; inclined to complain POSSIBLE CAUSES Poor self-confidence and self-esteem BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Complaining Citing boredom, aches, pains, or other conditions in hopes of getting what one wants A reluctance to make sacrifices Letting out heavy, disagreeable sighs Passive-aggressiveness Accusing others of favoritism Not being able to let go of one’s negative feelings Dragging one’s feet, figuratively or literally Moaning and groaning Pouting ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Agitation, Annoyance, Contempt, Fear, Insecurity WITHDRAWNAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Detached from others, having retreated inside oneself POSSIBLE CAUSES Low self-esteem Shyness Past or present abuse Guilt or shame Trust issues BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Avoiding people and social activities Needing few friends; being highly independent Living on the fringes (not joining clubs at school, not having people over for dinner, etc.) Avoiding one’s neighbors or living somewhere where one has none Thinking too much Difficulty maintaining eye contact Confusing inquiries of concern with meddling Feeling alone, even with others Not paying attention Difficulty focusing on or participating in conversations Feeling misunderstood ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Anxiety, Depressed, Disappointment, Guilt, Overwhelmed

PROTECTIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise the persons or items in one’s charge POSSIBLE CAUSES Abuse Proximity to danger or corruption where one must defend one’s resources The belief that one cannot be too careful A past failure (real or imagined) to protect a person, one’s assets, or one’s resources BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Being aware of danger and risk, and avoiding them as much as possible Carefully watching situations that could grow volatile Asking questions; needing to know details Researching and fact gathering Being in close proximity to the one needing protection Being an active listener; offering support and counsel Wanting someone to succeed and working to help them achieve their goals Balancing concern for safety with respecting another’s independence and freedom Lightly touching others to let them know one is there Distrust of strangers Encouraging sound choices and decision-making Being vigilant when it comes to friends or influencers Acting in someone’s best interest without being overbearing, bossy, or controlling Protecting someone for their sake, not for one’s own best interests Being hyper sensitive to time; using time limits as a method of monitoring Seeing a possible threat in every situation Calling, texting, and visiting as a way of checking in Worrying, especially when one has little or no control over events Being an advocate for someone else Seeing to the needs of those in one’s care Being there when help is needed Looking out for those who are ill-equipped to do so themselves ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Conflicted, Regret, Suspicion, Skepticism, Wariness, Worry, Unease SENTIMENTALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Being strongly influenced by feelings or emotional sentiment POSSIBLE CAUSES Being unable to move beyond highly emotional events in one’s past Being deeply in tune with one’s emotions and wanting to experience them frequently Having an overly sentimental parent Wanting the attention that comes when excess emotion is expressed BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Making decisions based on one’s feelings rather than on logic Having clear memories of important days or occasions (a birth, a breakup, etc.) Holding on to and cherishing keepsakes Crying over sad movies or books Loyalty Becoming emotional over tokens from the past (a poem, a ticket stub, etc.) Being sensitive; having one’s feelings easily hurt Becoming emotional when memories are stirred (when a song is played, etc.) Being hurt when others don’t return one’s intensity of feeling Idealizing one’s memories; remembering the good parts and forgetting the bad Thoughtfulness (sending notes with a lunch, texting a lover for no reason, etc.) Smothering others with emotion and attention EMPATHETICAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Able to recognize and identify with the emotions of others POSSIBLE CAUSES Having heightened intuition Being deeply attuned to emotion BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Being sensitive to the emotional pain of others Listening actively Enjoying working with animals or being around them Having a quiet, contemplative nature Being able to sense “fake” emotions Finding it difficult to put one’s needs first Reluctance to share emotions too fully for fear of being overwhelmed Seeing past actions and words to discern the truth Pondering the meaning of life and one’s role within it Having strong values and ideals Championing humane causes Avoiding places where painful emotions are abundant (cancer wards, prisons, etc.) Wanting to help others or fix their problems Being an introvert Experiencing pain echoes (true empaths) Feeling overwhelmed by emotions; needing to retreat to a quiet place Avoiding toxic people and situations Wanting to be left alone ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Anguish, Conflicted, Desire CAUTIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Given to prudent forethought before acting POSSIBLE CAUSES Living with fears, phobias, or social anxiety Fragile health BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Having a closed body posture Being slow to trust Going over the details Entering relationships slowly Avoiding risky situations or places Difficulty letting others make the decisions Evaluating a past experience to determine if one would do the same thing again ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Anxiety, Confidence, Suspicion, Wariness, Worry HUMBLEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Not haughty, arrogant, or superior POSSIBLE CAUSES Having low self-esteem or confidence Being shy Being naturally introverted Growing up in the shadow of talented parents or siblings BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Avoiding the spotlight Taking background roles Downplaying one’s skills and abilities Speaking in a quiet voice Expressing discomfort when complimented Deferring to others when disagreements or stalemates arise Engaging in hobbies and activities that don’t call attention to oneself Turning praise around to the giver; diverting attention Becoming embarrassed when others bring up one’s talents or abilities Keeping secrets about one’s successes or achievements Listening first, then speaking Minimizing one’s role in success to avoid attention Doing the jobs that no one else wants to do Not expressing one’s opinions until asked to do so Underestimating oneself Doing one’s work without grumbling or complaint ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Confidence, Happiness, Insecurity, Nervousness PERCEPTIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Showing intuitive observation and insight POSSIBLE CAUSES Being highly empathetic Being attuned to patterns and other data that enables one to make accurate predictions BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Accurately assessing what one is observing Reading people well Noticing things that other people don’t see Making connections that other people miss Sensing that something is wrong Having highly attuned senses Being compelled to share the truth even when it makes things difficult Seeing solutions as black-and-white Finding solutions Evaluating people on a number of levels (analyzing behaviors, emotions, motives, etc.) ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Confidence, Eagerness, Elation, Reluctance PENSIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary DEFINITION Musingly thoughtful POSSIBLE CAUSES Shyness Having a brooding or worrying nature Being the kind of person who needs introspection in order to process things Desiring to escape reality BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Staring off into space Sitting still for long periods of time Wandering off by oneself Multitasking Speaking in circles; talking through one’s thoughts Thinking carefully before speaking Becoming frustrated when one is unable to satisfactorily work through a problem Being easily bored by topics that aren’t of interest Going long periods of time without engaging with others Being reclusive Getting overdue notices because one has forgotten to pay bills Taking a job that doesn’t require much thought so one can live inside one’s head Reading and researching to further one’s perspective Being easily distracted Forgetting run-of-the-mill activities (eating, showering, feeding the dog, etc.) Becoming stiff from sitting in one position for too long while processing ideas Difficulty interacting with people if one has been introspective for too long Losing track of time Adding to a conversation only to discover that the topic has changed Blurting out thoughts that have nothing to do with the current conversation ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Amazement, Amusement, Curiosity INTROVERTEDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait Primary BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES Choosing clothing that is uniform rather than unique or colorful Appreciating structure, organization, and time limits Choosing interests and sports that are solitary (hiking, knitting, bird-watching, etc.) Being an avid reader Forming a small number of deep relationships rather than many casual ones Making excuses to not attend group events or large family gatherings Being non-competitive with others Being in touch with one’s emotions yet not feeling pressured to express or share them Spending one’s lunch hour alone rather than joining co-workers Becoming uncomfortable when one is singled out Letting others make the first move rather than approaching them first Being a good observer and listener (when the conversation is meaningful) Thinking before reacting Enjoying peace and quiet Staying in one place at a party rather than working the room Clock-watching to know when it’s finally okay to duck out of an event Hiding from people (not answering the phone or door, etc.) Becoming more uncomfortable than is normal when one’s personal space is invaded Being a deep thinker Avoiding loud, noisy, or chaotic events (rock concerts, big parties, etc.) Speaking slowly and thoughtfully ASSOCIATED EMOTIONS Conflicted, Anxiety, Nostalgia, Peacefulness, Relief

