Winged Warriors - Incorrect quotes
by @Reblod

Winged Warriors characters


Toril: Fun fact! The average person walks past a murderer about 36 times in their lives!

Louise:…how is that a fun fact?

Toril: It's fun cuz they didn't murder you!


Caelan: How bad of a person are you?

Louise: I take really hot showers to practice burning in hell.


Louise: I used to think to myself, "How could another person kill someone?"

Louise: And then I met Tychon and I was like "oh okay".


Toril: I’m feeling so hurt and shocked and… I just don’t know how to react– are you climbing out the window?

Louise, climbing out the window: Nope!


Psarrii: Ever think about how it’s pitch black inside your body? Your cells do all that work in the dark.

Wacaiin: Self-care is swallowing lit matches every five minutes so your cells can see whatever the fuck they’re doing in there.

Louise: No. Don't do that.


Louise: Do you have a plan to get us out of here alive?

Psarrii: Sort of. The idea starts with "run for it" and generally goes downhill from there.


Wacaiin: Plants really be like 'I do not vibe with this dirt' and die.

Jyoti: Understandable.


Psarrii and Wacaiin: We'd say that we're smart.

Enar: Okay, what's the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Wacaiin: Don't fall for it Psarrii, he's just making up words.


Louise: I'm going to hell, y'all want anything


Wacaiin: I've never broken a bone, which just seems too suspicious to me. I probably don't have any bones.


Toril: clicks pen

Enar: clicks pen

Asik: Stop that.

Toril: Stop what?

Asik: You're talking about me in morse code.

Enar: Yeah, that's what we are doing. In our limited free time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.


Enar, to Louise: That's exactly what we did.


Psarrii: What if instead of drops, rain fell all at once? Like, a two-inch-thick sheet of water just goes thwap, and then it's sunny again?

Louise: Fun fact, that is what would happen if there was no air resistance, and it would actually come down so fast it would kill us.

Psarrii: Oh.


Psarrii: Siblings are supposed to be a shield against life's cruel adversity!

Louise: Siblings ARE life's cruel adversity!


Toril: Louise, I love you so much. You're my best friend. If you have any final words for me, I will treasure them always.

Louise: You're gonna be sad and miserable forever.

Louise dies.

Toril: …

Toril: Dude.


Psarrii: Louise, what's a metaphor?

Louise: My life is a trainwreck.

Psarii: I know, but what's a metaphor?


Psarrii: What does "take out" mean?

Enar: Food.

Toril: Dating.

Louise: Murder.

Jyoti: All three if you wanna have a good time.


Louise: When I was small—

Asik: “Was”


Enar: Let me in!

Toril: Why?

Enar: So I can save you!

Toril: From what?

Enar: From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in.


Toril: I'd die for you.

Louise: Not to be ungrateful, but yesterday you said you'd die for a single potato chip, so I honestly don't feel that special.

Toril: I'd… live for you…?


Louise: I am, as the kids say, awake.

Caelan: Do you mean woke?

Louise: Yes, but that is grammatically incorrect.


Toril: Here’s a fun idea- we hang a mistletoe, but instead of kissing the person underneath, we have to fight them.

Asik: We are not doing that.

Althia, nodding: Mistelfoe.

Asik: Don’t encourage her.


Louise: I’ve only slept nine hours over the past four days, so I’m right on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Louise: [bites her spear]

Louise: This isn’t a kebab.


Louise: Yes, I made a mistake. Now are you going to help me fix it or are you going to continue to berate me?

Asik: I'm perfectly capable of doing both at the same time.


Wacaiin: HI!

Asik: Why are you shouting at me?



Toril: I have an idea.

Louise: A good one?

Toril: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Louise: If you’re fortunate enough, your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness.

Wacaiin: Not if I swallow this torch!


Kidnapper, holding Toril hostage: Give us 10,000 in gold and we'll give her back.

Toril, offended: You think I'm worth only 10,000?

Kidnapper: What?

Toril: Give me that. takes megaphone




Asik: Why would you give a sword to a child?

Louise: Caelan felt unsafe.

Asik: Well now I feel unsafe.

Louise: I'm sorry.


Louise: Would you like a sword?


Wacaiin: I HAVE A SWORD!

two minutes later

Wacaiin: I lost the sword.


Louise: That's ridiculous, Althia doesn't have a crush on me.

Toril: Yes she does.

Enar: Yes she does.

Asik: Yes she does.

Althia: Yes I do.


Wacaiin: Milk loaf, a gallon of eggs, and a carton of bread from the market, please.

