alex comes out, feat. jonas

Alex is the last one out of the classroom when the bell rings, shoving papers unceremoniously into his bag. I wince at the sound of them crumpling. He meets my gaze, smiles faintly, and approaches me.

“How the hell’d you get here so fast?” he asks. 

I shrug in response. “I s’pose I just walk briskly.”

“‘Briskly’...yeah, okay,” Alex says playfully. “C’mon, let’s go.” Snickering, he jogs backwards out of the building, weaving between students; I scoff and follow. 

We catch up on the events of the day as we navigate the maze-like streets of our neighbourhood. I’m caught up in a story about correcting my history teacher when Alex suddenly interrupts me.

“Hey, this is very spur-of-the-moment, but can I tell you something?” He’s looking down at his feet.

“Er...of course, go ahead. What’s going on?”

Alex takes a shaky breath. “Well, uh, you’ve been my friend for a while now and...and there’s this...thing I ought to tell you. I-I trust that you’ll keep this a, um, a secret—ah, no, that’s not the right word—” He swallows nervously and continues. “I trust that you, uh, won’t judge me for this. If-if you don’t like it that’s fine, but I just want you know.”

“Alex, to be frank, I’m...a little confused,” I say. What could he possibly have to tell me that might make me judge him? “Whatever you need to tell me, go ahead and tell me. You know I wouldn’t think badly of you for any reason.”

He stops walking. I pause a few steps ahead of him. 

“Well then, goes, I guess,” he says and laughs anxiously, still looking at the ground. “I’m, uh...I’m gay.”

My heart skips. Then I blink, and look over at his face, which has suddenly turned an intense shade of red.


“Yeah,” he replies.

I let out a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.

“Thank you for telling me. And hey, of course I’d never hate you for something like this. You’re still my friend, and nothing’s gonna change that. Not ever.”

Alex looks back up at me, and his eyes are filled with tears. He smiles.

“C’mere.” I put a hand on his shoulder and pull him in for a hug. He’s just shorter enough than me to where his head fits perfectly under my chin, and I can feel him shaking as he cries what are hopefully tears of relief.