Spoiled Brat traits

Femboy traits


FRIENDLYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Showing friendship; acting in a way that befits a friend


Craving acceptance; wanting to fit in


Greeting people


Being comfortable around others


Treating people fairly and with respect

Asking questions to encourage conversation

Having a positive attitude

Putting others at ease


Talking about things in a positive light

Being attentive in groups; making sure everyone is having a good time

Giving compliments


Using a warm tone

Showing appreciation

Respecting the independence of others

Trying new things, especially to support a friend (going rock climbing, etc.)

Giving more than one takes

Showing hospitality

Being approachable and easy to talk to or confide in

LOYALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Unswervingly devoted

Note: The object of one’s loyalty can be a person, institution, or ideal


Believing that the object of one’s loyalty is more important than oneself


Fear of retribution

Experiencing betrayal in the past and wanting no part of it


Seeking out others who share one’s affection for the object

Talking incessantly about the object

Not tolerating any negative words spoken about the object

Protecting the object at all costs (ignoring misbehaviors, lying to cover things up, etc.)

Putting the object’s needs and desires above one’s own

Sacrificing or going without if it helps the object

Dismissing or shunning anyone who speaks badly of the object

Often giving more than one receives

Rearranging one’s schedule in order to accommodate the object

Craving the object’s affirmation or attention

Expressing empathy for the object (mourning, celebrating, worrying, etc.)

Seeking out ways to serve or help the object

Feeling great pride at the object’s achievements

Not being able to be objective about the object

Maneuvering conversations so the object can be discussed

Supporting the object even when one privately disagrees

OBEDIENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Submissive to authority


A subservient nature

A desire to please

The belief that following the rules leads to reward

Gratitude and loyalty; obeying someone because of what they did in the past


Following orders immediately

Trusting that those in authority have one’s best interests at heart

Obeying an order or rule despite private misgivings

Being a team player


Joining organizations or clubs that have a clear hierarchy

Feeling safe and protected

Expressing resentment when those who don’t follow the rules escape punishment

Encouraging others to follow the rules

Feeling relief to not be the one making the tough decisions

Tattling when others fail to comply

Becoming uncomfortable when others question those in authority

Being easily cowed

Experiencing confusion when those in authority do something unusual or untrustworthy


Feeling shame when one breaks a rule and is discovered


Happiness, Indifference, Resignation, Satisfaction

PASSIONATEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Being capable of or expressing deep feeling


Having an ingrained sense of responsibility

Believing on a moral level that one should stand up for what’s right

Mood, personality, and impulse control disorders

Feeling things on a deep emotional level


Expressing a wide range of emotions

Becoming easily angered, saddened, or excited

Using big, excited gestures

Speaking in a loud voice

Talking incessantly about the object of one’s passion

Working around obstacles to get what one wants

Obsessing about the focus of one’s passion

Standing up for what one believes

Expressing what one feels without thought for propriety or appropriateness

Being confrontational

Intense loyalty

Aligning with like-minded people

Arguing in favor of one’s cause

Dedicating oneself wholeheartedly to a person or cause

Remaining loyal despite opposition

Showing support through the giving of money and time

Stubbornness and determination

Taking risks

Needing to connect with people on a higher level

Emotional sensitivity


Being goal oriented

Expressing oneself in a creative or meaningful way

Working steadily toward a goal until it has been achieved

Exhibiting passion in many areas of one’s life

Having a single-minded focus

SPUNKYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



An inclination toward liveliness and high energy


Difficulty going slowly, taking one’s time, or just lazing around


Wearing colorful clothing

Making decisions that are driven by emotion

Speaking one’s mind

Being happy

Encouraging others

Not worrying about what others think

Being active; enjoying exercise

Making silly faces and being goofy to raise people’s spirits

Making suggestions for fun activities: "I know…let’s go to the circus!"

Being determined; never giving up

Not wasting opportunities

Committing random acts of kindness

Letting go of things that are beyond one’s control

Not complaining

Enjoying music, crowds, and events




Wanting to make people smile



Having a cheerful outlook

Speaking quickly with lots of gesturing and touching

Enjoying surprises and making new discoveries

Waking up energized and looking forward to the day

Desiring to learn by experience


Trying new things just for fun


Anticipation, Confidence, Excitement, Happiness

PROTECTIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise the persons or items in one’s charge


Love and respect

Serving in a caregiver role

Having struggled in the past to provide for one’s family


Being the caregiver of a family member with a mental or physical handicap

A past failure (real or imagined) to protect a person, one’s assets, or one’s resources


Providing information or advice to help someone be prepared

Looking out for those who are ill-equipped to do so themselves

Being there when help is needed

Being wary of new experiences or places

Seeing a possible threat in every situation

Taking on more responsibility to help someone or increase one’s influence with them

Difficulty trusting others and letting go of control

Calling, texting, and visiting as a way of checking in

Worrying, especially when one has little or no control over events

Being an advocate for someone else

Seeing to the needs of those in one’s care

Being hyper sensitive to time; using time limits as a method of monitoring

Needing to know where someone is, who they are with, and what they are doing

Following rules and behavior patterns that have proven safe in the past

Protecting someone for their sake, not for one’s own best interests

Acting in someone’s best interest without being overbearing, bossy, or controlling

Being vigilant when it comes to friends or influencers

Understanding the risks before acting

Offering strength when it is needed

Encouraging sound choices and decision-making

Distrust of strangers

Being proactive; thinking ahead to what might be needed

Lightly touching others to let them know one is there

Being an active listener; offering support and counsel

Being in close proximity to the one needing protection

Researching and fact gathering

Being aware of danger and risk, and avoiding them as much as possible

Carefully watching situations that could grow volatile

Asking questions; needing to know details


Unease, Worry, Wariness, Suspicion, Skepticism, Regret, Irritation, Gratitude, Determination, Conflicted

VIOLENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Using physical force to intimidate, abuse, or cause injury
Growing up in an abusive environment
Witnessing peer violence
Being abused or tortured in the past
Desperation caused by poverty or poor living conditions
Having a quick and savage temper
Exacting revenge
Punching holes in walls
Breaking personal objects
Being fascinated with weapons
Enjoying violence on television and in real life
Using intimidation to get what one wants
Having tense body posture (sweating, bright and hard eyes, neck tendons standing out, etc.)
Feeling the need for release
Enjoying the feeling of pain
Acting without restraint or common sense
Allowing one’s animalistic nature to take over
Thoughts that blank when one’s rage kicks in
Focusing only on the present without thinking of future repercussions
Being unable to let go of past slights or injuries; wanting to even things up
Using one’s strength and power to prove one’s dominance over others
Rage, Excitement, Eagerness, Determination

OBSESSIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Fixated; being subject to recurring thoughts that take over
A mental disorder
The need to control
A life-altering loss or trauma
Fear of failure or loss
Fear of making a mistake
Emotional extremes (love, hate, fear, etc.)
Constantly thinking about the source of one’s obsession
Focusing on one thing and building a life around it (a love of trains, fear of germs, etc.)
Rationalizing one’s obsession to others: "If I shake hands, I’ll get a disease."
Having ideas that take root and won’t let go
Thoughts that won’t turn off (anorexics obsessing about weight and food, etc.)
Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
Extreme protectiveness of anything to do with the obsession
Losing sense of one’s identity because the obsession takes over
Needing to touch or hold a symbol of one’s obsession
Stalking (if the obsession is a person)
Attributing emotions to a possession or thing
Feelings of self-loathing or disgust
Losing one’s job, income, or family as the obsession gains control over one’s life
Pulling away from family and friends
Making personal sacrifices to devote more time and energy to one’s obsession
Changing one’s routine to accommodate the obsession
Latching onto a specific thing or activity and shutting out everything else
Worry, Paranoia, Love, Fear, Desire, Anxiety

POSSESSIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Needing to own (a thing) or dominate (a subject)
Low self-esteem
Fear of being alone
Using the I’m doing this for your own good excuse
Encouraging codependency in an effort to control the subject
Irrational suspicion and jealousy
Showing strong affection for the loved one
Controlling who the subject sees and when
Checking up on the person (following him at lunch, reading his personal email, etc.)
Utilizing emotional blackmail: "Quit hanging out with Barry, or it’s over!"
Offering compliments and gifts to the subject
Showing undue concern and attentiveness for the subject
Believing one knows the subject’s needs best
Needing to know where the person is and what they are doing at all times
Not respecting boundaries or privacy
Obsessive behavior regarding a person or thing
Calling, dropping by, or texting more than is reasonable
Objectifying people to use or manipulate them
Growing angry if the subject makes independent decisions

JEALOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Characterized by suspicion and envy
Experiencing painful betrayals in one’s past
A fear of losing what one has (a material item, person, job, position, prestige, etc.)
Sabotaging a rival
Following, stalking, or gathering information about a rival
Being obsessed to the point of it interfering with one’s other relationships or job
Striving harder to maintain one’s advantage
Dissatisfaction with what one has
Good moods that wane quickly
Difficulty resting, relaxing, or turning one’s thoughts to other things
Comparing oneself to others
Planning a rival’s defeat
Discrediting one’s rivals
Being mean and petty
Physically attacking a possible competitor
Being plagued by doubts that a friend or loved one is loyal
Accusing others of betrayal
Refusing to acknowledge a rival’s positive qualities or skills
Putting others down to build oneself up
Becoming obsessed with the rival
Telling others about the rival’s faults and flaws
An inability to fully enjoy one’s accomplishments in other areas
Trying to outdo the rival in other areas in an effort to even the score
Irrational thoughts, arguments, and actions
Possessively guarding one’s things
Becoming clingy or controlling
Constantly checking to see if one is still on top
Adoration, Anger, Anxiety, Defensiveness, Desire, Determination, Hatred, Insecurity, Jealousy, Paranoia, Resentment, Suspicion

GULLIBLEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Easily misled or duped
Living in denial; an unwillingness to see corruption and falsehood
Believing whatever anyone says
Not checking people’s facts
Giving money to strangers who claim to be in need
Being taken in by swindlers and cheats
Showing a lack of discernment; not being able to read people
Trusting others to do what they say they’ll do
Believing a liar even when he has proven himself untrustworthy
Being easily swayed
Wanting to see the best in people
Believing in second (and third, fourth, etc.) chances
Having a strong faith; easily trusting in something without proof
Insecurity over what one knows or what one can accomplish independently
Making excuses for those who have proven untrustworthy
Allowing others to make decisions and trusting that they will make the right ones
Being satisfied with the information one is given and rarely requesting more
Viewing people who speak with conviction as experts
Blindly showing respect for authority
Believing someone’s excuses, no matter how illogical
Easily forgiving others
Having a helpful, cheerful, or optimistic attitude
Letting go of stress or worry if others indicate that things will be all right
Amazement, Confusion, Eagerness, Happiness, Hopefulness, Satisfaction

NEEDYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Emotionally fragile; requiring constant attention and support
Anxiety disorders
Low self-worth; a need for constant reassurance
Deep insecurity
A traumatizing past event
Sharing worries and fears with others in an effort to lessen the burden
Seeking frequent reassurance
Working to insert oneself into the personal lives of others
Exhibiting unhealthy levels of trust for one’s loved ones and friends
Perfectionist tendencies; needing everything to be just so in order to avoid anxiety
Feeling abandoned when others aren’t around
Talking often about one’s own problems and circumstances
Making others feel valued and strong in an effort to win favor and tighten bonds
Sharing one’s secrets, hopes, and desires
Not respecting the boundaries and privacy of others
Engaging in comforting routines (going to ball games together, establishing a movie night)
Arranging get-togethers so there is always something to look forward to
Wanting to be taken care of and loved
Wanting to spend every minute with the person who makes one feel complete
Smothering others; draining their energy with one’s neediness
Desiring one’s relationships to be stronger and more intimate
Feeling relaxed and happy in the company of friends
Offering compliments
Tying one’s own value to others: I’ve supported Bill all the way, and look at him now!
Frequent phoning and texting
Feeling overwhelmed if the subject of one’s clinginess isn’t around
Anxiety, Disappointment, Doubt, Fear, Nervousness, Worry

SUBSERVIENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Extremely compliant and obedient
A lack of self-esteem; believing that worth is gained solely by serving others
A desperate need for acceptance, love, or inclusion
A history of codependence
A fear of losing the favor of others
Desiring to make up for a perceived failing in the past
Not thinking for oneself
Following orders without question
Never disagreeing with those in charge
Adopting the opinions of the person being served
Living in fear of doing something wrong or upsetting those in charge
Blind loyalty
Believing in something bigger than oneself and being willing to sacrifice for it
Difficulty making independent decisions
Obsessing over what one’s idol thinks and feels
Striving to meet unrealistic expectations
Jumping to the defense of the person in charge
Setting poor boundaries within relationships; having an unhealthy attachment to others
Incessantly worrying and obsessing about the person one idolizes
Growing upset if too much time has passed without seeing the person one is committed to serve
Being eager to please
Neglecting one’s health
Putting one’s wants and needs aside in order to serve others
Feeling guilt when thinking of oneself
Becoming indignant when someone disrespects the person in charge
Measuring one’s success by the success of the people one serves
Anxiety, Denial, Guilt, Insecurity, Uncertainty, Unease

FANATICALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Overly enthusiastic and blindly devoted
The unswerving belief that one’s opinion is right and just
A mental imbalance or mania
The need to belong to a group or be a part of something
Extreme dedication and loyalty to a cause, belief, person, group, or team
Gathering with like-minded people
Expressing disdain, scorn, or anger when differing opinions are offered
Wearing clothing that reflects one’s loyalty (team jerseys, concert t-shirts, etc.)
Altering one’s appearance to look more like the object of one’s fanaticism
Not thinking for oneself
Strictly adhering to a list of rules or regulations
Judging people based on their alliances
Blind loyalty; accepting everything coming from the source as truth
Collecting memorabilia (posters, knickknacks, religious artifacts, etc.)
Making personal sacrifices to show support (boycotting businesses, abstaining from activities)
Dedicating a large amount of time to activities revolving around the object of one’s fanaticism
Paranoia and obsession
Becoming violent toward those who disagree
Using manipulation, brainwashing, fear, and other unsavory techniques to win people over
Withdrawing from any portion of society that doesn’t share one’s beliefs
Believing that the ends justify the means (deceit, breaking the law, terrorism, etc.)
Spying on fellow members to make sure they’re behaving appropriately
Experiencing rage, despair, or grief when the object of one’s fanaticism is brought low
Feeling anxiety when the source of one’s devotion experiences setbacks or difficulties
Inciting riots as a way of creating fervor for one’s cause
Adoration, Amazement, Contempt, Determination, Excitement


BOLDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having an intrepid spirit



Refusing to be a people pleaser


Handling stress and adversity head-on

Encouraging others to go after their dreams

Not being fazed by rejection or failure; bouncing back quickly

Looking within to determine what one really wants, then pursuing it

Being goal oriented

Embracing innovation

Not caring what others think

Having strong convictions

Not being held back by fear

Challenging rules or conditions that don’t make sense

Taking responsibility without hesitation

Being one’s own advocate

Having a strong gut instinct

Pushing limits and boundaries

Not beating around the bush

Openness and transparency

Coming up with unconventional solutions

Speaking one’s mind even when one’s opinion isn’t popular

Enthusiasm; being energetic


Taking risks

Being highly extroverted

Acting in a way that inspires others; leading by example

Making decisions without hesitation

Being the first to speak with or greet others

Having open body posture

Taking the initiative (planning events, making suggestions, flirting, etc.)


Confidence, Desire, Determination, Eagerness, Hopefulness, Pride

AMBITIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Driven by the desire to achieve a particular goal


Confidence and pride

Being a passionate person; having big dreams

A fear of failure

Needing to prove oneself to others or desiring to leave behind a legacy

Having ambitious parents

Sibling or peer rivalry




Seeking out education or training; honing the skills needed for achievement

Choosing to spend time with people who can help one become successful

Working overtime or during holidays to get ahead

Thinking “big”

Not being overly fazed by setbacks; refocusing and moving past them

Not allowing fears or worries to limit oneself

Being competitive with others

Taking risks

Calling in favors

Embracing hard work

Ignoring friendships in favor of working toward a goal

Taking on greater responsibilities

Being highly organized

Prioritizing one’s needs

Having strong willpower

Tackling tasks that others avoid or feel are beyond them

Learning quickly from one’s mistakes instead of dwelling on them

Breaking down big goals into smaller milestones to mark one’s progress

Researching what one will need; making a plan for success

Using others who achieved ambitious goals as role models

Not being satisfied with the status quo

Making choices that lead to fulfilling one’s goals


Anticipation, Confidence, Determination, Hopefulness

CONFIDENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Being fully assured of oneself


Being talented or gifted in some way

Growing up in a loving, affirming environment

Not being overly concerned with what others think; being happy with oneself


Not always knowing one’s limitations

Taking compliments well

Focusing on what is within one’s control to change

Educating oneself so as to become more competent in a given area

Finding solutions to problems instead of being stymied by them

Not being swayed by others

Knowing what one believes and standing firm on those values

Striking out on one’s own, if necessary

Not being intimidated by someone’s power, stature, or wealth

Being assertive

Walking with purpose

Looking people in the eye

Standing tall with the shoulders back


Amusement, Curiosity, Eagerness, Happiness, Satisfaction

DECISIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having the ability to make quick, efficient decisions; lacking hesitation


Bearing responsibility from a young age

Having control issues

Having absent or reluctant parents


Acquiring knowledge or skills to make informed decisions

Seeing things as black or white

Asking pointed questions: "Can you guarantee that timeline?"


Taking advantage of opportunities

Feeling anger or frustration if one makes a mistake

Accepting responsibility and learning from one’s missteps


Trusting one’s gut instinct


Taking risks

Having confidence and self-esteem


Having a strong work ethic

Being strong-willed

Fully committing to every decision; not second-guessing oneself

Disliking ambiguity

Becoming frustrated with people who can’t commit or make decisions

Placing the mission before other people’s emotions


Confidence, Determination, Impatience, Irritation, Scorn

UNINHIBITEDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Not restricted or restrained by societal or psychological norms


Being content with oneself

Being free-spirited

A history of not fitting in

Being hurt by society or authorities in the past and choosing to defy them in the present


Adventurousness and a willingness to explore everything


Taking pride in one’s uniqueness

Intentionally pushing the boundary of what’s acceptable

Being willing to move, travel, and try new things

Avoiding toxic or needy relationships

Deliberately doing things to embarrass others

Making fun of those who are uptight or reserved

Freely speaking one’s mind

Flouting laws and rules

Going against the flow

Using a loud voice

Asking questions of those in authority

Not being a blind follower

Wanting to know the reasoning behind rules or judgments

Laughing boisterously

Ignoring criticism and scorn

Wearing unconventional clothing and hairstyles

Not being overly concerned with what others think

Talking freely about subjects that some consider taboo (sex, drug use, religion, etc.)

Having a carefree, easygoing attitude

Supporting others in loud, public ways (singing karaoke with a friend to afraid to go up alone)

Participating in activities that are frowned upon (skinny-dipping, etc.)