Psarrii: What.


Reporter: So let’s talk romance now. Are there any men in the picture?

Althia, leaning forward seriously: Tell me every aspect of my personality that made you assume I was straight so that I can change it immediately


Louise: What’s Wacaiin doing?

Toril: He’s been staring at a snail for the past twenty minutes and every so often he just says "we slidin”

Louise, visibility confused: But why?

Toril, choking on tears: I don't know

Zephyr: I'm the older twin!

Tempest: No, you're the rough draft


Psarrii: [carving a stick]

Louise: What are you making?

Psarrii: A pointy stick to stab all you people with.

Louise: Well, why don't you just use the knife?


Psarrii: [drops stick]

Louise: I think I'm losing my voice.

Toril: Ha-ha, guess that means you can't yell at us anymore.

[later in the day]

Toril: Turns out, Louise is scarier when she's quiet.


Asik: Let’s just agree to apologize together on the count of three.

Louise: Fine.

Asik: One… two…

Asik: Three



Asik: Now I’m disappointed in both of us


Asik: knocking on Ryker's door Your Highness, open up!

Ryker: It all started when I was ten…

Asik: No, I mean-

Louise: Let him finish.


Louise: I did not get knocked out.

Louise: I would never.

Louise: I just decided to take a spontaneous nap on the floor.

Asik: After you got hit on the back of the head in the middle of a fight?

Louise: Yes.


Enar: Are you alright? You didn't sleep at all last night.

Louise: I got a solid eight minutes.

Louise: Not consecutively, but it's fine. You're not even that blurry.


Louise: It'll kill you.

Jyoti: Only if I die!

Louise: Yes…that's what killing you means.


Louise: How did none of you hear what I just said?

Toril: I've been zoned out for the last two hours.

Althia: I got distracted about halfway through.

Enar: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.


Toril: So here’s your tea-

Louise: For the last time, it’s called a mission report.

Toril: Do you want the tea or not?


Enar: All right, what time does the judgmental express get here today?

Toril: Louise gets here at noon.


Enar: If Toril and I were drowning, who would you save?

Louise: You two can't swim?

Enar: It's a hypothetical question! Who would you save?

Louise: My time and effort honestly. 

Caelan: How dumb does Louise think you are?

Wacaiin: She sometimes leaves me pictures of food instead of a grocery list.


Zephyr: Shut up








Brroyun: I think we should put something on the glass doors to make them visible.

Jyoti: Leave it to me.

Jyoti: [Sticks a napkin on the doors.]

Wacaiin, entering the room: Hey, a flying napkin!



Caelan: What state do you live in?

Louise: Constant anxiety.

Asik: Denial.

Krodha: Perfection.

Tempest: Valea.


Zephyr: When Tempest asks me if I notice anything new about her and I have no clue, I tell her

Zephyr: "I do. Your beauty surprises me every day."

Zephyr: Then I continue thinking about why cockroaches can fly but penguins can't. 

Althia: I'm pretty good at improvising weapons. One time, I stabbed someone with a brick.

Toril: How can you stab someone with a brick?!

Althia: I just do it.


Asik: I like my coffee how I like myself.

Asik: Dark, bitter, and too hot for you.

Louise: Where is my fucking spear?

Asik: Louise, there are children present. Use proper language.

Louise: May I ascertain the current whereabouts of my fucking spear?


Xenophon, to Louise: I think of you the same way I think of our parents.

Xenophon: Resentfully.


Caelan: You look tired.

Louise: I didn’t get much sleep last night.

Caelan: Were you doing something cool?

Louise: Does worrying count?

Caelan: No.


Asik: Have a safe flight.

Louise: I have no say in that matter.

Asik: Die then.

Louise: I will not hesitate to strangle you.

Asik: Can you even reach my neck?


Louise: Who the fuck

Asik: Language

Louise: Whom the fuck

Asik: No


Toril: You're so short Louise, what can you see down there?

Louise: Your IQ.


Caelan: Louise? You’re still awake?

Louise: It’s not that late.

Caelan: It’s 2am! What time do you usually go to bed?

Louise: 5am.

Caelan: You wake up at 7am!


Louise: 5am.


Toril: What's the first thing you notice when someone tries to approach you?

Louise: The audacity.


Louise: Yes.

Asik: “Yes, sir.”

Louise: No need to call me sir, General.


Toril, hanging off the side of a cliff: Somebody please help! I can't hold on much longer!

Althia, holding two milkshakes: I really wish I could be of more help.


