dumb car accident idea

It's past midnight when we’ve finally finished. Jamie locks up behind us and we chat about our midterms on the way through the empty parking lot.

We get to the car and toss our things in the back. Jamie rubs his eyes and buckles into the driver’s seat. “Do you want to stop somewhere and get something? Maybe coffee, a bagel or somethin'? I think I've got, like, 10 bucks.”

“Sure,” I reply, "I have a five if you need it," and unlock my phone, pulling up my messages with Conner. 

Just left, be home in around 20 min k?

Jamie pulls out onto the deserted neighborhood road, whistling softly. I turn on the radio and tune it to a station playing obscure 90's music. We continue to talk, Jamie going on about his art final. My phone buzzes.


be safe <3

I send back a smiley face.

“Let’s go Green Valley, there’s an Aisan market by the dam road that’s open 24 hours,” I say.

"Alright, yeah." They switch lanes.

The sun went down long ago, and by now it's practically pitch-black outside except for the headlights of a few passing cars. Jamie hums along to the music and drums a rhythm with his fingers on the wheel as I gaze out the window. I used to be driven on this road to get to my grandparents' old house in the mountains. We pass a Rite-Aid that I remember has an ice cream counter inside; my grandfather used to stop there with me, and we would always get the same two flavours: butter pecan for him and cotton candy for me. I smile faintly at the memory and make a mental note to visit my grandparents' graves the next time I get the chance.

We stop at an intersection a few miles from home. I glance over at Jamie, feeling glad I have someone to be with at the end of such a dull day. They catch me looking and lightly hit my arm, grinning. "Damn, quit using your X-ray vision on me, weirdo. I can feel you staring!"

The light goes green, and they turn on the blinkers and proceed.

We barely see the car.

Before either of us can react there's a brain-rattling bang from the driver's side that I felt in my chest. I was jerked to the right, hitting my head on the frame of the window, and everything went black.

When I come to, I'm lying in a hospital bed in a brightly lit room. Tori is sitting stiffly on the edge of a chair in the corner staring at the television above my head, biting her nails, her eyes puffy. 

"You--" It comes out as a barely audible rasp; I cough feebly to clear my throat. "You look different without makeup on."

She starts with a gasp, registers that I'm awake, and rushes to my side. “Oh my God, Faith! Oh, thank God you're okay! I was--oh, I was so worried, I--" Her voice breaks, and she bites her lip and takes my hand in both of hers.

"Hi, dove," I croak. "How...what time is it?"

"Oh, that's--I don't know," Tori replies, and pulls out her phone. "Right now it's...5:30 in the morning. Conner and I got here around, uh--around 1."

"Where's Jamie?"

"Next door." She smiles at me and squeezes my hand.

I nod, then look back up and ask suddenly, "Does Liam know I'm okay?"

"I called him not--not too long ago, actually. He should be here soon. Conner's waiting--uh, outside...they would only let one of us stay with you. Do you want me to let him in?"

I nod, and she leans over and kisses my cheek before going to the door. She opens it a crack, pokes her head out, and says something, and the way Conner bursts into the room really makes me realize how much he must care about me. He looks like he's been crying, just like Tori, and there are huge dark circles under his eyes.

His face positively lights up at the sight of mine looking back at him. Holding back a sob, he practically trips over himself on his way to my bedside.

I laugh, despite the situation. "Hello."

He laughs too, despite the tears in his eyes. "Oh, dude...you really scared me, man, please...please don't do that again. I..." He has to pause to take a breath. "How are you feeling?"