Happily doing things alone if no one else will join in

WITTYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having intellectual capacity marked by clever humor


A desire for acceptance or admiration


A desire for control; using one’s intellectual prowess to put others in their place

Having a strong sense of humor or dry observation that is combined with quick thought


Making jokes based on high intellect

Always having the last word

Quick thinking

Naturally seeing the humorous side of things

Reading into what people say; naturally spotting double meanings

Making observations that are ironic and humorous that others never considered

Admiring other quick wits

Playing with words; showing an interest in vocabulary

Delivering jokes with a deadpan expression or minimal movements

Competitiveness; engaging in a battle of wits with other witty people

Thinking creatively


Speaking in a carefree tone, as if wittiness comes naturally without a lot of work

Knowing one’s context; tailoring quips to one’s audience

Using comparisons to be humorous

Taking in what others say

Passive-aggressive behavior

Using one’s wit to chastise or reprimand others


Pride, Happiness, Confidence, Amusement

PROTECTIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise the persons or items in one’s charge


Being responsible for others (one’s younger siblings, etc.) at an early age

Exposure to “lean” times (where water, food, or shelter is scarce)

Proximity to danger or corruption where one must defend one’s resources

Having struggled in the past to provide for one’s family


Providing information or advice to help someone be prepared

Worrying, especially when one has little or no control over events

Calling, texting, and visiting as a way of checking in

Being aware of danger and risk, and avoiding them as much as possible

Carefully watching situations that could grow volatile

Asking questions; needing to know details

Being in close proximity to the one needing protection

Wanting someone to succeed and working to help them achieve their goals

Being an advocate for someone else

Taking on more responsibility to help someone or increase one’s influence with them

Difficulty trusting others and letting go of control

Being wary of new experiences or places

Distrust of strangers

Being vigilant when it comes to friends or influencers

Offering strength when it is needed

Encouraging sound choices and decision-making

Protecting someone for their sake, not for one’s own best interests


Unease, Worry, Wariness, Suspicion, Skepticism, Regret, Irritation, Gratitude, Determination, Conflicted

INDUSTRIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Working with devotion and determination


Having a “type A” personality


Rising early and working late

Being organized, punctual and efficient

Researching and obtaining information

Spending off-hours thinking about work

Having high standards

Talking often about one’s passions

Reaching targets ahead of schedule

Competitiveness with oneself or with others

Using self-talk to encourage oneself to work harder

Curbing bad habits or behaviors to be better at one’s job (staying out late, etc.)

Blowing off steam to balance out tense, long hours of work

Studying the techniques of others who have succeeded at the same thing

Being restless between projects

Taking work calls at home after hours

Protecting one’s personal time

Rewarding oneself (having a beer after work, watching the game, etc.)

Sleeping less than other people

Feeling mentally and physically wrung out at the end of the day

Suffering from muscle strain and sore muscles (if tasks are physical)

Directness; not beating around the bush


Experiencing satisfaction from even small wins

Streamlining one’s processes to be more efficient

Shuffling appointments to accommodate one’s work

Practicing more if needed

Pursuing ideas that will improve the end result

Not wasting time or procrastinating

Adhering to routines

Socializing with people from work to discuss work

Anticipating what’s needed

Double-checking; worrying over small mistakes


Satisfaction, Overwhelmed, Impatience, Excitement, Determination, Desire, Confidence

PERSISTENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Stubbornly continuing on despite opposition, difficulty, or danger



Having an obsessive personality



Never giving up hope

Shutting out anything that counts as a distraction

Experiencing mood swings about a project, from confidence to confusion to despair

Becoming defensive when others express doubt, particularly as time passes

Poor hygiene (not shaving, not showering, wearing the same clothes, etc.)

Offering encouragement to others who are working toward their own goals

Strongly believing in oneself

Performing poorly at work or school due to a lack of focus

Giving up former hobbies and interests; cutting back on other commitments

Basing decisions on how they can help achieve the goal

Never giving up, even in the face of seeming impossibility

Not taking care of one’s health (having poor nutrition, stress headaches, etc.)

Becoming so involved in achieving one’s goal that relationships falter

Enlisting the help of others

Being temporarily crushed by setbacks but eventually bouncing back

Spending a lot of time thinking about how to get results

Becoming obsessed

Investing large amounts of money, time, and energy to achieve one’s goal

Growing excited when small milestones are reached

Making immediate sacrifices to attain the long-term goal

Avoiding people or events that could impede one’s progress

Replacing bad habits with good ones

Having an end goal in mind

Learning from past mistakes

Breaking a big goal into bite-sized pieces that are less intimidating

Assessing problems and coming up with possible solutions

Asking others for their support and encouragement

Making oneself accountable by sharing one’s goal and timeline with others


Worry, Frustration, Excitement, Eagerness, Disappointment, Determination, Denial,

TACTLESSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Lacking tact


Taking pride in speaking one’s mind

A lack of empathy

A lack of concern for what others may think



Saying things that hurt people’s feelings

Telling offensive jokes

Interrupting others

Becoming frustrated when one is inconvenienced

A lack of self-restraint

Pointing out another’s shortcomings: "Your breath is awful. You need to brush."

Not respecting the wishes of others

Frequent complaining

Monopolizing the conversation; not giving others a chance to speak

Publicly confronting others

Saying something that minimizes another’s pain or difficult experience

Giving one’s opinion straight and unfiltered

Saying whatever comes to mind

Bringing up topics that distress others


Surprise, Satisfaction, Indifference, Determination, Contempt

ROWDYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Boisterous and disorderly; a nuisance




Embarrassing friends or family with one’s antics

Interrupting others

Getting into fights

Egging or toilet papering someone’s house

Inciting riots

Intimidating or harassing others for fun

Showing basic disrespect for others

Inappropriate behavior (ripping one’s shirt off and shouting at a business cocktail party, etc.)

Belligerence, rudeness, and telling crude jokes

Being inconsiderate (playing music too loudly, smoking in someone’s house, etc.)

Defacing property with graffiti

Poor social graces


Happiness, Excitement, Eagerness, Anticipation, Amusement

REBELLIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait


RECKLESSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait


PUSHYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait


MACHOAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Aggressive pride in one’s manly qualities, including a belief in one’s right to dominate


A history of being bullied



Bullying others

Domineering behaviors

Competitiveness; having to be the best

Refusing to ask for help

Not backing down from a perceived threat or insult

Getting into fights and arguments

Taking excessive pride in one’s possessions (showing off a new truck or one’s trophies, etc.)

Eating “manly” foods (red meat, wings, chili, spicy foods, etc.)

Refusing to do “women’s work” (cooking, cleaning, shopping, child-rearing, etc.)

Playing noisy, competitive, and violent video games


Encouraging boys to be macho and girls to be subservient

Listening to aggressive music

Being possessive of the women in one’s life

Enduring pain rather than seeking help

Using anger or rage to process uncomfortable emotions

Reluctance to express intimate feelings

Being jealous of other men’s achievements (although not admitting it)


Confidence, Envy, Insecurity, Pride, Satisfaction, Smugness, Rage

JUDGMENTALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Inclined to judge harshly and unfavorably


The need to control


Categorizing people into “types” or “boxes”

Making snap judgments about others

Focusing on people’s flaws rather than on their attributes

Attempting to push one’s belief onto others

Believing that tough love will make people stronger

Being unwilling to put oneself in another’s shoes

Vehemently arguing one’s point of view

Having a holier-than-thou attitude

Intolerance for mistakes

Believing that duty is more important than freedom

Viewing anyone less disciplined than oneself as weak

Disdain for those who don’t measure up to one’s ideals

Assuming the worst of others

Difficulty displaying positive emotions

Being unsympathetic; believing that hardship builds character


Unease, Smugness, Scorn, Resentment, Pride, Insecurity

COCKYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Brazenly or rudely self-confident


Over-affirming parents


Peppering comments with sarcasm


Sparring verbally, mouthing off

Playing practical jokes that teeter on the edge of being inappropriate or hurtful

Participating in activities that affirm one’s prowess (sports, intellectual battles, etc.)