Psarrii: A spoon is just a small bowl on a stick used to eat from a larger bowl.


Enar: Why do you say the things that you say?


Louise, in her normal sleep deprived state: Fill your body with cranberries so that the horse that kills you will get a sensual surprise when he begins to feed.

Enar: I will give the horse that kills me no such luxury.

Toril: It's okay I can add the cranberries later.

Asik: What the fuck


Louise: Zephyr, can I speak to you for a minute? In private

Zephyr: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that


Louise: "All due respect" is a wonderful expression because it doesn't actually specify how much respect is actually due. Could be none


Krodha: The year is 9. Some motherfucker be touching cow tits, and oh boy, he's about to invent cereal


Louise: I beg your pardon?

Krodha: Beg


Althia: You’re really campaigning for bitch of the year, huh?

Louise: As the defending champion, are you nervous?


Tempest: Okay, now name a yellow fruit

Wacaiin: An orange

Wacaiin: …

Wacaiin: Wait–

Psarrii: Even I fucking know that isn't right


Louise: At least I’m going to die doing something I love

Enar: And that is?

Louise: Beating the absolute shit out of someone who deserves it


Enar: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Louise?

Louise: No.

Toril: I do.

Enar: I know, Tor.

Toril: I'm sad.

Enar: I know, Tor.


Louise: What are we gonna do?

Asik: Don't worry, you're so small they probably won't even see you

Louise: Asik, is this really the time to be making short jokes?

Asik: Louise, it's never not the time, because just like you, life is short


Enar: What's up?

Louise: My stress levels.


Psarri: Bricks are domesticated rocks

Enar: Stop

Toril: No, let her speak


Enar: What do Louise, Jyoti, and Althia all have in common?

Zephyr: They’re strong, brave, good at fighting—

Tempest: Tiny, feral, and ready to throw hands with the gods.


Toril: General! Don’t let go!

Asik, hanging from a cliff: WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LET GO???


Jyoti: Only intellectuals can say these four words quickly: “eye yam stew pig”

Tempest: Oh come on, they’re not gonna fall for-

Psarrii and Wacaiin in unison: I AM STUPID!


Wacaiin: I know you can be "underwhelmed" and that you can be "overwhelmed" but…

Wacaiin: Can you ever just be "whelmed"?

Asik: …

Jyoti: I think you can in Fayrea!


Toril: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I too weak or too strong.

Althia: You’re weak.

Enar: You’re strong.

Louise: You’re stupid.


Brroyun: You sent a letter to Louise and not me?

Jyoti: Well, when you have a crazy theory you don’t call the voice of reason.


Louise: Please shut up.

Ignavess: Well, since you asked nicely, no.


Jyoti: You peasants, using a knife to cut a cake

Jyoti, brandishing a longsword: THIS is how you cut a cake


Jyoti: I am an expert at identifying birds

Louise, pointing at a hummingbird: What’s that, then?

Jyoti: Commander, that’s a bird. I feel like you should’ve known that


Asik: You look like a corpse

Louise: I’ve been unconscious for the past three hours to make up for not sleeping for three days


Caelan: How long can you go without sleep before you start to hallucinate?

Louise: Three days

Caelan: How do you know?

Louise, staring blankly at nothing: There's a clown behind you


Toril: You can lead a horse to water-

Wacaiin: But you can’t drink a horse.


Louise: At 5am you either feel like you can rule the world or like you've just been run over by a train, there is no in between


Louise: I'm what the Alteirans would call a "vile, ill-tempered and thoroughly wretched little creature."


Caelan: This is so cool! When can I meet the rest of the regiment?

Enar: Uh. Heads up, the rest of the regiment is….

Enar: I'm trying to find the right words to prepare you and all I can come up with is 'dumpster fire'.


Asik: Whoever makes Louise fall alseep will win 100 dollars.

Jyoti, holding a frying pan: Where is she?


Zephyr: [trips and falls on his face]

Tempest [choking on her drink]: Zephyr!

Zephyr: What?

Tempest: Don't do that while I'm drinking!


Wacaiin: I do not think, therefore, I do not am.


Psarrii: Jyoti now has an axe

Louise: This is ominous

Tempest: This is great


Louise: I may be short but you're still beneath me.


Althia: Do you prefer women or men?

Louise: I prefer death


Toril: I'm such an idiot.




Althia: If you're waiting for me to disagree with you, it's gonna be a long night.


Asik: Are you absolutely positive that you didn't get me a box of bees again?

Toril, standing a safe distance away: General, just open it.