Pointing out the inferiority of others

Dismissing those one views as inferior

Expressing anger when one’s ego takes a hit

Extreme competitiveness

Becoming mean or defensive when embarrassed

Making excuses when things go badly

Refusing to admit that a competitor is better

Indulging in one-upmanship

Surrounding oneself with people of similar interests who encourage the cocky behavior

Exhibiting strong focus when one’s reputation is at stake

Adrenaline rushes at putting someone in their place by winning

Judging others based on their looks or skills

Obsessing over one’s image and what others think

Challenging competitors to duels and competitions

Avoiding situations where one’s weaknesses might be revealed

Striving to improve in the area of one’s giftedness


Confidence, Contempt, Determination, Impatience, Irritation, Pride, Scorn

CALLOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Emotionally hardened


Growing up with an emotionally unavailable or distant caregiver


Being task-focused, not people-focused

Believing that people who complain about mistreatment are whiners

Viewing suffering as part of the human experience

Equating “being in need” with “weakness”


Going without rather than asking for help

Pushing people away to avoid complex emotions that one is not willing to experience

Being highly logical and systematic


Doing only what is required for others and no more


A lack of empathy

Expressing frustration and disdain at the perceived neediness of others

Independence and self-reliance

A reluctance to express emotion


Hurt, Anger

ABRASIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Rubbing others the wrong way through lack of thought or care; irritating


Not caring about what others think 

Being issue-oriented rather than people-oriented 

Needing to be right 


Showing impatience with others

Speaking without thought, being overly blunt

Not respecting the personal space of others

Saying whatever one thinks or feels at any given moment

Causing offense or discomfort and being unbothered by it

Lacking emotional constraint

Pushing people too far with jokes or teasing


Being opinionated and judgmental

Exhibiting poor judgment when it comes to boundaries (going out with a girlfriend’s ex, etc.)

Excessive criticism

Needing to be the center of attention

Valuing certain people over others

Mistreating others through a lack of respect

Minimizing the accomplishments or contributions of others


Annoyance, Confidence, Confusion, Contempt, Frustration, Impatience

CONFRONTATIONALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Eager to challenge, argue, or confront


Believing oneself to be right and everyone else to be wrong


Feeling helpless or trapped

Having a compulsive need to stand up to others or defend oneself

Anger issues


Argumentativeness, verbal sparring

Striking up confrontational conversations

Seeking out, rather than avoiding, volatile people and situations

Always taking the opposing viewpoint

Deliberately making inflammatory statements

Extreme competitiveness


High blood pressure, tension headaches


A critical, negative outlook

Hiding all of one’s vulnerabilities so others cannot use them against oneself

Not respecting the personal space of others

Researching topics to prepare for verbal battles

Purposefully taking things out of context to wind someone up or lend weight to an argument

Watching for inconsistencies or sensitivities and then using them as a means to provoke

Talking over others, interrupting

Being hypercritical of others, their work, success, and failures

Bluntness; delivering truth as one sees it, without mercy

Picking fights to distract or mask one’s hurt or vulnerability

Using low blows or insults to get a reaction

Devolving to pettiness, insults and even low blows to win

Speaking one’s mind, unfiltered

Seeing someone else’s success as a personal challenge to do better

Watchfulness for irregularities or inconsistency so one can point them out

Acting aggressively, a willingness to get physical

Trust issues

Telling people what they should do

Jumping at chances to confront people on another’s behalf


Agitation, Anger, Confidence, Contempt, Desire, Smugness, Pride

Bad Boy

CHARMINGAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having a pleasing personality; being appealing to others


Having good posture

Being well-dressed and well-groomed

Having worldly knowledge that allows one to offer opinions and add to conversations

Asking questions to show that one is paying attention and interested


Inviting people into one’s personal space

Offering light touches while socializing

Attentiveness; making sure the needs of others are being met

Accepting compliments with grace and modesty



Amusement, Confidence, Eagerness, Pride

FLIRTATIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Inclined to provocative teasing and suggestive attention


Feeling a biological need to find a mate and reproduce

Being confident in one’s sexuality

Having a strong sense of playfulness

Having control issues


Making suggestive comments that can be taken sexually

Choosing a target and conveying interest through words and actions

Lavishing praise and compliments

Drawing attention to the mouth (licking one’s lips, playful biting a straw, etc.)

Entering someone’s personal space

Leaning in toward another person

Frequent and playful texting

Acting protective in small ways (walking a date to her car, etc.)

Asking for someone’s help or advice as a way of starting a conversation

“Accidentally” bumping into someone to manufacture an opportunity to talk

Touching the lips, neck, or face

Acting silly and suggestive

Enjoying the effect one has on a target

Trading numbers, emails, or contact information

Borrowing an item so one will have a reason to return it and see the person again

Tilting the head and giving a slight smile

Focusing on someone’s physical attributes: "I love your dress. It looks…wow."

Furtively looking someone up and down

Asking questions to judge a target’s interest level

Stroking the hair, exposing the throat, pointing one’s body toward the other person

Offering lingering touches

Light teasing

Suggesting a future meeting: "We should go to a movie sometime" or "You like Italian?"

Wearing perfume or cologne in hopes that it will be noticed and enjoyed

Dressing to attract (sexual) attention

Speaking in a lower-pitched voice

Playful joking


Amusement, Confidence, Desire, Embarrassment, Excitement

EASYGOINGAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Casual in manner and mindset


Being confident in oneself

Being naturally contented and satisfied


Being at peace with oneself

Having a go-with-the-flow attitude that allows one to fit in with many different groups

Having a good sense of humor

Being even-keeled; not being easily upset

Being free of most worry

Working to live, not living to work

Enjoying holidays and weekends

Making time for one’s interests


Amusement, Confidence, Satisfaction, Indifference, Happiness

PERSISTENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Stubbornly continuing on despite opposition, difficulty, or danger


Having an obsessive personality


Never giving up hope

Shutting out anything that counts as a distraction

Experiencing mood swings about a project, from confidence to confusion to despair

Never giving up, even in the face of seeming impossibility

Having an end goal in mind

Being temporarily crushed by setbacks but eventually bouncing back

Becoming obsessed


Anticipation, Confidence, Denial, Determination, Disappointment, Eagerness, Excitement, Frustration, Worry

INTELLIGENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Having a high mental capacity; cerebral


Losing track of a conversation when one’s mind is active

Puzzling out calculations in one’s head (determining taxes, etc.)

Having a noticeable flaw due to one’s obvious intelligence in other areas

Catching onto a punch line before it’s revealed (nodding beforehand, etc.)

Thinking efficiently

Having original ideas

Setting aside personal feelings so a task can be accomplished

Showing respect for other intelligent people

Being respected by others

Believing in facts over faith or intuition

Taking pride in one’s achievements

Seeking constant stimulation

Asking pointed and thoughtful questions


Adhering to logic and reasoning

Having strong problem-solving skills

Thinking quickly

Having good recall

Being able to focus intently


Having an aptitude for languages

Being goal driven


Confidence, Contempt, Frustration, Happiness, Pride, Satisfaction

AMBITIOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Driven by the desire to achieve a particular goal


Confidence and pride

A fear of failure

Insecurity; worrying about not meeting expectations or not being good enough


Thinking “big”

Not being overly fazed by setbacks; refocusing and moving past them

Being competitive with others

Not allowing fears or worries to limit oneself

Taking risks

Wanting to do better or become the best at something

Believing that things can always be better

Making choices that lead to fulfilling one’s goals

Using others who achieved ambitious goals as role models

Researching what one will need; making a plan for success


Choosing to spend time with people who can help one become successful

Using flattery or being overly polite when dealing with those in power

Calling in favors


Anticipation, Confidence, Determination, Hopefulness

UNINHIBITEDAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait



Not restricted or restrained by societal or psychological norms


A history of not fitting in

Being hurt by society or authorities in the past and choosing to defy them in the present

Being free-spirited


Flouting laws and rules

Going against the flow

Asking questions of those in authority

Wanting to know the reasoning behind rules or judgments

Not being a blind follower

Making fun of those who are uptight or reserved

Being willing to move, travel, and try new things

Participating in activities that are frowned upon (skinny-dipping, etc.)

Freely speaking one’s mind

Changing one’s interests, one’s look, and one’s path to find the right fit

Associating with those who live on the edge of society

Having a carefree, easygoing attitude

Talking freely about subjects that some consider taboo (sex, drug use, religion, etc.)

Laughing boisterously

Using big motions

Not being easily embarrassed

Being overtly sexual or flirtatious



Amusement, Confidence, Happiness, Indifference, Pride

CRUELAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Intentionally causing suffering by bringing about emotional or physical harm
Growing up in a survival-of-the-fittest environment where everyone was out for themselves
Childhood neglect or abuse
Role models who taught, by example, that cruelty was a pathway to dominance and power
Egging others on to explore the depths of their anger or rage
Name-calling with the intent to emotionally wound
Identifying and targeting the weak and vulnerable
Taking the long view; delaying immediate gratification in favor of causing deeper pain
Playing pranks meant to embarrass or demean others
Applying pressure (squeezing, poking, rubbing, etc.) to a wound or sensitive area to inflict pain
Victimizing others through arson, vandalism, and other destructive crimes
Befriending someone just to betray them later
Intimidating and bullying others
Using underhanded methods to get even with others
Spreading rumors and lies
Exploiting innocence, kindness, friendliness, and other dominant positive traits
Trust issues
Lying to someone to alleviate their fears, setting them up for certain failure
Using secrets and sensitivities to humiliate another
Harping on the flaws or weaknesses of others, eroding their confidence
Lacking mercy
Withholding information, help or support in order to cause someone emotional pain
Allowing someone to achieve something special and then taking it away
Anger, Anticipation, Contempt, Eagerness, Elation, Excitement, Indifference, Satisfaction

CYNICALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Having a disdainful mistrust of others and their motives
A past betrayal
Trust issues
Being raised by parents or caregivers who frequently broke their promises
Distrusting others
Voicing doubts or suspicion
Employing sarcasm
Complaining or grousing
Disdaining anyone gullible enough to be duped
Assuming that most people and organizations are looking to take advantage of others
Grouping with like-minded people
Looking for someone to blame when something goes wrong
A decreased interest in solving problems
Expecting people to break their promises
Refusing to be swayed from one’s point of view
Not showing surprise at the atrocities happening in the world
Believing that whatever one achieves doesn’t matter or will be taken away
Difficulty with change
Insisting on exact terms to avoid loopholes before making an agreement
Feeling uncomfortable around enthusiastic, optimistic people
Keeping one’s feelings to oneself; hiding emotions so others can’t take advantage
Being disappointed when good things happen because one can’t say, "I told you so."
Asking pointed questions in an effort to discover "the catch"
Anxiety, Contempt, Doubt, Frustration, Skepticism, Suspicion, Wariness

PROMISCUOUSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Engaging in casual sexual behavior that is not restricted to one partner
A strong libido and enjoyment of sexual contact
A desire for empowerment
Anxiety caused by feeling unloved
Fear of commitment and long-term relationships
Participating in one-night stands
Avoiding commitment
Sex for the sake of sex, with no emotional attachments
Being open-minded to trying different things
Playful sexual banter
Controlling a potential partner’s attention in an effort to gain power
Adding an element of risk to keep things interesting
Enjoying the attention and interest of others
Making the first move
Playing cat and mouse to heighten the foreplay
Not asking probing questions or getting too personal
Flirting in the workplace
Engaging in sex while intoxicated
Having multiple partners in a short period of time
Visiting places where sexual partners are readily found (bars, frat parties, etc.)
Encouraging “friends with benefits” relationships
Engaging in affairs
Anticipation, Desire, Shame, Insecurity, Excitement

RECKLESSAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Marked by a lack of proper caution; being careless of consequences
Being highly spontaneous
Goading others into participating in reckless activities
Giving in to one’s desires and whims without using common sense
Sexting or posting inappropriate photos online
Using stolen credit cards
Defacing property or stealing things for kicks
Carrying weapons
Gambling with funds that one can’t afford to lose
Diving off bridges or cliffs without checking for rocks or other dangers
Not taking safety precautions (wearing a helmet or life jacket, taking a cell phone, etc.)
Chasing the thrill of the unknown
Volunteering to go first in a dangerous situation
Breaking the law
Participating in pranks
Engaging in foolhardy actions (jumping off a roof, racing a train, etc.)
Chasing adrenaline rushes without considering the risks
Buying into the mistaken belief that everything will be fine because it always has been in the past
Being irresponsible with one’s possessions
Committing to an action and then following through no matter what
Having a sense of fun and adventure
Endangering others
Engaging in unprotected sex
Confidence, Excitement, Impatience, Pride, Smugness, Satisfaction

POSSESSIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Needing to own (a thing) or dominate (a subject)
The need to control
Fear of being alone
Not respecting boundaries or privacy
Having high expectations of others
Laying guilt trips on one’s subject at the first sign of emotional independence
Becoming aggressive if one’s control or ownership is threatened
Questioning the motives of others
Utilizing emotional blackmail: "Quit hanging out with Barry, or it’s over!"
Using the I’m doing this for your own good excuse
Encouraging codependency in an effort to control the subject
Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse
Irrational suspicion and jealousy
Acting unreasonably and demanding compliance
Showing strong affection for the loved one
Controlling who the subject sees and when
Checking up on the person (following him at lunch, reading his personal email, etc.)
Needing to know where the person is and what they are doing at all times
Unreasonable protectiveness
Feeling resentful of responsibilities that take one away from one’s possession
Spending vast amounts of time thinking about the object
Attempting to increase the subject’s isolation
Studying the subject’s interests and using them to integrate oneself into their life
Growing angry if the subject makes independent decisions
Objectifying people to use or manipulate them
Calling, dropping by, or texting more than is reasonable
Uncertainty, Suspicion, Love, Jealousy, Fear, Desire, Annoyance

SELFISHAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Overly or solely concerned with one’s own needs
Unmet goals or needs
Control issues
A desire for personal comfort
Rarely (if ever) thinking of others’ needs
Placing one’s welfare above that of others
Aligning oneself with people who make one look good or increase one’s influence
Being preoccupied with one’s needs, priorities, and goals
Viewing others as a means to an end
Acting altruistic only when there’s a benefit from doing so
Difficulty trusting others
Believing one’s time is more valuable than another’s
Experiencing anger or even rage when thwarted
Becoming petulant when one doesn’t get one’s way
Minimizing risks in one’s personal and professional life
Avoiding responsibility if one believes it will lead to failure or consequences
Refusing to be inconvenienced to help another
Difficulty committing to others
Using people to get ahead
Making excuses to avoid the things one doesn’t want to do
Keeping secrets
Being able to turn a blind eye to the needs of others in order to keep what one has
Anger, Anguish, Desire, Desperation, Determination, Envy, Jealousy, Pride

SLEAZYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Sordid and corrupt; creepy
A pessimistic view of humanity
A lack of morality
Enjoying how one makes others feel uncomfortable and unsafe
Justifying one’s actions by claiming that everyone is immoral on some level
Using someone’s weaknesses for one’s own gain
Making others uncomfortable through one’s actions (leering, ignoring boundaries, etc.)
Betraying the privacy of others (placing hidden cameras in a washroom, etc.)
Acting with a lack of compassion or empathy
Viewing people as sheep
Frequenting strip clubs and sex shows
Seeking out opportunities to take advantage of others
Criminal behavior
Having corrupt or perverted thoughts (abusing women, pedophilia, etc.)
Showing little or no respect for privacy or boundaries
Enjoying the debasement and humiliation of others
Exhibiting a use-and-abuse philosophy
Walking away from people in need
Feeling no social responsibility
Sexual harassment
Confidence, Contempt, Desire, Scorn, Smugness

ANTISOCIALAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Opposed to social order or the founding principles of society
(Note: antisocial shouldn’t be confused with unsociable, which indicates reserved behavior and a reluctance to engage with others.)
Distrust of social institutions due to negative experiences in the past
A lack of empathy
A dysfunctional family life
Insufficient emotional bonding during infancy and/or childhood
Having a weak moral compass
Substance abuse
Criminal or gang-related activity
Aggression and violence (toward other people and their property)
Rejection of authority figures (parents, police, religious figures, teachers, etc.)
Not feeling remorse over one’s injurious actions
Narcissism and arrogance
Activities that disregard the well-being of oneself or others
Dishonesty and manipulation
Instigating or escalating tension in volatile situations
Encouraging others to rebel
Difficulty keeping a job
Seeking out unhealthy relationships
Using kindness or concern to manipulate
Feeling validated when society or governments struggle
Refusing to explain one’s actions to others
Disdaining social norms, customs, beliefs, and traditional roles
Blaming others and society rather than taking personal responsibility for one’s actions
Looking forward instead of backward
Lacking empathy toward people or animals in need
Bullying or antagonizing others for entertainment
Purposely trying to make others uncomfortable (flouting the law openly, etc.)
Preferring to work on one’s own rather than with others
Reckless behavior with little or no thought for the consequences
Anger, Contempt, Hatred, Hurt, Indifference, Rage, Resentment

VIOLENTAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Using physical force to intimidate, abuse, or cause injury
Growing up in an abusive environment
A lack of empathy
Having a quick and savage temper
Exacting revenge
Verbal abuse
Getting into fights
Being fascinated with weapons
Pushing and shoving others; inciting conflict
Joining a gang
Using intimidation to get what one wants
Playing violent video games
Using weapons to cut, shoot, stab, or bludgeon
Having tense body posture (sweating, bright and hard eyes, neck tendons standing out, etc.)
Profuse swearing
Using one’s strength and power to prove one’s dominance over others
Excessive pride
Being unable to let go of past slights or injuries; wanting to even things up
Focusing only on the present without thinking of future repercussions
Allowing one’s animalistic nature to take over
Thoughts that blank when one’s rage kicks in
Acting without restraint or common sense
Determination, Excitement, Eagerness, Rage

COCKYAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Desiring attention or popularity
Having realized frequent, competitive successes
Consistently escaping the consequences for one’s actions
Having an overly confident view of oneself
Peppering comments with sarcasm
Smirking and sneering
Feeling excessive pride in one’s accomplishments
Adapting an air of fearlessness
Playing practical jokes that teeter on the edge of being inappropriate or hurtful
Sparring verbally, mouthing off
Participating in activities that affirm one’s prowess (sports, intellectual battles, etc.)
Pointing out the inferiority of others
Dismissing those one views as inferior
Exhibiting strong focus when one’s reputation is at stake
Adrenaline rushes at putting someone in their place by winning
Judging others based on their looks or skills
Having a tendency toward superficial relationships
Obsessing over one’s image and what others think
Getting in over one’s head and being unable to back down
Avoiding situations where one’s weaknesses might be revealed
Challenging competitors to duels and competitions
Becoming mean or defensive when embarrassed
Making excuses when things go badly
Refusing to admit that a competitor is better
Indulging in one-upmanship
Surrounding oneself with people of similar interests who encourage the cocky behavior
Extreme competitiveness
Showing off or boasting
Expressing anger when one’s ego takes a hit
Confidence, Contempt, Determination, Impatience, Irritation, Pride, Scorn, Smugness

MANIPULATIVEAdd Specifics Edit Trait Delete Trait
Attempting to influence the behavior of others for one’s own benefit
An inflated ego
Exposure to conditional love (especially growing up)
A need for power and control
Telling people what they want to hear
Using subversive methods
Denying any accusations of manipulation
Putting the blame on others
Using other people’s secrets and weaknesses against them
Asking questions when one already knows the answers
Giving people the silent treatment to make them feel guilty
Exhibiting highly emotional responses (anger, rage, vengeance) when one’s bluff is called
Buttering someone up before requesting something of them
Preying on the weak or vulnerable
Expecting immediate compliance
Repeatedly making the same requests until one’s desires are met
Not taking "No" for an answer
Reconstructing past events to suit one’s desires
Putting people down in attempts to gain control over them
Using threats
Living according to a dysfunctional sense of morality and ethics
Having a tit-for-tat mentality
Using another’s sense of guilt or shame to get them to comply
Flattery; using one’s charm to disarm people
Being confrontational
Distancing people from loved ones and others who might influence them
Attempting to cause people to doubt their own memories
Believing one’s own lies
Denial, Determination, Doubt, Fear, Frustration, Insecurity, Impatience

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Nerd Girl